
Chapter 45

“Look,” she started, “I’m not sure what Mathias might have said to you, but I, um…” Suddenly, her cuticles were the most fascinating thing in the world. “I kind of jumped him this afternoon.”

His reply was soft. “I know.”

Her head shot up, eyes wide with shock, but Edmund was still focused on the road ahead, his hands light on the steering wheel. “And that’s it? After all your warnings to me about him? Why aren’t you angry?”

Edmund snorted. “You’re attracted to him, and it’s not like you don’t know what he is now. If I’ve learned one thing about you, it’s that you truly detest being told how to run your life.” He paused. “And frankly, I’m the last person to be throwing stones about wanting Mathias.”

“But I saw your face when you saw us together at Birdsong. You were pissed.”