
MHA:Concept Gear

A soldier, conscripted for world war 4, dies tragically on the battle field…not After hearing a coworker drop a large stack of papers Erin Atkinson dies of an unfortunate series of events. Just like that 4 years of army logistics work gone. Well at least she got her MagikaVR account to max level, could have died before that and died unfulfilled. With a new start and a quirk that has theoretically limitless possibilities how will she fair in a world where any random teenager could have a city leveling power hiding inside them. =================================== New fan-fic following my dissatisfaction with my previous novel. I’m hoping to increase my writing skills through this fic. A slightly upscaled and more ‘realistic’ version of MHA. Expect hero’s to have kill counts, even All Might, and for the general power level to be higher. I guess this will be technically an AU as I have not seen the more recent seasons of MHA nor read the manga. So past the sports festival arc expect the canon to diverge slightly more then normal fics. Their will be no babying of class 1-A, Erin is a soldier at the end of the day and she’s here to take names. There will be a minor psychological element, not as heavy as my previous novel but still there as I believe that reincarnation and death will always take their toll on someone. I don’t own MHA or anything else except my OC. Cover art isn’t mine either the artist can contact me if they want it taken down.

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29 Chs

Chapter 2: A New Life - A New World

[] Speaking English

{} Speaking German

Everything else is Japanese unless otherwise specified. (I won't be doing honorifics)


It had been two months since I was born and I had finally begun to understand Japanese. I know people always said that English was confusing but personally I don't think I'll ever find anything harder to learn then Japanese. Of course I'd learned fairly fast, something I'd attributed to my developing brain, but it felt incredibly slow.

I had come to the realization that this world was very different fairly quickly. One of the doctors at the hospital had a tail and I'd seen mom summon objects out of thin air. Over the past two months I'd seen more and more displays of powers and strange features. I still couldn't tell if this was an original world or some kind of story world. After all reincarnation could have taken me anywhere and there was always the chance that I just hadn't read the story this world was set in.

Or at least I couldn't until today, mom had been watching the news and they where running a story about a group of criminals... or villain's? Context is difficult. Anyway the story was about a group of baddies who had robbed a bank downtown and then switching gears to the hero's, that one I'm sure I got right, I saw someone that was extremely recognizable... All Might.

Now I personally hadn't watched MHA any further then the first season but I easily recognized him. If there was ever a time that I had wished to watch more anime it was right now. I had only watched the first season and heard some spoilers, I had no idea about the arcs or any real in depth information about the antagonists. Hell, I barely remembered any of the main cast names. The main kid was named Deku...no...Izuku? The love interest was the gravity girl with an O in her name, the minor antagonist, who I always thought was actually a tsundere love interest, explosion boy. And of course All Might. That was about all I remembered as far as people go.

After all I was never too interested in the people of anime's rather the world and power system was always what intrigued me.

That I did remember, this world was set in the future following the advent of superpowers or quirks. It was heroes versus villain's while civilians suffer the property damage. Quirks could be literally anything and if I remember correctly around 80% of the worlds population has one. Racism and all that was still present but had taken a backseat to quirk discrimination. Animals could have quirks.. I think the principle of the main school was a mouse with super intelligence or something.

But by far the worst part of realizing where I am is that I could be absolutely screwed.

Stories with such clear cut hero and villain dynamics always result in someone trying to destroy or conquer the world. I had no idea if me, or the person I am now would be integral to the plot or not and if so then what should I do to ensure the good guys win? What if they don't win, what if by me being reborn and changing things they lose, or the original had them lose anyway to be a villain victory story?

I could be completely overthinking of course, but on the chance I'm not I need to be powerful. If I don't receive a quirk with good prospects then I need to become powerful through political or monetary means. I cannot leave it all up to chance.

And so with that thought in mind, I went to sleep. What, I'm only two months old I need my sleep.

(POV Change)

Looking at the computer screen I waited for the call to connect. Depending on what I was about to hear I was either going to sleep well tonight or not at all.

After running several tests that day in the hospital the doctor had pulled me and my husband aside to inform us of their findings.

(Flash Back)

"Mr. And Ms. Krieger I am happy to inform you that your daughter is completely healthy. She also has one joint in her pinky toe so she will be manifesting a quirk. Unfortunately in our tests for mutations we found something we don't really understand."

I looked over at my husband in worry, while most mutations are fine and we don't care what she looks like some mutations can be problematic if not downright harmful. An example being a childhood friend of mine who had to live in a tank for a long period of time due to being born without lungs and having gills in their place.

