
Me And My Beautiful Sword Spirits

Caught in the crossfire is a short, skinny, ordinary young man (CHARACTER PROGRESSION INCOMING) who nearly met his end. Fleeing for his life, his terrible sense of direction leads him to a room cloaked in demonic flesh. A soft voice echoes in his mind, guiding him through the shadows toward a mysterious sword. Compelled by desperation, the young man draws the ominous blade, unraveling its arcane secrets. To his surprise, the sword speaks, addressing him as its master and offering a chilling proposition. ....................................... In Modern World New Chapter Every Day + One Extra For Every 10 Power Stones

FatFrog · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

My Alter Ego Is. . .

The tornado of energy within the shrine surged with unrestrained power, unleashing its might upon the array of weapons that adorned the sacred space. As the tempest raged, weapons were sent hurtling into the fierce currents, creating a chaotic dance of steel and water.

Within the wild confines of the tornadoes, two distinct shadows emerged, casting a mysterious shape upon the chaotic canvas. The first shadow embodied the form of a towering hero adorned in gleaming armor that reflected the passion of battle. Muscles rippled beneath the heroic stature, suggesting an imposing presence ready to confront any opponent.

In stark contrast, the second shadow projected the brilliance of a colossal and fearsome dragon. The shape spoke of majesty and terror, with wings that seemed to stretch infinitely and a form that inspired awe and fear.

'This is my alter ego?'

Said Aiden as he widened his eyes at the majestic scene in front of him.

As the first tornado gradually slowed and came to a halt, the shadow of the hero materialized into an unexpected and mysterious figure.

Instead of the majestic hero one might envision, the profile unveiled a messy man wrapped in ragged and dirt-streaked clothes. Embracing a cardboard box and a makeshift blanket, the man appeared more like a homeless vagabond than the valiant hero that had been expected.


Aiden, taken aback by the paradox of the scene, couldn't help but express his disbelief within the confines of his thoughts. 

Aiden, his initial anticipation replaced with a mix of anger and disappointment, glared at the messy figure standing before him.

The ragged man, who was supposed to embody the heroic essence within Aiden's alter ego, left him utterly bewildered and frustrated. The cardboard box and blanket seemed like a mockery of the grand hero he had envisioned. In the midst of the mystifying circumstances, Aiden couldn't help but feel a surge of irritation at the absurdity of the situation.

At the next moment, the second tornado subsided, gradually revealing the outline of the majestic dragon.

The anticipation was palpable as the energies dispersed, revealing a sight that differed from the expected fearsome creature.

Instead of a towering dragon, a small and adorable baby dragon with tiny cat-like features emerged. It sported tiny wings, a set of playful eyes, and endearing whiskers, presenting a charming and unexpected twist to the unfolding events.


Aiden, unable to contain his frustration, erupted in anger, his face deformed with veins bulging as he let out an angry scream. 

"Huh? A dragon?"

Exclaimed the homeless-looking man as he heard Aiden. 

Terrified for his life, he screamed.


In a panic, he rushed to hide behind a small sword, desperately curling his body into a ball.

Pleading from behind the insufficient shield.

His fear was real as he trembled, convinced that the small, cat-like dragon posed a life-threatening danger.


Yelled Aiden, infuriated by the homeless-looking man's irrational fear of the small, pathetic, cat-looking dragon.

"Master, he looks exactly like you,"

Said Aria with a smile as she observed the homeless-looking man.

The man's expression and curled-up position perfectly mirrored Aiden's own fearful look from the mission at the brothel.


He, too, succumbed to the irrational fear and curled up on the floor, mirroring the homeless man's exaggerated reaction. Tears welled up in his eyes as the bizarre situation unfolded.

After some time Aiden finally widened his eyes in realization.

"Wait if alter ego is the representation of an evolved emotion, then the homeless man should be the ego of fear. . . then what is the drago-!!!!"

Aiden said as he paused after he took a look at the dragon.

Aria was rubbing the belly of the cat dragon as she had a blush on her cheeks and a happy smile.

"What do you want? You want belly rubs? You want my soul? You can have it."

Said Aria in a happy and playful voice as if she was playing with a little baby.


Said the cat dragon with a highly masculine voice.


Aiden questioned with a face twisted in confusion.

The dragon was the ego of Aiden's spoiled nature


Aiden screamed at Aria to get back to her senses.

"Ah, I am sorry, Master."

Apologized Aria as she stopped rubbing the cat dragon's belly.

"Come back woman."

