
Meeting Paths: Just Alpha

What would you do if a god offered you a choice, sell your soul for a second chance. A new life, in a different universe, with a power of your choice. In the case of our protagonist, he took the offer without a second thought, Watch him grow and battle his way up the ladder of power, trying to learn about his past and built his future. Give it a try and i would love to hear your feedback, thanks!

MotorOn · Filem
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21 Chs

17. New Man

Chapter 17: A New Man

"Master…he was actually the one who saved me. That pathetic demon tried to attack me, taking advantage of your absence! But this slave jumped in and protected me, let me keep him. He has proven himself useful to me." Illyana stood, her back turned to the unconscious body of Galahad, whose whole body had been charred black after getting hit by Belasco's lightening strike.

Hearing this, the lord's gaze lingered on her for a moment, as a light flashed in his eyes. Channeling his magic, he levitated the body of Galahad towards him, bringing him close enough so he could touch his forehead.

"Of course, my dear apprentice. But this time…I wont be taking any chances." With two fingers extended, the demon lord, touched Galahads head. Shockingly they didn't just touch his forehead but penetrated inside, while his skin was left intact.

Crimson energy was released from Belasco, responding to which, mystical symbols started spilling out from the point of contact. The spiralled around the unconscious man's body and settled, after reaching down to his back.

"Now, he will truly be your pet. Haha!" With a sinister laugh the lord released Galahad and gave Illyana one last look, before picking up the remains of S'ym and opening a portal to his castle.

The girl approached Galahad's body and examined it. The symbols had coiled, from his head, down to his chest, where they had created a whirlpool-like tattoo. From there they extended to his hands and legs, like chains that bound him.

On his face a painful expression, as if he was having a nightmare.


In a familiar dark space, Galahad stood still, looking at his feet. He knew that he had failed and that once more almost lost his life.

"I don't even have to say it this time…right?" His own voice came to his ears, lifting his slumped head, he saw none other than his own self. This time his alter-ego wore a serious expression.

No insults were directed at him this time, no harm was done to him. The other him, just approached him and stopped at his side. Putting one hand on his shoulder, patting him in consolation.

"It's my turn…I have let you play long enough." In a calm, yet pressuring tone, he stated.

Galahad didn't answer…because he too had this feeling…he wanted to know what he could have done better. So he let himself go.

The floor of darkness, liquefied and started consuming him. At this, he didn't struggle, staring forward with blank eyes.

"Smart choice."


"How long is…HAH!…this going to go on, Ororo?!" In another part of Limbo, a group of two people where fighting, what seemed to be an endless horde of demon that were rushing at them from every direction.

Johnny and Storm, had begun their advance towards the demonic castle. Their target to free Illyana and Galahad, form the clutches of Belasco. But on their way there they had met fierce opposition.

In the beginning, the numbers of enemies were low, a group every now and then. As time passed, they started increasing, drawn to them like a moth to a flame, more and more kept coming.

"Just…hold on! We aren't far…*Crackle*…*Boom*…" Ororo summoned forth from her hands lightning beams, burning to a crisp the surrounding fiends and giving them breathing space.

"That's what you said an hour ago! Ugh!" Johnny shouted and waved around his metallic chain, empowered by hellfire it incinerated anything it touched. He whipped it forward and created a path for them to pass through.

The alertness of the demonic world was increased, to the point where even a small fight could become an all-out massacre. No doubt, Belasco's doing, in preparation for his plans.


Galahad woke up. His eyes bursting open, a sharp look in his eyes. He looked around and found, that he wasn't in the dungeon any longer, but in a spacious room, similar to a suite.

And yet he wasn't laid on the bed, but on the cold, stone floor. His gaze landed on the balcony, where a girl was meditating, Illyana. Before approaching, he too, sat cross-legged and channeled his energy.

He found that his body has been fully healed and his power has increased even further. With his current strength, he estimated that taking on the transformed S'ym in his normal state would be no problem for him.

"You woke up…finally." Illyana had noticed him and came inside, taking a sit on a armchair, a bit oversized for her. She crossed her legs and gazed at him, who was ignoring her.

She had changed from her normal robes and was now wearing skin-tight clothing, purple in color, with golden inscriptions on them. Her athletic, slim figure was pleasing to the eye and would surely catch the attention of any man…well not this one.

"I am speaking to you!" His attitude annoyed the teenager, who shouted at him. This seemed to get his attention. Slowly opening his eyes, his hawk-like eyes landing on her.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" Spoken in a casual tone, those words angered Illyana. She was about to give her response when the man stood up.

Staring at her, he approached. Suddenly an overbearing pressure enveloped the girl, who was frozen stiff. It felt as if a predator has locked onto her and was about to pounce.

Galahad reached her and extended his arm, to which the girl flinched and closed her eyes. Soon she felt a hand caressing her cheek and a voice that said.

"Why aren't you afraid of me? You are so…brittle, it would take but a moment to break you." With his head tilted, he asked in genuine confusion. His query shocked Illyana and a chill ran down her back. She pushed his hand away and ordered.

"Get on your knees!" At this demand, Galahad was about to laugh, when a strong force compelled him to bow before her. He tried to resist and yet his body wasn't listening to him.

The symbols around his body glowed in an eerie violet light and he soon fell to his knees. Seeing that his binding were working, the girl smile, placing her bare foot on top of his head while smiling. (A/N: SIUU!)

"Me? Afraid? Haha!" Finding her courage, Illyana laughed while grinding her foot on his head, giving a few kicks as well. Galahad had yet to react, taking in all this silently.

His stillness confused her, crouching down to check on him. Falling on her butt, fear and dread appeared on her face. Galahad's facial expression was twisted to the point where he was unrecognizable. Pure anger and wrath emanated from him.

"You…DARE! AAAH!" He flare up his aura, that burst out and destroyed the furniture. His head moved, out of sheer will and locked his murderous eyes on the girl, who was having trouble breathing.

His body started bulking, veins bulging and the ground beneath him cracking. His energy soared even more, as his hands dug into the stone floor. He fought against the spell that bound him, which in return started shinning bright and fought to bend his will.

Smoke came out of the symbols, as they burned his skin, sending out pain signals, that infuriated him further. He looked to his sides and found that the armbands were still intact.

Pushing through the excruciating pain, he reached out and grabbed onto them, with a pull breaking them apart. For a moment nothing changed.

*Badump*…Galahad felt his heartbeat, loud and clear, so did Illyana. His head faced the sealing and with each beat, his body pulsated in sync. Small pieces of rock started levitating around him, as his energy levels skyrocketed.

The symbols started crumbling apart, not being able to handle the tremendous amount of energy released. Giving him back full control over his body.

This lasted for a few moments, during which another change took place, his hair…changed color. It was for a brief moment, but it became a golden blond with hints of green, soon turning back to normal.

With his energy released , Galahad clenched his fists and felt the overwhelming amount feeling of power he got, calm down. He stood up and neared the fallen girl, whose fear was evident, as her body trembled.

"Kneel!" And he spoke a single word, while a grin formed on his face.