

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

wnagaru · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


The whole stadium went silent as Slain started the first line

"It's just been after the dry season,

" When the trees have blossomed again,

"The green has taken over the brown,

" And the morning sun has shone,

"The sparkles of the wet dew,

" Just like emerald gemstones,

" Reflect the beauty of our nations,

"Our pride and wealth"

"Let's now get ready to welcome the two princesses from Larynith the gems of the western kingdom, Marion and Bell, Marion to the left in red and Bell on the right in purple," as soon as the words left Slain the musicist started with the flutes and drums. The two princesses walked together hand in hand and the people celebrated them. They walked gracefully to their designated seats and sat with their heads high. Their dressing was far more grand that you would mistake them to be the brides. After they were seated Slain continued to the next two. "And from the southern kingdom, Denmith I represent to you Julia and Amelia, Julia in pink and Amelia in yellow," Slain shouted and the music went on again. The crowd shouted and clapped as the two princesses waved at them as they walked to the front to take their seats. After they were seated Slain continued. "Next in line we have the princesses from Malrith, the northern kingdom, Camille and Jessica, a loud applause for the two as they walk in, Camille in blue and Jessica in green, "Slain shouted as the two princesses walked in waving at the people. They would stop halfway and make a bow to each side. The crowd escorted them to their seats with their eyes and after they were seated Slain continued. "And now ladies and gentlemen, representing our own welcome the two beauties from our homeland Isabella and Diana, if you don't know them as they march Isabella in white and Diana in black," Slain said and the crowd went loud as the two princesses walked to their seats. They would stop and wave and bow and they bowed to the royal seats before heading to sit down on their designated seats. There were giggles from the crowd from the ladies. The time they were waiting for was here. It was time for the princes.

Meryl stood forward and began

"The darkness engulfed all of us,

" And on that day stars were born,

"They were to light for us at night,

" With the graceful moon they have done so,

"And they light our hearts and fill with peace.

" Our heroes in heart,

"We welcome you all."

Meryl started and then continued. "And now ladies and gentlemen lets welcome the first two star and moon. Introducing, from Larynith the crown prince, the moon Gerald and the star Ezra. The moon with the sword on his waist and the other one the stars," Meryl said and two princes walked in. The crowd burst into cheers and the drumists had to do it a little louder so as not to get lost in the uproar. The two princes walked side by side and went to wit next to their sisters. "Next in line we have another Moon and star introducing to you from Denmith the moon Jack with a sword and the star Danil," Meryl said and two princes walked on the red carpet and headed to the front they would stop and wave and they went to sit next to their sisters. "Who knows who's next?... And now lets welcome from Malrith, the two stars Richard and Michael. Michael on the right and richard from the left. " The two were more handsome than the previous four. They were cheered and they went to sit next to their sisters.

" And now, welcoming the five princes from our kingdom. Our very own stars. Give a loud applause as we welcome the four stars and one moon. The moon by the name of Sonnie  with a sword on his chest and the twin stars Lear and Lian, then Ander and Matt." The crowd never was this happy like when seeing their five princes all at the same time. It felt like a miracle. It was obvious that they were loved in the kingdom. The princes waved and they went to take their seats next to their sisters.

There was another brief moment as they waited. Next would be the introduction of the queens. The crowd chattered and obviously the girls were rating the princes. Though one could not hear what the boys were saying but it was pretty obvious. They were shaming the princes and comparing themselves to them. They were not much interested in the princesses for they knew that they were very far  from their reach. It was time to wait for the true beauties, the queens. These ones the boy were definitely going to have something to talk about. The princes in the front seats were busy chatting with each other obviously praising the events. They also talked about the princesses and each set their eyes on one. They were definitely going to ask for a dance at night. The princesses also talked about the princes and the noble's sons. They felt a twinge of jealousy at Jasmine who was drawing much attention to the princes. The clowns in the middle were busy cracking jokes and announcing the next event. The royals would at times laugh and soon someone came to the male clown and whispered into the ear. It was obvious to start with the next event. This guy started again with a poem. This was a show like one they had never seen before or attended. It was obvious there was not going to be such an event in  the coming years.

"They say that a woman is a piece of man,

" The reflections of the man's path.

"These are the reflections of our kingdoms,

" Chosen by the heavens,

" To rule alongside the almighty ones.

