

Appearing in a cave, Kai quickly realizes he is in a Fantasy World! Reincarnating as a Mythical material, Kai spends his time growing stronger, figuring out the concepts of this new world and learning new abilities! Having gained a unnatural but useful body, Kai makes sure to use it to the utmost extent to pave himself a path to glory and power! (as well as the occasional act of tomfoolery) Not to mention his inherent cunning and talent for manipulation, with his profit-prioritized mind and words that could make the defenses of even the most guarded man fall. All in the hands of a single intelligent little boy. Follow this boy - Kai - as he travels this new unknown world, watch him as he learns new abilities, use his cunning, rise in power and overpower his enemies! All as a... chunk of metal? (This is my first time writing so if you have any feedback or suggestions for the story please let me know) I saw that there wasn't that many good reincarnated as an object stories so I decided to make one of my own Also if you have anything you want me to incorporate into the story please let me know. I'm open to any and all ideas you might have :D

Takaie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


(Kingdom of Inca) (Within the Royal Palace)

A man knelt before a domineering man sitting lazily on a regal throne, delicately carved with intricate designs. The clouds parted high in the sky, causing sunlight to make its way through the window behind the king, causing the throne to shine a stunning radiance as sunlight washed over the gold throne.

This was the Ancestor of the Kingdom of Inca, Lucius Inca; The first generation of the Inca Royal Family. "Stand." His voice boomed, causing the man kneeling before him to tremble slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The man stood up, his bright blue eyes staring at the King in awe as he took in his majesty and grace; His sleek white hair that extended all the way down to his back, his regal clothing that fit him perfectly, and his white eyes that seemed like an endless void.

Pushing his thoughts aside, he said, "We have discovered a weird liquid-like metal outside the barrier of the Spring of Life." 

"Hoh, continue." Lucius raised his eyebrow, this was something that greatly intrigued him.

"Yes, Your Majesty. An alchemist who was situated at the Spring of Life has reported that they have found that odd metal. He claims that it is from inside the barrier, however, we have yet to confirm his words." 

"I see, continue researching that liquid metal, and report to me any results you may have. You are dismissed, Hugo." 

"Yes, Your Majesty." Hugo gracefully left the Royal Halls without a single sound, leaving Lucius alone inside his vast Halls once more.

"Blasted Witch, even in death you continue to annoy me. Soon, though, you will realize how futile your actions were. No matter how long you keep the Spring of Life locked up, I will take back what was originally mine." A malicious grin crept up the handsome Lucius' face.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Father, may I come in?" The voice of a young girl came from the other side.

"Of course! Come on in." Lucius instantly replaced his creepy grin as he welcomed his daughter with a charming smile.

A young woman entered his Royal Halls. Taking a glance at the flower pin situated at the top right of her dress, the number of petals told him that she was his 24th daughter of this generation.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." The woman bowed her head, her hands lifting up her long dress as her right leg gracefully took a step back.

Lucius nodded.

Seeing this, the woman smiled brightly. However, Lucius immediately asked, "Which one are you again?" Her smile faltered for a second, "Lily, Father." 

"Ah, I see. Why are you here today, Lily?" Lucius said with an unwavering smile.

"Well, you see..." Lily shifted from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable. Lucius, while domineering and indifferent to others, is much more lenient and friendly with his family members, even if he doesn't remember their names.

"I would like to be a part of the expedition group at the Spring of Life," Lily said meekly. Hearing this, Lucius felt like he wanted to cough up blood. A Royal Member of the Inca bloodline wants to be sent to do mere expedition work? Unacceptable. 

Right as Lucius was about to scold his foolish daughter, an idea clicked in his mind. If I send this girl there, I will naturally be the first to be informed, I wouldn't need to worry about the omission of details. Lucius' face returned to a charming smile.

"Why, of course, my precious daughter. How could I not do such a simple thing for you?" 

A wry smile could be seen on Lily's face, she knew that her Father had figured out a way that benefited himself, and she could only hope that she wouldn't fare badly either.

I'm trying worldbuilding for the first time, so do tell me if I have any areas to improve upons.

If nothing else, I hope you have a nice day :D

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