
MHA: Entoma

Just fanfiction about Entoma, nothing more, nothing less. . . . I do not own any anime or the characters in them."

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29 Chs

Watching over toddler

(Entoma POV)

A second ago, the little guy had left. The Master looked at me. "Entoma, I want you to observe him, just on his first mission. Then you can do as you please." The way he said it made everything clear to me, something like 'watch over my future body.' I just bowed. "Yes, Master."

(Narration POV)

All For One smiled. "Tomorrow, Kurogiri will pick you up. And I don't want you showing him the other humanoid bugs, and you are forbidden to use them on this mission. Don't worry; you'll only be with him for a while. Shigaraki must fail; it will make him stronger. Just don't let him get caught."

"Yes, Master." Entoma had an idea. "Master, can I take Ai Hoshino with me? She would be quite effective in attacking All Might. Do you want me to capture his expression on a foto?" All For One thought for a moment. "Yes, you may. You can go back now."

Entoma nodded and started walking away. All For One watched her as she left. 'She doesn't know yet, but now she's stronger than I was in my prime. Well, I hope when I take over Shigaraki's body, I'll be stronger than her.'


(Entoma POV)

I was back home, feeling both angry and happy. Angry that I had to watch over that little guy and happy that I could guard my Master's new body.

I looked at Ai Hoshino. While I was secluded in my lair, separated from the world, I started experimenting on her body a bit. The first time was a bit difficult, but I gradually got into it. I replaced some of her organs with those of bugs. She can stretch her neck and move it freely. Also, there are blades in her elbows. She even has enhanced night vision.

"I have a mission from the Master, and the only one who can go with me is Hoshino." Everyone looked sad except for Ai Hoshino, who was smiling and looking cunningly at the others. I just looked at her. "Hoshino, we're leaving tomorrow, so be ready." Hoshino just nodded.

I went to sit on my throne. There was nothing else to do but wait. Then, Apito teleported next to me with some board game in their hands. "Shall we play?" I knew I had no other choice. I didn't want to be bored. "Okay, then."


(The next day)

I sat on my throne when suddenly I saw a portal forming in front of me. 'That's Kurogiri.' I waited for a while, but nothing happened. 'If he thinks I'll just go through the portal like that, he's mistaken.' I looked at the others. "Everyone else, go hide. The only one staying here is Hoshino." Everyone bowed and started leaving.

A few minutes later, Kurogiri came out of the portal. He bowed before me. "Lady Entoma, I await your arrival to the League of Villains' hideout." With a gesture, he pointed at the portal. "Please, go through the portal. I'll be right behind you." I looked at Kurogiri. "Hmm, alright. Hoshino, follow me." I stood up from my throne and entered the portal, Hoshino right behind me.

I found myself in a bar. It was quite a contrast from the dark cave. The little guy was sitting at the bar. Giran was also behind him.

'What is he doing here?'

Kurogiri entered the room. "Please, young lady, have a seat." Giran looked at who Kurogiri was talking to and suddenly started sweating. "E.e.e Entoma. What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in a long time." I just clicked my mandibles. It scared him, and he hid behind the little guy.

The little guy just looked at me. "The Master told me you would come. What will you do?" I just stood still. One word was enough. "Observe."

I just contemplated; he seems to know something the Master told him. He's not as aggressive as before. I just sat down and looked at Giran. "And what are you doing here?" Giran looked at me in disbelief. "Your voice."

'Ah, he doesn't know I have a new voice.' I just looked at him and said nothing. As I stared at him for a while, "Sorry for asking." Giran looked at the little guy, who just grunted and nodded. 'Looks like he's trying hard not to lose his nerves.' He looked at me. "We need a large number of small villains for this operation. Thats why he is here." I just thought for a moment. "Hmm, and when does the operation start?" The little guy started talking. "In two weeks. Don't you want to help us?"

I just clicked my mandibles. "And why should I? The Master told me to only monitor you. Just because you're the Master's successor doesn't mean I'll listen to you, little guy."

I saw vein bulging on the little guy's head. He started scratching his neck and then jumped at me. I saw Kurogiri trying to intervene, but I was faster. Two centipedes shot out from my sleeves. One wrapped around the little guy, and the other wrapped around Kurogiri. Both couldn't move.

I approached the little guy slowly and whispered something in his ear. "If I could, I'd slowly kill you and then feed you to my bugs like a midnight snack."

I let them go from my grasp and looked at Kurogiri. "Where I'll sleep? I'll need a room for two." Everyone looked behind me, where Ai Hoshino stood, whom nobody noticed until now. Kurogiri just nodded and started leading us to our room.

Hoshino was a bit sad because we had separate beds. I looked at Kurogiri. "Call us if something important happens." He just bowed. "Yes, young lady."

(End of a chapter)