
Meeting Paths: Just Alpha

What would you do if a god offered you a choice, sell your soul for a second chance. A new life, in a different universe, with a power of your choice. In the case of our protagonist, he took the offer without a second thought, Watch him grow and battle his way up the ladder of power, trying to learn about his past and built his future. Give it a try and i would love to hear your feedback, thanks!

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21 Chs

16. Taking Action

Chapter 16: Taking Action

"You!…Ugh!…I will rip you apart!" Currently S'ym was struggling to break free from Galahad's grasp. The demon didn't even have to react and transform when the man closed the distance and grabbed him by the neck.

"And how are you gonna do that…with no arms?" A confused expression appeared on Galahad's face, followed by a wild smile and the sound of flesh being torn apart. In the state he was in, his physical strength was enhanced many times over and with S'ym being in his normal form, ripping out his arms was child's play.

"AAAH!…Stop! No!" The pain overflowed the purple demon's sense, as he begged for the man to stop. The once mighty demon S'ym was reduced to this sorry state in a matter of seconds.

"Hmm…Your voice is bringing me a headache…" Blood was spilled on Galahad's face and body, making him look similar to a savage murderer, which combined with the wild look in his eyes, caused S'ym to shiver uncontrollably.

Further reinforcing his hand with aura, he pierced right through the demons neck and ripped out his throat. The sight was so gruesome that Illyana averted her eyes, soon fear taking over her as well.

The blackish blood of the demon flowed from his open wound, which with no hands to attempt to stop the bleeding, could only look in terror, at the man who he once considered to be nothing but a fly he could squat at any moment.

"Now…its time I teach you some manners…" Throwing the lifeless body of the demon far away, Galahad turned to face Illyana, who meeting his gaze took a few steps back in fright and tripped, falling on her back.

Her eyes were locked onto his figure which turned into a blur, suddenly appearing just a few inches away from her face. So close in fact, that his heavy breathing was landing on her face.

"You said you want to…KILL ME!?" Galahad was having hard time controlling himself, his powers chaotic nature made it extremely difficult to calm his emotions. The suppression of which, made his body tremble and veins to pop out on his forehead.

His bulging hand, fast as lightning, grabbed the teens hair and lifted her up in the air. She struggled to break free from his grasp and even lashed out some kicks on his body, with no effect.

"You will regret..*SLAP*…" Words tried to leave her mouth, cut short by a vicious slap of Galahad. His strength reduced just enough, so that her head didn't fly off.

"You will only talk when I allow it! You fucking brat!" He spat out in anger. He has had enough of this attitude of hers.

"Pff…listen! I was trying to be understanding…these past few weeks, but you have pushed me over the edge. So for the last time, I have come to rescue you…and I will do so whether you like it or not!" Releasing a sigh the man declared that, regardless of her choice, he would return the girl back to Ororo. Not because he wanted to play hero, but he had a debt to the woman, he wanted to repay.

The face of Illyana had slightly swollen and became red from the slap, tears ran down her cheeks from the pain, fear and anger she was currently experiencing.

Seeing that she had calmed down, he released his grip on her. He turned his back on her and powered down his aura, he had reached his limit. Anymore and he was going to lose his mind and start a rampage.

"...he is going to kill you…Eek!…You killed his favorite pet!" Illyana released a screech as her words made Galahad flare up his aura in anger, explaining what she meant in a hurry.

"That's is why I need you to cooperate…that purple demon hated you right?" Galahad asked the girl, who in return slowly nodded. She had an idea of where this was heading.

"So, if the demon lord left you and the person you hated the most, don't look at me like that…alone, with someone you could blame, if said person happened to die…wouldn't that be convenient." He explained his plan to her. S'ym had shown him from his interaction with the girl, the last few weeks, that their relationship wasn't the best. He wanted to take advantage of this.

"Belasco…he isn't someone who will believe such a blatant lie!" Of course Illyana, was fast to disagree with his plan. And she did have a point. The lord wasn't someone so easily tricked.