Said the cat dragon in a manly voice.

Aria widened her eyes in confusion of the cat's voice.

"Rub it more woman. (The belly)"

Said the cat dragon, referring to his belly.

Aria became a little worried as she heard the cat dragon and went to Aiden's side.

Together, they confronted the ego of fear.

"I need your power. Please grant me the privilege of strengthening my soul to use mana."

Said Aiden, trying to sound like a main character from an RPG.

The ego of fear, still curled up in a ball, peeked out from behind the small sword.


Pleaded the ego in terror.

"NOBODY'S GOING TO KILL YOU!!! Also, don't I need to complete a trial?"

Aiden questioned, his voice reassuring.

"That's right. . ."

The ego responded, its expression turning serious.

"Your trial will be. . . TO NOT KILL ME!!!"

The ego screamed, its fear palpable even in the desperate begging for its existence.

'This is it? It that's so. . . then I should ask for the next stage.'

Said Aiden in his mind.

"Then can I take a trial for the next state?"

Asked Aiden with sweat on his face.

The air grew heavy, and the temperature rose as an intense killing intent emanated from the once-homeless man.

The very essence of dread hung thick in the air, wrapping Aiden and Aria in an invisible shroud of terror. Aiden's heart pounded in his chest, and even Aria, usually composed, felt a shiver down her spine.

"How dare you ask for another trial just after this?"

Said the homeless man with an incredibly scary face that would make even a god fear for his life.

The homeless man's demeanor transformed into that of a frightening, hot-blooded murderer, causing an unsettling shift in the atmosphere. His gaze bore into Aiden and Aria, freezing them in place as if death itself had cast its shadow upon them.


Aiden's terrified scream echoed in the space, a manifestation of his genuine fear as the unsettling scene unfolded.


The next moment, the homeless man returned to his usual self, now startled by Aiden's scream.

"I am sorry, please don't kill us. Please, we didn't do anything."

The homeless man pleaded, once again curling up in fear.

'Us? We? What does he mean by that?'

Thought Aiden, a seed of confusion planted in his mind.

Aria placed her hand on Aiden's shoulder.

"It's better if we go. For now, he won't be of any help."

Said Aria, guiding Aiden away from the unpredictable ego.

Aiden nodded and activated the same channeling state they had used to enter the Domain.

The ethereal realm of Aiden's mind began to crack, a glass of shattered images converging into a single point. With a loud crack, the stadium reemerged, the transition from mental domain to reality marked by a ripple of energy that settled into a familiar scene.

Aiden and Aria stood in the same positions they had occupied before.

Aria walked a few steps to adjust herself to the different light and air.

"We did it... Master?"

Said Aria as she turned around and saw Aiden.

Aiden was now enveloped in a swirling, terrifying torrent of mana energy. The color of his mana shifted into a mesmerizing crimson red, carrying the scorching essence of fire. The air around him seemed to shimmer with an intense heat, and his presence exuded an overwhelming power that hinted at newfound capabilities.

'I remember. . . in my domain. . . The dragon. . . he too did something. What was it?'

Aiden said as he believed that the cat dragon did something to upgrade his mana into a more powerful energy.

'That's right, it was ]Permanent State: Dragon's Insight['

Said Aiden in his mind.

The cat dragon had given Aiden a better version of mana as compensation for the belly rubs from the beautiful white-haired woman.

As Aiden observed the majestic energy surrounding him, a big and happy smile formed on his face. Empowered by his newly acquired ability to generate mana independently, he no longer needed Snugglebug's assistance. The holy sword, Aetherian Radiance, was spat out by Snugglebug and given to Aiden, who now stood behind Aria, avoiding Aiden's unwanted presence.

With determination, Aiden picked up Aetherian Radiance and lifted it high above his head. The sword shimmered with a radiant glow, reflecting the newfound power coursing through Aiden. The atmosphere around him seemed to respond to his enhanced abilities.


Aiden's voice echoed through the air as the holy blade vibrated with newfound power. He executed a vertical slash, unleashing a projectile of flaming energy aimed directly at Aria.

Quick to react, Aria dodged the powerful slash, impressed by Aiden's swift mastery of his enhanced abilities. However, she was clueless about the unexpected consequences.

"A... Amazing, he barely awakened and he can already produce such an attack,"

Aria marveled.

A devilish smile stretched across Aiden's face as he gazed at the aftermath of his slash. It was then that Aria's realization struck.

She inspected the room, and just then her heart stopped in its place.