

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

wnagaru · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Slain watched as the ladies treated the injured. He watched the princess and could not help but smile. He waved his hand at her as she smiled.  He just remembered this caring side from her. He saw her look to his direction and he waved at her. He was met by his 'girlfriend's' stare. He waved at her too and smiled sheepishly. Her name? He had to know. But how on earth was he going to ask her? He lay his head on the stem and rocked his head to it. What on earth was happening. He looked and saw the two start walking towards him. Now this was where he was supposed to run but his body was stuck on the ground. He wanted to shout and tell them to stop. He just lay his head on the tree and closed his eyes as he waited.

  As he opened his eyes, he was met by two pairs of eye. Blue and green. Well if this was how he supposed to pay for his sin then he was good as dead.

"Hey princess," he started. "Hey girlfriend." He clenched his teeth and held his breath. He knew he had blown it up.  The two laughed attracting the eyes of the rest towards them. What was funny?

"What a surprise? Me princess?" She asked in the middle of the laughter.

"And how me girlfriend. That's the funniest thing  ever. Now am girlfriend. Something messed your mind. The whole of today you have acted indifferently" she said.

"Yeah I told you to never call me princess," she said.

"I know princess... I mean...."he was cut short by his 'girlfriend'.

" Come on Arriety. Slain here will keep pretending. Lets go," his 'girlfriend' said and took the princesses hand. As the walked he heard the princess call her Calixta. So Arriety and Calixta were the names. The word Arriety still echoed in his mind. Arriety he repeated the name. That was beautiful.  And then there was Calixta. He loved the names already.

   Slain felt a strange thing as the prince walked towards him. It had not yet occurred as to why they were in the woods and only a group of almost twenty. Where were they going actually? The prince came and squatted next to him. He had a dark aura coming from him. Like shadows.

"I see what you are doing boy but that's not gonna work. I thought i made it clear to you that the princess is mine now and she does not need you anymore? You also said that you were not going to interfere," the prince said as Slain saw something dark sparkle in his eyes. 

"I did and am trying my best to stay away from her but as her knight am torn in between you two," Slain said. "And where are we anyway?" The prince looked at him and was angry.

"Are you ridiculous? Aren't you the one who told us of this shortcut?"

"I did?" Slain asked confusion in his eyes. " yeah I did. Of course and i promise that there were no bandits in this path."

"Listen boy, just because you are her knight gives you no power to kiss her. That's gonna be a lifetime grudge." The prince said anger visible in his eyes. 

"Is everything okay? The princess emerged and looked at the two.

" we are fine." The two said in unison.

"Can we?" The princess asked the prince and took his hand. Slain watched as they walked away. He could not help but breathe out dragon flames. If only he could he would destroy the prince.

   From behind he felt someone block his eyes. Very soft hands. He placed his hand on hers and traced it to her biceps and pulled the arm from his face. He got hold of the other and pulled to himself that she sat on his lap. Those  blue eyes always left him hypnotized. He liked the way she would stare into his eyes babyshly. Like she had given herself to him. He touched her cheeks and felt her lips with his fingers. Really juicy that he ached for them. He even craved her as whole. He cursed. What was he doing. Kate was out with another man yet here he was with another girl. Not just another girl, his 'girlfriend'. "Calixta.'' He called her name. It felt lively coming from his mouth. How could his mind crave her when he was here for Arriety?


The prince held her in his arms in the carriage. He kissed her and got rid of the taste of Slain's lips.  Wow that guy was good. She touched her lips and dwelled on the memory of the kiss. She then looked at the prince. He was soon going to be her husband and she was going to be his wife. Being under anyones control. She  shivered at the thought and looked away. This prince had met a few months ago and was now courting her. She had over heard that the wedding was supposed to stop a war and so it was compulsory whether she liked it or not. He was one lustful man. He kept staring at her chest. The dress revealed her cleavage and from his stare her clothes would tear apart.  He placed his hand on her stomach and moved it upwards heading for her chest. They were not married yet but he was already treating her like a wife. She would soon have to give in to him. All he had inside him was lust and he was going to use her to please his own self. She felt out of breath when she saw him above her. The hell he started kissing her  violently and he clenched her cheeks with his fingers forcing a kiss.   She got angry and pushed him out of the carriage as the rest stopped and watched.

"You are no longer welcome to this carriage until we are married!" She shouted at him and looked around.

"Everything okay?" Slain asked.

"We are good just some slight misunderstanding. All is well," the prince said and walked to his furry white horse. "Am going to wed you and you will pay for this dishonour" he muttered inside and rode ahead of everyone.


"What the hell was that?" He spoke to the voice inside him, "You lost control and ruined everything."

"Don't blame me for what happened. If you really care maybe you should have already got her to love you." Said the voice.

"Fine but you know we cannot get whatever we want without her. This is a very important part of our mission and it must succeed. Am glad we started the war or we would never have gotten this chance. So please don't screw it," the prince said.

"Fine! I know but remember if we fail we will have to get her by force. "

"What do you think about Slain.  I don't even trust him anymore. Its like he lost his memories."

"That's nonsense and Slain is not Slain. I can tell he is hiding alot since he fell. Something big happened and yet as he was hit I sensed pure life getting inside him" the voice said.

"Is that supposed to make us worry?" The prince asked.

"It was not but now its supposed to. We must keep a close eye on him," the voice said.

"I think that we should apologise," the prince said changing the topic.

"We definitely should but just give her little time then she will come around." The prince stopped and glanced at  Slain. Something really was off about him. Then he saw something sparkle like silver. He really was going to be a problem. "Did you see that?" The voice asked.

"I could not miss it."


Slain rode next to Calixta. Now that he knew her name he could call it loud whenever he wanted.

"Calixta," he called as she looked at him. The blue eyes again. He almost forgot what he was about to tell her. "Could you come and ride with me?" He asked. That was terrible and it was not supposed to come out that way. She smiled and chuckled.

"Yes of course," she said as they stopped. She alighted her horse and held Slain's hand as he pulled her to sit infront of him. She held the ropes and rode in silence.

Calixta felt his hot breathe on her neck. This set her on fire. She could not help but loosen her grip on the ropes and lie on him. She could feel her heart beat increase. She felt his hands on her belly as he crossed them. His chin was on her shoulder as she felt his cheeks on hers. If one asked the definition of her perfect, this was it and she would want it to last forever. She just felt aroused. She could also feel his erection which aroused her even more. She licked her dry lips and took a deep breath. She did not even realize that she was holding it all that time.  She looked at him and stared at his eyes. The silver colour always left her wondering. Never in her life did she see anyone else. Staring deeply she could see something else. Something she could not explain. She had not seen it there before. And that scared her. She was pulled from her thoughts when he kissed her.

Slain was sure he was doing the wrong thing. He could not imagine breaking her heart. Some part of him wanted her but with his past life with Kate he could not agree to lose her. Arriety was his destiny. He stared at Calixta and kissed her deeply. How could he let go of her. He just could not imagine how life would have been with her all those days he did not know about.  Did he love her? No that was not him. He had to get to Arriety and try to get her love back. His love. Why did it end up being this unfair. He had to break Calixta's heart. He stared at her blue eyes and brushed her cheeks. He watched as they flushed pink. F*ck. He was damned.