

Waking up to the bright lights of the hospital was like an optical constipation. Who told them the lights of the hospital had to be so bright?

Well, i woke up to a face by the chair. Girlie was still around.

"You are awake. Finally!" she says.

I'm too tired for a comeback. She presses the button by my head and a doctor comes in. He checks bla bla and told me it was nothing to worry about that i should be discharged the next day and be Okay in like a week? Well, i want to be Okay Now!

"I'm sorry about the accident Okay. I didn't mean for it to happen but you do have to work on your speed though." like i care? I didn't say shit to her. Then Donald comes in.

"Hope you good dude? " i almost didn't answer him but he is here with me since last night... so i pity him. "I'm better than i was."

"You ought to be careful next time. You are Lucky it was just bruises and sprains... it could have been worse." i looked at him annoyingly.

"She got into the way of my bike."

"You were overspeeding.. i was about to cross the street. " she retorted.

"I was on a normal road speed!" I shout.

"It was a street goddammit!" She shouted.

"Let me escort you home Ms..?"

Donald finally cuts in, he had been watching us bicker, I believe he wanted to know her name to tease me or something, but I wanted to hear her name.

"Never mind officer. I live Downtown anyway." It didn't pass Donald and I that she didn't say her name as my eyes meet Donald's.

"Is it Okay if i leave?" She looked at me. She seemed.... i dunno. I saw a face not masked by anger. She wasn't really at fault anyway. But no one is telling her that.

"Yeah.... you've paid for your sins anyway." I tell her serious. Donald chuckled, i don't know how he finds me funny.

"I'm really sorry about this. I didn't mean for it to happen." She says.

"Yeah.... next time look properly before you cross." Why am I mad at her? Yeah.... i'm mad at Everyone.

"Alright." She looks at me, then leaves. Why did she look at me like that?

"Well that was something." Donald says voicing my thoughts. "Stay safe." Then he leaves too.

And I'm alone again. Like it has always been.

My phone brings me out of my thoughts. I see the number was Joe's. Why was he calling?

"What?" I tell him

"I can't believe you are asking me what you last asked me yesterday as a greeting this morning." I keep quiet then he sighs.

"I'm sorry i called okay? Its almost 9 and you aren't at work and neither at home..." he says.

"You are at my house? Doing what?"

"I just spoke English dude!" He shouts.

I sigh."i'm at the hospital. I got into an accident last night." I tell him.

"Dude! What happened?, What hospital? What's broken? Man! Are you Okay?!"

"That's too many whats and too many questions. I'm tired. I want to sleep. Bye."

I end the call. I know i'm mean but people don't really care. They only fake it.... and the ones that truly do, life takes them. I sleep again and an annoying face took over my slumber.

Waking up, I find a strong head by my good elbow. Yawning I look at the time, its already 7pm.

Woah! Did i sleep that long? They definitely put something in that I.V drip. Sensing my consciousness, the head rises and it turned out to be Joe.

He came.

I would never admit the nostalgia I felt when i saw him. He came to check on me... I didn't Even give him the hospital's name.

The other idiots didn't come but I'm sure Joe told them of my accident.

"What are you doing here?" I'm definitely not gonna let him know i appreciate his presence.

"You are lucky this was the 2nd hospital i checked to find you... if I had suffered too much I would have killed you in your sleep." I almost smiled. Almost.

"Oh... did you just smile?" How do i know this fool again?

"Shut up you fool."

Then i told him everything that happened the previous night about the lady and about the accident of course. He listened to me intently and stayed with me all night till the doctor discharged me the next morning.

Deep down inside of me, I expected that Girlie would come to see me or something but that never happened.

Joe was with me all through as i recovered properly. As usual, Donald had snitched on me and Sheriff Jakes came to make my life miserable with his sermon and all of that shit of talking about letting the anger go. He just didn't know anger was so comforting and it made people go away from you, it didn't give them the chance to hurt you... well, he did pass me another shrink term.

If i said i called Donald and blessed him on the phone, i truly did.

He knows how I feel about talking to those shrinks or doctors... Whatever they are.

Why is it even a profession?

I can't just sit for hours and explain my pains and insecurities to someone that can't even understand a fraction of what I've been through in my life. They just sit down and smile through the session and pester you with mind tricking questions, manipulating questions to say what I don't want to, to admit what I don't want to.

So no.

I really despise everything about it.

As the days rolled by, I only had one thought in my mind, the vague lady that I almost collided with that night.

As I try to relax and check any updates on my phone for any events, her face comes up to my mind.


I dropped the phone on my bed and went to have my bath as I think of ways to forget the face that is desperately hanging on my memories.

I need to move on from the face that had given me peace in my slumber.

If the nightmares come, I will welcome them with open arms. At least I won't have to hold on to a light that would disappear anytime.

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