

During what everyone believed to be the last battle, the one who would end all others, Duncan Endrik fought one on one against the Outsider, whenever their swords met each other, sparks would fly into the ceiling and the floor trembled with their power. But the outsider knew he was bound to fail, his dark and corrupted eyes could already see past the fog that tried to hide the future, he could see his death, his ending. But he wouldn't give up so easily, he was also a Caller, and he was willing to call upon that power to end everything not only for him but for Duncan as well. So he did it, he tapped into the void and brought it outside making Duncan frown and fasten his pace, he couldn't allow this demon that calls himself a god to use the calling, it could be his demise if he failed. What he didn't expect though was that the Outsider only used one word, chaos. When the calling began, Duncan's sword managed to finally pierce his heart and bring an end to his vile existence, but it was too late, the armies that clashed outside the tower could only stare at the ball of light that engulfed it. When it disappeared there was nothing there besides a giant hole at the base of the mountain. The Outsider was dead, but Duncan's fate was a mystery that no one could've predicted. ------------------------------- I don't own My Hero Academia. I don't own the cover, and I don't know who is the owner. Number of words per chapter: 1000 - 2000 Chapters per week: 4 - 7 If you see any grammar mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix it. [PAUSED] I'm having some problems with last chapters, and I need some time to reorganize my thoughts.

DreamSeeker_Lord · Komik
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8 Chs


South of Musutafu, pacific ocean.

A fishing boat was rapidly approaching the beach, the crew had sweat pouring down their faces as they turned to look at their backs, a tempest like no other was slowly catching up to them, the black clouds had purple lightning coming out of it, and to make matters even worse, they had an unexpected guest on board. They would've never foreseen that they would find a kid floating in the middle of the pacific ocean, he didn't even have clothes on him, they had to improvise and dress him in the spare clothes on the boat.

"Captain!" A man shouted with all the strength he built up in his lungs. "We won't make it if this thing doesn't speed up!" His words struck like hot iron in the hearts of the crew members, for the first time they started regretting choosing to become fisherman, why couldn't they take an easier job, like a janitor?

The captain, a man with the features of a shark and big muscles shouted with all his might, the veins on his arms protruding as if they were going to explode, he had to make a choice now, or they could end up dead.

"FINE!" He shouted to the man who called him. "Throw everything outside, the fish, and any other thing we don't need!"

"YES, CAPTAIN!" They shouted and went to work, while one of the crew members stayed with the boy and made sure he wouldn't get injured in the middle of this chaos.

They started throwing everything they deemed necessary out of the boat but they weren't fast enough, at some point, the heavy rain started falling on them together with the strong ruthless winds; the boat shook uncontrollably as the giant waves started to appear, seeing this the atmosphere became even more somber and they worked faster.

Whenever they looked at the sky their hearts would beat faster and pump adrenaline throughout their bodies, they couldn't understand what was going on, it was like hell's gate was opening in the middle of the ocean and unleashing demonic wrath towards them.

It took them almost an hour, but they managed to get to the port near the beach, once they made sure that the boat didn't float alone because of bad weather, they all got out and headed towards the nearest storm shelter.

When they arrived the police were already there guiding everyone within. It didn't take long for them to close the entrance and enter, the chief of the police was the first to step forward and speak. "Everyone, please don't worry, All Might is currently at the city so it shouldn't take long till he and the other heroes disperse the tempest, there is no need to panic." His voice was filled with confidence and had a comforting effect to it, one that was not natural.

But just as he said that the fisherman who was carrying the boy went towards him. "Police officer, please wait!" his voice caught him off guard and made him turn to look at him, after the fisherman explained everything his expression sank, and he started to worry about a possible shipwreck that could have happened at the sea.

He turned and told one of his subordinates to take the testimony of the other fishermen and put the boy in police custody while they waited to be able to leave the shelter.


6 years later, Tatoone.

The shadow of the buildings completely covered the alleys of one of the worst cities in Japan, this place that was only two hours away from Musutafu was completely dominated by criminal organizations like the Yamaguchi-Gumi, Kobe Yamaguchi-Gumi, and Inagawa-Kai.

The people walked on the streets covered in the snow wearing their winter coats, it was an abnormal season, this usually doesn't happen at this time of the year. In the middle of the crowd of people walking without worries towards their works or homes, there was a boy 1.70 meters tall, his face was covered by a beige hood and his extremely well-built body was hidden by the large black coat.

His steps were timed and seemed to follow a rhythm, every once in awhile his eyes would sweep the crowd as if he was looking for something or someone. "Duncan, did you found the target?" The thick voice of an old man came to his ear through the communicator. It was Satoshi's voice, the leader of the <Ten No Mukui>, a bounty hunter's group known overseas as the Heavenly Retribution.

"No, he must be using his quirk to camouflage himself, no wonder people call him the sneaky chameleon," Duncan replied while keeping his eyes focused, this was not his first hunting but it would be his last, this year he was 14 years old, by law he was obliged to enter a hero course if he wants to keep working in this profession.

After all, the only reason he's allowed to work, to begin with, is that he doesn't have any relatives and didn't have citizenship anywhere around the globe, it took him an entire year to prove he was capable of taking care of himself and use his 'quirk' wisely.

