

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

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19 Chs


Slain held on tightly on the ropes as the horse stood on its hind legs. That was fun. He never had that experience in his life though it was thrilling. He scanned his surroundings and saw arrows coming from the front. He looked at the carriage and arrows made way into it. Kate....his mind screamed he was not going to lose her. Not this time. But how would he do that when he did not know how to use a sword? All horses stopped  and the soldiers took their weapons. Slain was unaware of what to do. He was scared at the sight of the sword that he could not unsheathe it. Then a group of barbarians appeared carrying all sorts of scary weapons. This was the most horrifying thing he had seen. The soldiers attacked and he was left behind.

Slain took a deep breathe and started to ride back. He looked at the carriage and saw the princess looking at him. There was no way he was going to evade this war. He was finally going to die for real this time. The princess stared at him and she was cheerful. Was she mad? It was a matter of time before he died. She was excited. She seemed to want to see him dead. Slain watched the barbarians as they rode towards them. The soldiers dropped down one by one and soon all girls were on the ground. The next person fell and he was trampled on by the horses.  The Prince charged and knocked out almost ten barbarian. Wow that guy was good. The other males attacked but were stopped when the prince was hit by an axe and knocked off his horse. The rest of the men rushed to help him but one of them got an arrow on his ribs.

They all stared at him he had forgotten that he too was supposed to go through the same. The princess shouted on top of her voice

"Slain charge!!!" he could not believe it. She wanted to see him knocked out too. He shook his head and said a short prayer. So he really was dead only a few seconds and he would be no more. He shouted on top of his voice and charged towards them. He saw a heavy bearded man  swing his axe and smashed him at the chest. All lay still as he was mid air saying a final prayer. He fell on the ground with a thud and for a few seconds he passed out. What was all the darkness that he saw? Was that death swallowing him to its eternity? Finally he died. He then saw this light coming towards him and got into his chest. He shook and his eyes flushed open.

He leapt and stood on the ground. He took his stance and clenched his teeth.  He reached the sword and drew it. He stared at it and swung it in his hand.  He took a step and charged towards the men. He  jumped and  swung the sword to the man who had knocked him out.


The princess watched as slain rushed towards the bandits and she knew they were going to pay for daring to attack them. The horse raced towards the men and what was that?  Ooh Slain was attacking without a sword. This was  going to be more fun than she had pictured. Why was he not attacking? She watched as  a bearded man with tattoos on his head swung his axe and landed it on Slain's chest. This caused him soaring in the air as blood spluttered from his mouth. He landed on the ground and lay unconscious for a few seconds. What was that? Never in her experience did Slain lose consciousness. Something was off about him. Just as she was trying to grasp what was happening she saw Slain spring up and in a blink he had his sword and was already charging at the bandits. Now that was him. As he charged he looked in her direction and something was off about his eyes. They had a sparkle like silver. That never happened before. 

Wow he really was fast. She could barely glimpse his movement. He leapt and headed for the man who had knocked him out. The man tried to block it but Slain cut through it as if it was a piece of wood. He landed behind the man as  the axe head fell besides him.  The rest of the men saw this and they jumped from their horses and surrounded him.  This was it. His big fight scene. Slain held the sword at the  eye level and  looked at the men. He took a deep breath and the men charged at him shouting.  She saw him swing the sword forward and the men were flung into the air. She thought she saw a shallow white light at the sword movement. Was that his new fighting skill? That was awesome he never seized surprising her. There was a clash between the swords as they attacked. Slain was able to block the attacks and send  the men down to the ground. The man who had the axe got off his horse and and unsheathed his sword.


Slain was beginning to love this. The way he did all that was a mystery. He counted all the men he had fallen and his chest swelled with pride. He was amazing. How come he did not have this skills when he was alive?  Maybe they  never would have died. He saw the bearded man charge towards him.  This man did not learn. He attacked and sliced the man's head as the body fell right next to him. He just killed a man. It struck him and he remembered he never killed before. He dropped the sword  and stared at hos bloody hands he looked at the sky as blood fell on his face. He fell on his knees and let out a loud scream. The bird flew away. He covered his face in his hands. What life was this? Was he a murderer?

"Get up lad," a man from behind spoke. He turned to look and it was the leader of the gang. This man was in a cowboy hat and had two swords in his  waist.   He scanned the man's face again and again until it was all clear. It was the police officer who shot Kate. So he too was here.  At first Slain was scared to look at the face again. Memories of that night flashed as anger boiled inside him. He was all numb  as the man walked to him and kicked his head as if it was a ball sending him to the ground. Slain tried to reach his sword but he was weak to even pull it. The man stepped on his hand as he let go of the sword. All he could see was his own death.  The man unsheathed his swords and pointed them at sword on a scissor like manner on his neck.

Slain felt the sword land on his skin. This sent shivers all over his body. Instinct moved his hand causing the guy to sway and he took his sword. He kicked the man who jumped and landed few feet away. Slain got on his feet and took his stance.

"You are pretty good than I thought,'' the man scoffed.

" you just got me me off guard," Slain said and attacked the man. This guy was pretty good. He was fast and he blocked all the attacks from Slain. Slain was getting more desperate and  he started  attacking aimlessly which made it easier for the guy to fight back.

The guy made through his defenses and cut his right arm at the biceps. Slain tried to slice backwards but the guy evaded and cut him at the ribs.  Slain took a deep breathe and held the sword with both hands. He closed his eyes and flashes of pulling the trigger came to him. He saw the bullet as it fired towards Kate and as it struck her. He saw her fall to the ground and as she took her last breath. He saw her lifeless body. Then opening his eyes was the killer  cop. He had killed him at the scene but seeing him here again alive angered him and yet gave him the pleasure to kill him again. Hr swore he would kill him everyday in every life.

The two charged towards each other and attacked. Slain slipped on his knees and cut the guy behind the knee. He sliced him at the back as the guy wailed in agony. The guy turned and attacked and in a glimpse the head had been separated from the body. Mid air Slain sliced the head twice. That was the feeling he longed for. Revenge. He turned and looked at the rest who had been staring at him all long.  He cut the man's clothe and used it to wipe the blood on his sword.  He then put it back in its sheath and walked to the rest who were already healing from the pain. Atleast none was deeply injured. Just minor cut. Speaking of cuts he remembered the cut in his arm and the one on his ribs. He saw the men run away dragging some body organs. Some hard missing part some broken. Slain saw the one who called herself his girlfriend rush and hug him. He groaned and she tore parts of her clothes and covered his wounds. 

He watched her as she tore her clothe and covered his wound. He stared at her red hair as she tied a knot. She looked up and her blue eyes met his. He stared at her heart shaped lips. She smiled revealing her white teeth. He touched her soft face and rubbed her lips with his finger. He pinched her lower lip and brought himself closer to kiss her. His eyes suddenly landed on the princess who was staring at him all long. He pulled away and stood. He walked to his horse and put his arm on its neck. And patted it s nose. He fed it some grass and rubbed its fur.  The horse neighed as he rubbed its lower neck. He loved horses.