"The true beauty of our kingdoms,

" Our pride and salvation"

"And now steady yourself as I Present to you all the way from Larynith, the queen, Lady Sofia. We can't welcome this beautiful queen while seated Let's all arise, " Slain shouted and the crowd stood. The music started as the queen walked on the red carpet. The people followed her every step and watched her graceful figure. There was a crown on her head and her body was adorned with ornaments. Diamond and gold rings on her finger and necklaces on her neck. This was truly the definition of a queen. As the queen sat the people shouted and clapped.

"Here comes another one, get ready to welcome all the way from Denmith, the queen, Lady Maeve. No further say but here she comes, get ready... " The crowd was silent as another graceful figure walked in. This really was amazing. Every step she took carried away the people's heart. Was this the true definition of a queen? She was adorned similarly to Sophia only the colour of their red dress was different. Queens usually wore red during such events. She walked and after what felt like forever she finally sat down at the front. The people finally exhaled.

"And now all the way from Malrith I welcome to you all, the queen, Lady Charlotte, " it was yet another breath taking scenery. They watched as she walked towards the seats and just like the rest, she left everyone breathless. She was seated and the people could breathe again.

" And now, representing the two queens. Our very own. A loud applause as we welcome the two,  Lady Talia at the front the first queen and Lady Hailey the second queen. All coming to you in that order,"Slain said and the people clapped but they were carried away and forgot to clap. The queens really were something. They watched as the queens took their seats and they remembered they were supposed to be clapping.

"Do not lose your patience, we are gonna now introduce the kings and the ceremony will then begin." Slain said and then looked at the people in front of him. All these he was going to exterminate. He looked at them and memorized their names and faces. They waited for a short while and then someone came and told him that the kings were ready to be ushered in. He gestured for Meryl to start the introduction and as usual she began with a poem.

"The stars were not enough,

" To light the day the stars vanished.

" The sun rose and lit the whole world,

"Though the stars vanished,

" The moon could sometimes be seen.

"But the moon,

" Could not light the day,

"For the sun was shining brightly.

" The sun lights up the path,

"In which all of us follow,

" Trust and obey,

"And pray to."

Meryl's words were heartfelt and they listened carefully. She then continued to welcome the king. "And now the moment we've been waiting for. The musicians will welcome the kings with their national anthem. Let's all arise and pay our respects to the sun of Larynith, his majesty King Diego," Meryl said and they all stood as the violin played. The king walked with a sword on his waist and marched to ward the seats. They stood for a while and when the national anthem was recited no one sat down. "Next in line is the sun of Denmith, get ready for his majesty King Francis," Meryl's voice rang in the air and the national anthem was recited and the king marched towards his seat next to his wife. After it was recited they stood still and waited for the next king to be called. "Get ready for the sun of the northern kingdom. The mighty king and ruler of the north. His majesty King Barab. Get your arms in position and salute his majesty as he makes his entry, " Meryl said and the people obliged. The ethereal music played as the king marched and went to stand next to his wife as they waited for the recitation to complete.  " And now our very own. Get into position as we recite our national anthem and our pledge of loyalty. We now welcome his majesty the king, our sun , King Lukas, " The crowd recited the national anthem and their pledge of loyalty as the king marched. The king stopped next to Slain and stared at him for a while. He kept searching Slain's eyes but he was cautious and did not dare look up. He was saved by the national anthem for the king could not speak during the recitation. The king gave up and marched towards the empty seat at the centre and next to it were his two wives. The recitation ended and they all sat down after a long time standing. The king tried to look at Slain but they were already heading to take a seat. It was time for them to also rest as a noble was to take over the introduction. They would later take over when introducing the bride and groom.

From behind came a man who was holding a scroll in his hand. He stood forward and bowed to the Royal families. He then proceeded to the centre and opened the scroll.

"In this auspicious occasion I hereby take this opportunity to welcome you all on this occasion. First is to thank you all for your compliance and attendance. We as Garnmith all feel humbled by the presence of all the 'suns' that rule the continent. It's such an honour to have all the 'mirrors'  of our kingdoms under one roof.  We also have the 'moons' and 'stars' all together today. It's such an honour. The 'gems' of our kingdoms may continue to grow and one day become the 'mirrors' of the kingdoms.

On this special day we were all invited to come and celebrate the union of two kingdoms. This is definitely the will of the heavens. That's why even on this day the sun has been moderated so that we  can all celebrate. Despite the many barriers that appeared we finally have been able to carry on the wedding as planned. As for now i would like to welcome his majesty to say a word of hello and welcome you all, " thank you for your time. The man said and waited for the king to come forward.


Kindly revisit chapter one for the map.