

"Hey Evan!" I hear Joe's annoying voice.

"Whhhhaaat?!!!" I answer exasperatedly.

"Chill man, I just wanted to ask if you will be down with the rest of us for drinks later tonight."

I sigh... having no time for nonsense and pointless frivolities, I look at him with the meanest glare I had and walked away. 

If he remained there, thats his business. I wonder why he is being so patient with me.

I know the other guys didn't give a damn about me. They all get me angry. Why can't they leave me alone?! 

I want all of them to leave me alone!

_Those that left me alone and him that's not leaving me alone! I'm an angry asshole. I know! 

Even you reading me right now, LEAVE ME ALONE!

I'm a sadistic human being. 

I get on Judy. 

If you imagine that as a sexual innuendo, that's your problem!

Judy is My bike.

At least my baby understands my anger that's why she roars as i accelerate... understanding me better than anyone else. 

And the memories come in. They always come in when I'm on motion.

Memories of the darkest night of my life.

Memories that has haunted me.

Memories that has shaped me into this person I am.

A person that has known darkness and fought for light that he is not courageous enough to accept.

That night...

They killed my dad.. they beat him so bad, then they held him by the neck and made him watch while they raped my Mama in front of me before killing her.

I still hear his shouts of pain in my head...

It's been my greatest nightmare.

They hung him after.


Traumatizing me for life.

I still wonder what they might have done for those people to kill them so heartlessly like that.

Then they made the mistake and grabbed me, they made attempt to take my life. 

All the darkness they just shown me came up. The anger came up and i got the strength! 

I killed them all! 

I was taken to a remand home...the first place I got my shrink therapy... Should I be grateful to the law for not sentencing a 10 year old to death?


They didn't ruin my life with the amount of mean and devilish foster homes they took me to.

My thoughts were centered on the screams of my mom, I had a nightmare plagued night and it completely ruined my day.

Just then i saw a female figure already walking in the middle of the road, i tried to stop Judy too fast making us both fall to the ground.

"Ahhhhgg!" i screamed! My leg was on fire!

"You asshole! You almost killed me!" I heard her voice... as irritating as my nightmares. 

"Did i just hear you right? YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!"

"I'm calling the police."

Pfft! Like i could be threatened with them. But i really don't want that to happen, not because i'm scared, but because i'm tired of seeing their ugly faces. I already got 10 warnings this month for overspeeding but she doesn't need to know that. Sheriff Jakes would just increase my shrink term. But in my defense, she should have looked properly before crossing the road. 

"Be my guest." I tell her. Never let your enemy know you are scared of something. If not they'll use it against you. And No! I'm not scared of the cops.

"I said i'm calling the cops!"

"And I said be my guest. I'm the victim here, calling them is gonna make it harder on you. You probably broke my leg and you broke Judy."

"And who's Judy?"

"My bike. Her headlights And sidemirrors are broken. You are paying to repair us."

"So typical! An opportunist. Looking for who to implicate. Now you listen to me you dumbass, I owe you nothing."

What a bitch...

"No! You listen to me you foul-mouthed thing, I am calling the Police and they are handling this. You are definitely paying more because right now, i want to go to the hospital. Who knows if you've broken something in me."

I don't know why but i found myself wishing i wasn't too harsh on her.. but hey, she has a bad mouth. But she didn't look bad... she just looked like she shielded herself with her hurtful tone. But that's NOMB! taking my phone from my back pocket, i tripped and fell hard on my bad leg.

"Are you falling as an excuse not to call?" She taunts.

Well, that's it! I tried calling Inspector Donald. He picked on 2nd ring. 

"What now Evan? " bored as usual. 

"Some girl got in the way of Judy." I tell him. 

"What? You've killed her? Oh no! You are going to jail for real this time bud." So typical. 

"Shut up Donald. I tried not to hit her... it was her fault, she didn't look well before crossing. Now i have lots of bruises and probably a broken bone. Judy too." I tell the idiot. 

"Oh shit. Where are you?" He finally asks.

"At riverine street." I inform 

"Should i call an ambulance?" Ewww too dramatic 

"Just come first. " I'm getting tired and I end the call. Girlie is looking so conflicted and troubled. Serves her right anyways. 

In 5 mins Donald was there. Maybe he cared... I don't care. Like I know he came with Sherry. Sherry is in "like" with me. I need her faraway from me as possible. 

"What happened here miss?"

"He was careless And almost ran me over." The nerve! 

"I want to go to the hospital and she's paying. I can't lift myself anymore." I was still on the spot I fell on.

"Well, I'm not paying for your mistake."

"He called miss. His word over yours. He is bleeding and his bike is broken. You look perfect. The best I can tell you is to just settle him amicably. Its better than going to court." Donald tells her. He is not lying though but I don't want him to help me. I'm gonna owe him then and I don't want to. 

Sherry comes close and puts her arms around me to help me, "lets get you a doctor Vanny"

"Dont call me that." 

"Shut up... attituder." She retorts.

Donald chuckles.

I looked at Judy... my baby... Donald assures me he will take care of her. I get into the car. As we drive to the hospital, Sherry just had to "care" for me by touching me continuously. It was aggregating my pain. 

"Sherry. ... my body hurts... Everywhere!" Donald laughs at me through coughkicks. 

We got to the hospital in about 10 minutes and I was attended to. They gave me some injections that made me dizzy in minutes. The last thing i saw was the irritating face of the Lady worried about me, she couldn't. .. she didn't know me. She probably doesn't want to go to jail thats why. 

Yet when the meds start kicking in.... her face was the one i saw and not my nightmares. 

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