
Flare Wheel

( Spring of Life) (Kai's POV)

(Main POV)


I made my way back to the lake that I'd originally come from. What, you didn't expect me to just waltz right through the barrier and into the unknown world; quite possibly full of dangers that want to kill me? Wait, can I die? I mean, I am a metal now, so I wonder if dying is possible, or do I just lose consciousness, or I might end up trapped in that void again. Shivers went down my spine, yea I'm never going to test that out.


So, as I made my way back to my not-so-humble abode, I contemplated what I should do now. Well, firstly, I need to sap every bit of resources out of this place; First come First serve. And secondly, I need to figure out anything I can about the magic system of this world. Oh, and not to mention Mana as well. Lastly, I guess I could learn how to make the concentration of my metals high because my total volume is just too large at the moment; after all, I don't want to be mistaken as some metallic Demon Lord and be attacked the moment I exit this space.


My current goals aren't that bad if I do say so myself. Well, might as well get to work immediately; I sent very, very, very thin strands of my body into the earth as I sped across the forest. That'll hopefully solve the volume problem when it comes to absorbing Mana when I find more veins of those crystal-like ores. 


Arriving at the lake, I stopped at one of its nearby banks and connected my body with my large spider-web-like structure. Instantly, I could feel my body start absorbing Mana at a rapid pace. Well, that's another thing I've found out, my body doesn't absorb Mana as long as I'm not connected to it. Not to mention its apparent lack of radiance, glamour, and rainbow-colored light emitting from it.


I'm guessing that as long as I'm not connected to it, it will lose its properties and become like that - Well, that's interesting. Moving on, I resume my magical practices. Now that I've figured out the basics of Mana and Magic, Ima try something more advanced. A grin crept up my face. Creating a humanoid shape, I do a little bit of light stretching. Seems like my body's motor functions are all right, wow, I wonder how my body can make this despite my lack of knowledge. 


I extend and retract my fingers, before raising my palm towards a nearby tree. Another devious smile broke out on my face as I tried to cast a magic spell. To be more specific, a "Hybrid" Spell. I manipulated my Mana to create a small ball of fire, then another, and another, until there were 12. These are what I liked to call them - Hard Flame; a fireball with extremely concentrated Mana. I don't care if it's a lame name, it's just a fireball anyway.


Anyway, I then added a property to them - I called it the Brilliant Light property. It basically causes whatever it touches to light up like a, well, light bulb. The explosive balls of flame instantly started glowing a brilliant red, as though 12 suns had descended onto the Earth. I manipulated them to rotate in a clockwise motion, they spun at breakneck speeds, looking like a blurry, glowing wheel of red. 


They kept spinning, glowing brighter and gaining more speed as I gradually provided more and more Mana - being extra sure not to provide too much at once, lest they go haywire, which I'd figured out in one of my previous experiments. Soon, the fireballs - still small - looked like they were actual suns, completely lighting up the surroundings like a humongous light bulb.


Satisfied, I let go of my control on the Spell; in the direction of the unfortunate tree. It launched itself at the tree, its momentum being used to propel itself forward in a spiral motion, causing anybody who could look at it without being blinded to see a perfectly smooth drill head, converging at a tree. The tree, expectedly, blew up. It literally blew up, it seemed the Fireballs repelled each other when they converged at the tip, causing a massive explosion and the fireballs to appear behind the tree, seemingly unfazed, and continue their onslaught. 


"Flare Wheel." I proclaimed with a wide grin on my face. Hehehe, any man would get excited at the prospect of using such an attack. After all, men are simple creatures; Big, cool things = good. And I wholeheartedly agree that a man can't be classified as one if he hasn't at least once thought of doing these types of things. Anyways, away from the possibly controversial topic, I find myself in another predicament.


I'd started another forest fire, and it'd already destroyed everything in an increasing size from the tree; every tree in sight was gone, reduced to ashes.


Maybe I'm the true enemy of nature conservatism.





"After all, men are simple creatures; Big, cool thing = good" I really wanted to write "goog" instead of "good" but I decided otherwise.

Anyways, that's about all, if you have any questions please type them in the comments. 

Have a nice day <3

Takaiecreators' thoughts