Galahad gave no response, instead he cracked his neck and flicked his hands, trying to relax. Approaching one of the demon's hands, he broke off a long nail. Looking at it for a moment, he took a big breath and…stabbed himself in the thigh! He didn't stop there, he also gave a few slashes across his chest and arms. He has officially gone coockoo, at least that's what it looked like to Illyana, who opened her eyes in surprise and shock.

"What…are you doing?" The girl asked, unsure if she should be afraid or weirded out.

"The lord will come…you will tell him that, S'ym had finally lost it and tried to attack you in his absence, but I protected you. The plan is simple and it will rely on luck and some good acting skills." Now full of inferior, for Galahad, wounds, he told her. It seems that he wanted it to look as if he had battled the demon and suffered some injuries in the process. He could still see the hesitation in her eyes.

"You don't have time. Ororo told me about a ritual, that man wants to perform…from what I understand you will be part of it. Look…hate me if you want,I don't like you either, but I have an unsettled debt. What do you say?" Galahad told the girl about the ritual, Ororo spoke to him about. If a demon wanted you to be part of his satanic rituals…at the very least you would suffer greatly and the worst outcome is you die.

Hearing of the ritual, Illyana's reaction told the man that she was aware of it. Clenching her teeth, she gave Galahad a glare that lasted for a few seconds. She was having an inner debate, of whether she should comply with Galahads plan or…just tell Belasco the truth. Her decision was…

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" The demon lord appeared, he had manifested a portal just a few meters away from them. At the sight of the lifeless purple demon, his anger showed itself on his face, as he yelled in an oppressive voice.

Without waiting for a response, Belasco gripped with his hand at the direction of Galahad. In return the man felt a chocking sensation, as he was lifted in the air and brought near to the master sorcerer. A handprint could be seen on his neck, struggling to breath properly.

"Illyana. Explain." The demon lord demanded of his apprentice, who had approached him and kneeled on his front.

"Master he…" The girl paused as he looked at Galahad. Foam started coming out of his mouth and his body neared unconsciousness. A small grin appeared on her face…she was enjoying seeing him suffer!

This didn't escape Galahad senses, who immediately lost his bearings. His wrath instantly manifested itself, as he powered up and managed to break free from the Belasco's magic.

"You!…Unforgivable! AAAH!" She was give a chance and she threw it away…not only this but she took joy in his suffering. He could tell from the look in her eyes, that she would betray his plan to the lord.

Galahad could sense a boundless amount of energy from the man and he knew that he was no match for him. Still he circulated his energy and formed one of his newly acquired techniques.

"Eraser Cannon! Hah!" A beam attack was released, Galahad's hair dancing from the winds generated. The energy wave approached Belasco, who in return pointed his finger outwards and a small line of crimson energy was released from it.

The two attacks met and despite their difference in size, the larger beam attack was broken apart, as if it never existed! Seeing this Galahad scoffed and moved in to close the distance, he knew that sorcerers had trouble in close quarters combat…not Belasco.

"You dared harm my…apprentice! Begone!" The demon lord shouted and brought his lifted arm down. Following his movement and as if nature itself obeyed his command, a bolt of devilish black color struck down from the sky.

His speed might have increased, but he wasn't fast enough to dodge lightning. The destructive energy landed on him and in a matter of seconds burned his skin to a crisp!

"AAAH!…*Thud*…" Incapacitated, Galahad fell on the ground, a smell of burnt meat permeating the air. He tried to move his body, which spasmed and didn't listen to him. He could barely lift his head.

Belasco pointed his finger on him and just when he was about to give the finishing blow…Illyana interjected. The lord, believing that she wanted to deliver the finishing blow, let her do as she wished. She approached Galahad and crouched down. *SLAP*

"That's for before!…I agree." Her last words came out as a whisper, just enough for the man to barely hear them. He opened his eyelids, now coated with his burnt blood, in shock and…anger.

"You…b-bitch…" These were his last words before his head hit the ground.