

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

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19 Chs


"A few weeks ago I received a request from the 'sun' of Malrith with a proposal for a union. It said that the moon of Malrith had fallen for one of my daughters and that he was ready for marriage. My daughter also seemed to be happy with the request and she readily agreed. Which has led to today's event. I would like to make a toast to all the 'suns' here for your support," the king said and a servant came carrying a few glasses and a bottle of wine. He then placed it on the table and poured the drink into the four glasses. He then stood a few meters away and then princess Diana came to the stage and picked one of the glasses and handed it to her father. She then took the other three and handed them to the other kings. She was careful and she went back to sit.

" To a better future," the king toasted and they all swallowed the drink. Princess Isabella was the one who collected the glasses and returned them to the servant who then took them away. She walked back to her seat and then her father continued.

"I now want to make a bow to all the kings for your attendance, am honored," the king said and bowed to every one of them. "I Know you all are eager and as for now I am going to take a seat then we will continue." The king proceeded to sit and the masters of ceremony were back on the stage. There were mummers from the crowd for they knew what the next event was.

"Calm my people and i am going to fulfil your request," Meryl's voice filled the air. They all went silent as they listened to what she was to say.

" Like the mountain's peak,

" Sharp,

"He was able to condense her heart,

" Which settled at him like the snow.

"The sharp eye of the eagle,

" From far above the sky,

"Spotted the lonely beautiful heart,

" And with lightning speed descended.

"With the strong talons lifted her up,

" Above the other birds,

"Took her to his nest ,

" In the high mountains.

"With his shield to defend her,

" And his sword to fight for her.

" The mighty warrior of the north,

" Our beloved groom,

"  One and only,

"Prince Ramiel..."

Meryl finished her recitation and the crowd went wild once again. They were now welcoming the groom. Around ten servants on each side of the carpet threw flowers as he marched forward. This was the perfect wedding every prince and princess would dream of.

Ramiel marched with grace and the people were slightly disappointed for they could not see his face yet. The musicists played all the instruments as they welcomed him singing songs to praise his diligence and beauty.They all watched him as he reached their designated seats. His eyes locked with Slain's for a while but Slain had painted his eyes blue when he encountered the king so Ramiel did not recognize him. He bowed to the kings infront of him and then sat on the seat on the right. He sat and patiently waited for a few entertainment activities before the bride was introduced. The male master of ceremony stood forward and the crowd waited for him to start. They could not wait to hear the words of praise coming from his mouth. They sure were to be heartfelt.


A few hours earlier.

Knock knock!

The doors rang and the person under the blankets kicked it throwing it to the floor. She had fallen asleep and the birds were chirping. She could not beleive it was already dawn and time to get ready for the wedding. She felt just like lying on the bed. The door suddenly opened and someone walked in. She still did not feel like opening her eyes. She followed the footsteps but the next instant she woke up as the morning sun shone directly on her face giving it an orange glow. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the window and it was obviously her mother who had the guts to do that to her.

"Mom..." She mumbled, her head lying on her right shoulder. Her mother moved towards her and pulled her out of the bed. She stumbled but her mother did not care. She pulled her to the bathroom and called the maids.

The maids had been knocking and she had been ignoring them. It was the head maid who went and called her mother. Her mother never showed mercy to her especiallly when she overslept. She would even kick her out of bed. She hated it but always enjoyed her mother's pampering. Her mother called the maids who came and filled the bath tub with hot water. It took a while before it was completely filled and temperature equalized and by the time they were done her mother had already stripped her. She slugged as she entered into the bath as she felt the warm sensation taking over her body. She closed her eyes and submerged into the water. Before she could even enjoy the feeling her mother grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up. She took the shampoo and poured it on her hair. Her mother brushed her hair and the maids stood ther watching. None of them would dare do such a thing to her. They couldn't help but giggle at this mother daughter relationship. They could feel like sisters. They had the wooden buckets with warm water which the queen drew using a smaller bowl and poured it on the head. She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment.

