
Meeting Paths: Just Alpha

What would you do if a god offered you a choice, sell your soul for a second chance. A new life, in a different universe, with a power of your choice. In the case of our protagonist, he took the offer without a second thought, Watch him grow and battle his way up the ladder of power, trying to learn about his past and built his future. Give it a try and i would love to hear your feedback, thanks!

MotorOn · Filem
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21 Chs

1. Where Do I Sign?

Chapter 1: What is this place?

In an unknown place and time, reachable by only the highest entities of the cosmos, in a room of white a single person layed flat on the ground. His body completely motionless, no breath and no heartbeat, one could very logically come to the conclusion that he is very much dead.

"Ugh!…" And yet he wasn't. The man woke up from his slumber with a grunt and looked around confused. It seems that he has no idea where he is or who he is.

"Where the hell am I? Wait a minute am I…dead? Is this like…the afterlife? LoL!"…With an unexpected remark from someone who had come to the conclusion that his life has just ended, the man stood up and looked around. A small grin could be seen on his face, giving the impression that he enjoyed his predicament.

"I mean logically speaking there is no other explanation…right? I wake up in an endless white…world? Room?…Whatever, man I am glad I died!" The space was indeed a room and yet it wasn't or was it? The man released a breath of relief, feeling a heavy burden that was pressing him down gone.

But how can someone with no memories of his last life feel relief over his death, a question only the creators can answer. Memories might fade but feelings etched deep in ones soul don't, or so they say. But to scar a soul is unimaginably hard, a special tool is needed. Hatred, anxiety, fear, jealously, greed…overflowing negative emotions coagulate and form a single needle. The needles pricks the soul, which, like a balloon deflates.

"…So…what happens now? Is this it? No heavenly garden, no feasts…no bitches?…I need a walk." After expressing his flawed and…horny imagination of what afterlife could be, the man took his first step and continued for a destination unknown.

"Hahahaha! No way!" Loud laughter came out of a small office. Inside two humanoids were sat down opposite to each other, a small table between them and two steaming cups of an unknown beverage on it.

"I am telling you, the guy chocked on his own semen! Can you imagine how humiliating that must feel. If I was in his place, I would choose an existence wipe." A man with long green hair and a sinister face said to a similarly cunning looking fellow.

"Haha! Yeah…man that's funny!…Anyway did you hear?" The other man leaned in closer, indicating that what he was about to say wasn't a subject that should be talked about.

"One of those ancients escaped the prison, he is currently on the loose! The Head Judge sent the whole Fury Squad after him…last time one of those guys escaped…the whole multiverse was turned upside down, literally!" After finishing he picked up his cup and took a sip, while the other guy grimaced and said.

"Fuck…dude we have enough souls to process as it is! Why can't they just kill the guy or wipe him or whatever!" His tone was that of a fed up and exhausted office worker, whose life was nothing more than a work-eat-sleep routine.

"Kill me? But that's impossible, after all I made you guys!" A new voice appeared in the room that jolted both men out of their discussion, their heads snapping at the source. But nobody was there.

"Over here. Mmm…nice tea." The voice was heard again , this time from the opposite direction. Turning their sight once more, they found a young looking man standing with a cup in his hand, looking at both of them with a smirk on his face.

Taking in his appearance, there wasn't anything extraordinary. Average face, with a bowl cut haircut. A body of normal proportions, just ordinary. As for his clothes, he had a gray hoodie and blue jeans with a pair of yellow leather boots. The only discerning characteristic was his eyes, they were completely white! And they shone like a moon-rock.

"You! How?! Ugh!…" The green haired man tried to speak but he felt his neck tighten and he could no longer utter a word or breath! The same went for the other guy.

"Now, now. No need to be alarmed, I am just here to…visit,yes…to visit someone. How about you two rest for now…or better yet rest eternally! *Crack*" A snapping sound came from the necks of the two and their lifeless bodies fell to the ground.

The young man took one last sip of the tea and exited the room. He took a turn in the outside hallway, which was filled with dead bodies of the workers. Finally he arrived in front of a door that read 'S.U.C. or Souls Unity Center' and entered.

"How long have I been walking…I am going to be stuck here for the rest of my…eh,life? This is all just so confusing! I have read novels about this and it certainly doesn't follow the standard transmigration procedures!" The young man seemed to have lost his patience and rumble in the empty space, by himself.

He sighed and sat down once more, frustrated at his predicament and lost at what to do. A train of thoughts were passing trough his head mostly about big tittied goddesses and golden fingers, who can blame him. *Rumble*

"Whoa! Why is the whole place shacking?!…Is that a tear in the sky?" As if to answer to his complains an unexpected event happened! The whole place seemed to be under the influence of a spatial disturbance and tremors where felt throughout the room. The source of those tremors was none other than that tear in the sky!

A crack was formed that slowly expanded to reveal a violet dreamy back-round, it only last for a few seconds. Just enough so that a unknown figure could break into this room, after which it was sealed once more.

The person landed just a few meters away from our unnamed protagonist, who took a few steps back, clearly on guard. He sized up the new arrival and surprisingly it was none other than the average looking guy from before!

The average guy locked eyes with our guy, holding his gaze on him for a few moments, before licking his lips. A loud gulping sound came from him, to which our protagonist tensed up ever more and felt chills ran down his spine.

"You…I want you!"…He wants him!

"But I don't want you!" But he doesn't want him! And so our protagonist ran, ran towards the ever expanding horizon of white, while the creepy guy stood there with saliva running down his face.

The MC could only take a few steps before he felt a pulling force on his body. He tried to resist but to no avail as he soon lost his balance, flying across the room while screaming…like a man!

"Come over here! I won't bite…at least not that hard." With no concern for first impressions the creepy guy kept on with his act.

"You! Stop with this gay shit man! I don't swing that way!" With no offence, the Mc was creeped out. After getting pulled from across the room he fell in the grasp of his adversary's hand!

He squeezed his neck to point where he barely could take a breath and no longer was able to talk. Once again locking eyes, for a moment too long, to the point where even the novel's writer felt uncomfortable, he said in a voice full of lust.

"It isn't your body that I crave fool! But your soul! Aaah! I can barely keep myself form tearing you apart! Oh, I wish I could just rip you open and devour that magnificent work of art!" His voice dripped with desire and his eyes shone even brighter and yet he let go of his hold, releasing our Mc, dropping to ground grasping for air.

"*Cough* The fuck…is wrong with you! You almost suffocated me to fucking death!" He shouted, filled with fury and disgust the Mc got up and swung his fist. A fist filled with the power of his very soul and wrath, fueled by his unyielding spirit, it blazed trough the air, the wind soared and the ground trembled. His nemesis stood still, quit possibly stricken with fear by the sudden display of power, the fist approached and finally landed…but nothing happened…LoL!

"They are already on my tail…the Fury Squad. Listen young man, I have an offer you cant possibly refuse!" The pervert spoke, his tone indicating that his was against the clock.

"I refuse!" Our Mc, who was holding his hand in pain from the failed attempt to attack, said with no hesitation.

"Stop acting this way! You fool, do you want to be wiped from existence?! To loose that precious soul of yours is a sin of the highest caliber, on that I, one of twelve Ancient Ones, can not accept!" The self-proclaimed Ancient One spoke, annoyance evident at his voice. He hurriedly added, without giving our Mc time to talk.

"I will give another chance to live! Give you power! And in return all I want is…your soul! I the rights to your very being!" What a ridiculous offer…there is no way someone would agree to sell the very core of his being to such a lecherous and perverted individual…right?…RIGHT?!

"Where do I sign?" WTF!