"What is it doctor? Will she be alright?"

Putting his hand on mine he asked the question running through both of our heads.

"She should be fine… see we found a rather sizable amount of energy bundled right behind her navel. It doesn't appear to be harmful at all but it does pick up on most sensors. We ran a multitude of test and it came back with nearly everything. EMF, radiation, radio waves, you name it it probably gave off a reading. It's all contained and doesn't cause any harmful effects as far as we can tell." Taking a breath the doctor finally stopped.

"Radiation? Is she safe to be around?"

"Yes as I said it's all contained so she gives nearly zero outside effects. If it wasn't for todays levels of technology we likely wouldn't have detected anything."

Looking over at me with worry in his eyes my husband quickly turned back to the doctor.

"So… what does this mean?"

"That's the thing sir, we don't know."

"You don't know?! What do you mean you don't know?!" Standing up from my chair I started to consider whether summoning something to hit him with would be unreasonable or not.

"Baby calm down."

Putting his hands on my shoulders my husband slowly sat me back down while looking me in the eyes.

"It's gonna be okay, nothing is gonna happen. Isn't that right doctor?"

"Y-yes, all I meant was that we have never experienced this before. Our best guesses are that something may set it off and make it.. unstable. We don't believe it will hurt her, her surrounding on the other hand…"

"So what, one day my daughter will just release a wave of energy?"

"No, more like emotional distress or maybe something like puberty may cause her to emit energy in various forms. For example, and this is really only an example cause we don't know, intense anger could cause her to emit kinetic energy while sadness could be electromagnetic waves."

"So what do we do? She's too young to understand how to keep her emotions in check and children's emotions are all over the place."

"Well we have some options, but as a doctor who has been working in this sector for 12 years you won't like any of them."

Coming back from my thoughts I looked up the doctor.

"What do you mean?"

"Well… quirk suppression tablets are an option."

"Absolutely not!"

Quirk suppression tablets. After some people began to complain about quirks getting in their way a more commercial way of quirk suppression had to be developed. The original way used for prisoners was quirk suppression collars but they were big and bulky. Tablets are a lot less effective then the collars, if you fight their affects then they are basically useless, but if you let them go then troublesome or uncontrollable quirks will be suppressed.

The only problem is they have been proven to degrade and harm the quirk itself, causing it to become weaker. I refuse to submit my daughter to something like that, weakening her quirk without knowing what it is or if she wants it or not. I could never do that. And judging from the disgusted look on my husbands face neither could he.

"Sorry, that isn't something we would do doctor."

"No problem, I expected that reaction. Honestly it's not a huge deal right now. When I said it was sizable I meant in relation to her age. Turning it into actual energy it would be around a car battery. Meaning right now the most dangerous energy type she could emit would be radiation." After saying so he took his files and stood up. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go. I wish you the best of luck with your daughter."

After walked out of the room I turned to my husband with worry in my heart. While I may have denied the suppression tablets it wasn't like I had any better ideas.

"What are we going to do Elias? I- I don't know what other options we have… but I can't weaken her quirk. I can't do it, I would never forgive myself."

"It's going to be alright darling. We'll figure something out, something that doesn't require those tablets."

"I hope your right Elias, because I can't do it."

(Flashback end)

Breaking from my thoughts I heard the call connect. Looking down at the grainy video of my husband I smiled slightly.

"Hello darling did you manage to get a meeting?"

"Yes, it took a while and I called in some favors but they let me see him."

"And? Was it what we hoped?"

"Yes, principle Nezu accepted our proposal."

I was so happy. When we were considering our possibilities for helping little Ayah's quirk we realized that the best way was to be able to turn it off. So we looked to the one person who could.

Eraserhead a hero who works at UA academy.

So my husband headed to Musutafu with a proposition in mind. In return for my husband enchanting gear for them we would be allowed to live nearby with Eraserhead on standby in the school.

"Thank goodness!"

"Yea we won't have to worry anymore. Besides it was about time we finally settled down somewhere. As much as I love the contractor and adventurous life style. Now we have a daughter."

"I couldn't agree more, I'm so happy this all worked out."

And so with our wishes of settling down becoming more of a necessity. Our lives moved on. It was going to be a beautiful new life with our daughter. I personally was going to enjoy every second of it.

Second chapter. It probably could have been better but it is what it is. I’m only doing this fast chapter release till chapter fifteen, after that it probably going to be 2 a week. Tell me if you have any constructive criticism or spot any mistakes and I’ll either fix it or explain it.

FallenVoidcreators' thoughts