After a while, she was bathed and they took a white sheet and wrapped it around her. They had a white towel on her hair. They led her to the dressing table and started with her makeover. They started with her nails. Painting the nails was a royal custom only done by the queen and a princess during her wedding. Even the nobles were never allowed to do so. They painted light red. They then came to her hands and painted the same. After they were done the queen demanded to takeover the facial. She really had devoted to make her look perfect. Arriety stared at the table and saw all the ornaments she was supposed to put on. There were bamgles, chains and lots of hairpins. The maids unwrapped the towel revealing her messy hair. It shone with wetness even in the mirror in front of her. The maids started with drying her hair. After it was dry and stiff, she took a cream and applied it on her hair thoroughly throughout the head. She then massaged it for a while until it was absorbed by the hair. She then took a brush and a comb. She brushed it until it was thin like a thread and soft. The maids watched as the queen skillfully braided her hair. After a while the queen was finished with the curly ponytail. She then continued with the facial. The white wedding dress was brought by the maids. They helped her put it on and soon they were done. She stood at the mirror as the maids put on the pins in her head. They put a butterfly shaped pin and also inserted it. There were flowers which also needed to go round the head. Some blue, purple, white and few pink. They put on the diamond earrings and then took the bangles. Golden, diamond and emerald ones. They then took a diamond necklace and put it on her neck. They were done and the queen left for she too needed to get ready.

The maids left her in the room for she asked them to. She sat on the bed as a knot formed in her stomach immediately her mother left. Her mother had told her not to be nervous at all and when she was older she would realize how great this day was. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes. It was the first time she would be leaving her room in the whole week. She let out a sigh and sat upright. She imagined the wedding and closed her eyes tightly. Part of her wanted this to be a dream but part of her really anticipated for it. She stood and walked around the room. She could not imagine that she had to sit there in her room  for almost two hours. She also was the VIP and she had to be the last to arrrive. She didn't realize but she fell asleep.

'What a strange place,' she thought to herself. She was walking on the streets holding a hand. She ran happily as she pulled him. She then led place written 'night club' with a glass door written open. Now that she realized it there were different lights. And also inside the club. Immediately  she opened the door the music shook her heart. She just led and the reached the counter. There were bottles with drinks. She now turned to look at the guy she had been leading all this time. She stared at him but the face was a blur. But one thing was evident. The silver eyes. She sprung up and at the same time she heard the knock on the door. She allowed the maids to come in. They came to complete her dressing. They had the white shoes and a veil to hide her face. Nonetheless people were not supposed to see her face. It seemed that it was time to leave her room forever. She stood at the door and stared at it for a while as the maid closed it. She could not cry or she would disappoint her mother. Though she held her tears the maids didn't. She led the way through the corridor to the stairs. There was a purple carpet that covered the floor. The maids walked behind her face down. They reached the stairs and as she took the first step, she tripped a string and from above fell flowers. They rained on her as she walked down the stairs. She reached for them and a smile was written all over her face. Though one could not see it, her actions were evident. The maid recalled as the prince had instructed the servants to set a trap for her. They selected a silk string and put it on the stairs. They had flowers on the top which would fall immediately when the string was tripped. It was perfect since she had limited vision with the veil. She finally descended the stairs and the maids stopped. She ended up hugging them and left them standing there. That was as far as they would follow her.

When her maid stopped, she felt weak in the knees. Now she was alone. She walked towards the main entrance. The flowers kept falling but her anxiety kept rising. The knot which had disappeared formed again and she could feel all her organs shaking. Even her hearbeat was loud she could hear it in her ears. She swallowed hard as she walked outside the palace. She descended the stairs on the red carpet. She headed to the carriage which was opened for her. Two servants stood at each side of the door and closed it once she was inside. There was a servant who rode the carriage directing th horse. She did not even realize how beautiful the carriage was as she was lost in thoughts. All was silent and all she could hear was the wheels moving and the horse steps. After what felt like forever the horse steps and carriage stopped. At this moment she heard the ongoing entertainment and the music. It surely was lively inside there. She listened to the voice leading the people in the stadium and it somehow was familiar. There was silence and the man started.

"And now get ready to welcome our most awaited guest."