
MHA: A Ghoul’s Cover

A quirkless boy in the world of heroes and villains suffered constantly from the torment of his parents for his “disability”, it all changed when he awakened something that was horrifying and out of his control. Forced to take a decision of what to do with this “curse” he decided that becoming a vigilante might be the best idea, but it’s not that easy as it seems, as he will face constant struggle to control his curse and escape being hunted down by everyone at the same time. He also managed to get the attention of some unwanted individuals who might be plotting something dangerous. (AN: I got the cover from Pinterest from a user called zeina, I know it’s not a ghoul eye but who cares.) (This is my first story so please let me know what I can improve and I’ll try to learn along the way, english is not my first language btw.)

Linn_Guistick0 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

New day, New life

Inside Saki's house, the party had yet to die down as everyone was celebrating the joyous occasion. Everyone except one person who was worried about someone's whereabouts.

"Have you seen Oki? I haven't seen him since he went to take out the trash" Danny asked Tadao.

"Now that you say it, I haven't seen him in quite a while, where did he go?" Tadao simply asked.

"Oki went to take out the trash but he hasn't come back yet, I'll go check it out, he may be in trouble, I'll be back, wait for me."

Danny left the house in a hurry and ran to the trash can where Oki was supposedly supposed to dispose of the trash and what he saw send shivers down his spine. The trash container was crushed and just laying on the ground.

The only thing that comforted Danny right now was that there was no blood, but that didn't make the situation any better as Oki was missing. 'I have to report this right now!' Danny ran towards Saki's house ready to deliver the news and when he opened the door he was surprised to find a laughing Oki sitting besides Saki sharing some jokes.

Danny was frozen in shock, he snapped out of it when Tadao addressed him. "Hey dude, you wasted your time going there, Oki said that he was just buying something that he forgot. You look like an idiot now that he's back hahahaha!"

Dude, can you please? Danny still had his doubts but seeing as Oki was alright he buried them deep in his heart and continued chatting with Tadao.

Oki was talking with Saki joyfully before he felt a familiar tug at the back of his shirt. "Masako, what's it this time? Do you want to prank me with Tadao again?" Oki asked in a tone that sounded suspicious.

"Nothing like that, I just forgot to inform you that tomorrow I will move to your business school" Masako told Oki excitedly.

"Wow, I've never thought that Yori would let you take business, I thought that you wanted to be stylist, what's up with that?"

"Well… I was thinking the other day and it just came into my mind that I could create a business with that and gain a lot of money."

"You do have some big aspirations which I like, keep going like that and you'll have an empire and live life carelessly."

"That's my plan… Oh! I forgot to tell you that Tadao applied for the U.A, it's incredible isn't it?! He's aiming to enter class 1-A and become the greatest hero."

Oki was flabbergasted to hear this news, "I never thought that he wanted to become a hero, I mean, he has a good quirk and all but he just never talked about that. Masako I have to say that you probably ruined the surprise that Tadao wanted to give me or something like that.

"I never thought of it that way… all I wanted to say was to not be surprised if you find Tadao being the greatest hero in the future, see you around." Masako said before leaving Oki alone with Saki.

During this whole exchange Saki was just watching and hearing on the sidelines whilst having a calm smile on her face. Oki looked at Saki again and then resumed his conversation.

Hours passed and the never ending party at some point had to end, Saki and Oki said their goodbyes to everyone one by one and when everyone finally left Oki felt something warm wrapping him up. "Thank you.. Oki, go to sleep okay, tomorrow you have to go to school" Saki said before letting go of the hug and looking at Oki with affection.

Oki smiled lightly before turning around saying, "Don't worry about it… mom, I'll do anything for you" Oki replied hiding the killer look in his eyes whilst he walked towards the stairs and goes to his room.

'What a sweet kid, telling me that he'll do anything for me, I was right about taking him in' and with that being thought, Saki went up the stairs to her room and took a shower before going to sleep.

Whilst Saki was sleeping peacefully, Oki was thinking of a plan to kill everyone and get rid of the threat of exposing his identity. 'I'll have to be patient and play along for now… they will regret ever threatening Saki' Oki thought hatefully before going to sleep.



Oki, this is our base, right now we have no use for you, but in the future that will change as you will definitely become a useful pawn to destroy the symbol of peace. That disgusting Allmight, who does he think he is?! My master says that he has a plan, it'll definitely work and I'll get rid of Allmight once and for all, hahahaha!" Tomura laughed uncontrollably whilst he looked crazy and out of control.

Oki stopped paying attention to the crazy guy and looked at his surroundings, the villain base seemed to be okay. It looked like a professional bar, albeit it was empty except one person standing behind the counter.

Oki raised an eyebrow as he saw that the fog like person was standing there cleaning a glass whilst he looked at Oki, he looked to be wary. The silence between them was interrupted by a more calm Tomura who introduced the fog man. "This guy right here is Kurogiri a member of the league of villains."

"Now that I think about it, what do you think about Allmight, Oki? I'm very curious to hear your answer."

"I think nothing special, he's just a guy with a good quirk and that's it, if I'm being honest I couldn't care less about him." Oki said whilst there was this unseen expression of melancholy on his face.

"Allmight should be eliminated so that I can destroy everything and my master can be satisfied, don't you think that's the case? Oki."

"Don't talk to me like we're friends or something, your thinking is flawed and stupid, the worst thing is that I'm being blackmailed by someone who is very immature and brain dead."

"What did you say to me?! I will destroy every atom in your body." Tomura said before he quickly walked towards Oki in a menacing posture.

"Stop this now, Tomura." Tomura stopped and looked at a small television that showed the words "sound only" he calmed down before saying, "Master, this guy is making fun of me, he has to pay for that" Shigaraki looked to be very upset with the situation.

"Let him, be for now, he can't harm us and we will win in the end. It looks like what I told you to do was executed flawlessly, very well done Tomura, this is perfect."

"Thanks, master."

"Now, Oki, you can continue with whatever you were about to do before you came in here. Just know that when it's time, we will call you and I hope that you're there to lend us a hand."

Oki didn't want to stay longer as everyone probably found out that he was missing by now and wanted to return as quickly as possible. Oki left the bar swearing that he would not let the league of villains do as they please and destroy them.

"There he goes, you've done well, Tomura it's about time for me to start a little something that I had planned for a while now to defeat the symbol of peace, All might will definitely go down and we'll destroy humanity's future."