"Duncan, to your left, the guy wearing a fedora, I saw his face changing!" Hearing Scooter's voice, the sniper of the group, he turned to his left slightly, and from the corner of the eyes, he saw the man entering a cafe called Shiori's lunch & snacks. "Alright, Duncan, Scooter, you guys take care of the exits, don't let him escape! If he tries anything you're allowed to use your quirks as you like!"

Duncan and Scooter muttered a 'yes' and went to their positions, then a man with armor made out of bones entered the cafe without raising suspicion, people looking at him just assumed his quirk was the mutant type and ignored him. He sat down on the bench next to his target and asked for a coffee, the maid took his order and started working while he tried to confirm the man beside him was his target.

When they were hired they received some intel about him describing some of his likes, habits, associates, and family. It was the usual procedure in case the target was difficult to identify. Noticing he was reading the news, he looked at the cover and noticed one thing he could use to start a conversation.

"It's a pity right."

Hearing his words the man wearing a fedora turned to look at him and replied with a frown. "What?"

"The match," Satoshi pointed to the results that were published in the newspaper. "I can't believe the Urawa Red Diamonds lost two times in a row, those guys aren't playing like the old times anymore."

Hearing his words the man smiled and replied. "Yeah, those guys are making me feel ashamed of calling myself a fan, you know, my father used to tell me stories about them from when he was younger, how they won the tournament in 2007 and almost won the world cup that year, they were probably one of the best football clubs of japan in history.

"True." He nodded and stopped talking to pay the woman who brought his coffee. "So... Let me introduce myself, I'm Morikawa Satoshi."

"It is nice to meet you Morikawa-San, I'm Kishimoto Yuu."

The booth shook their hands and kept talking a little bit about their favorite football club, Duncan and Scooter stood in their places hearing the two talking with a sunken expression on their faces, this bastard was wasting their time just because he found someone to talk about football, he always did that whenever they were about to arrest a wanted criminal with the same tastes like him.

Finally, after almost half an hour, Satoshi said. "Well, Kishimoto-San, I really liked to talk with you, but unfortunately I have a job to do now."

"Oh, don't worry, it happens, if we meet again here we can keep talking about football."

Satoshi smiled and almost laughed, but he managed to control himself and say. "I don't think we will meet each other again, unfortunately."

"Why do you say so?"

"Kishimoto Yuu-San, you are being arrested on charges of criminal conspiracy, murder, r*pe, human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, and embezzlement of public funds. You don't have any rights and I'm authorized to kill you if you resist."

"What!?" Hearing his words Kishimoto turned and started running towards the door, but two bone spikes flew from Satoshi's hand and pinned him to the wall. He walked towards him and said. "Come on man, don't make my life harder, we all know you don't have an escape, my crew have already surrounded this place, if you tried to run they would have killed you and our reward would have been halved."

"You motherfucker! YOU WERE PLAYING WITH ME ALL THIS TIME!?" Kishimoto shouted with red eyes.

"No, of course not, the only reason I even talked to you was that we like the same football club, consider this as a gift from me, now come on, I'm sure you have a lot of friends waiting for you in prison."

Seeing Satoshi leaving the cafe with the man, Duncan and Scooter sighed and went over to him. Satoshi just nodded and they started walking towards the modified motorhome, their version of it was armored and came with some highly reinforced and electrified cages to ensure that their targets could not escape.

Inside the cage there was already another man in it, he had red skin that looked like rocks and was wearing a biker's jacket. They opened it and threw the man inside before closing it again. Kishimoto rapidly stood up and touched the cage trying to break it open, but he didn't expect it to be electrified. "Ugh!"

Hearing his cry of pain the trio laughed slightly, Satoshi went to the driver's seat and they set off to Musutafu.

"Who is this guy?" Kishimoto asked as he looked at the man with red skin with awareness, that man always had a smile on his face and didn't even blink as he looked at him.

"Him?" Duncan turned to look at the two. "You must have heard of him, Sudaka, the demon of Pallet, the guy who mass murdered 400 people in a single day, he fled the police for what, 10 years? Don't worry, he won't bite you, but he might try to kill you, so if I were you I wouldn't mess with him."

Hearing his words, Kishimoto started sweating as he gulped and took a few steps away from him, but Sudaka also went towards him, he looked at him directly in his eyes and licked his cheek, making Kishimoto slowly freak out. "Oh, I forgot to say that he likes to r*pe man, good luck, I heard that you like raping others as well so I'm pretty sure you guys will have a lot of fun."

Duncan patted Kishimoto's shoulder and slowly left the room, he even ignored his pleas for help and just closed the door behind him before seating on the couch and starting to read a book he thought it was interesting.

Scooter shook his head with a smile on his face. "You are always doing that Duncan, those guys we take to the police are always traumatized because of you."

"What can I say... They deserve it, besides, they can count themselves luck whenever we don't kill them, we are not heroes, we are here to give them heavenly retribution, after all, they are already set to visit the death corridor."

That was the job of the bounty hunter, they kill or capture criminals who escaped the police and the heroes and are already set to die, they could be considered the dark side of the superhuman society, as the founder of the bounty hunters organization once said, "We work in the dark to serve the light."