

Rays of light flooded through the cracks. The sudden sensation coupled with the noise of shouts and barks jolted me awake.

"Sir! I think we found something!" I hear someone shout in short distance from me.

Slowly but surely more rocks are displaced from on top of me. I can feel the gradual shift of pressure on my form, and I start pushing back to help out the workers.

Light finally washes completely over me. It's only now that I realize it wasn't natural. While what I presume to be a damage control team lift rubble across the area, I can see numerous men in black suits loitering around. They were scouting for something. Reporting back and forth between each other, dogs in tow. Most had their hands on the side of their heads, speaking into their earpieces I presume.

'Cliche spies. Kinda cool to be honest' i note as I lift the last large piece of concrete from my legs.

"What?! Command said we were looking for something else here besides the robot. Didn't expect a person. How the hell did you survive this?" a hand reaches forward to help me up. I take the offer.

"Long story. Give me a minute." I dodge the question to give myself a little time to think. Tony wasn't here. Probably left to hang up his suit or something. This obviously wasn't a normal clean-up crew. Way too organized. The standardized black suits with no symbols were a dead giveaway. I could see some of them wearing badges. I couldn't see detail from here… but I could use my power for a closer look…

"Hey! Kid! Clark? Clav? Cal– Oh who cares" I turn my head to witness a big man push through the people around him. Parting the supposed agents like Moses did the red sea. The closer he got the more I took note of his features.

Average looking dude. Professionally dressed. Pudgy but with an undertone of muscle that had been built from years of heavy lifting.

A bodyguard?

"Yeah guy with the stupid look on his face. Wake up we need to go." The man who I clearly didn't know roughly grabbed me by my arm and started dragging me away.

"Hey! Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"I'll tell you when we're in the car. Mr. Stark said to keep everything on the 'down low' or whatever that means." as he finishes up explaining I look around again. This time I could sense a clear difference in the attitude of this place. The damage control crew continued with their work but the agents had all but stopped their search. A large number of them filed back into black cars that had been parked around the area. Nearly identical to the ones on the bridge during the aftermath of the fight. The other agents who stayed looked… serious? Like something they hadn't expected to happen, just happened.

I swear I could feel some of them staring at me…..

We reached a sleek black Rolls Royce Phantom parked right outside the yellow tape and stop signs that had encircled the area. I'm guessing whoever this guy is, gave off some serious intimidation. Either that or the matching black suit he had on threw off the other "agents".

Security risks aside he opens the door and all but throws me into the car. Gracefully might I add. Getting roughed up is a lot more tolerable when it's down on some excellent comfy leather seats.

"Sooo you finally going to tell me who you are?" I quirk my eyebrow up in question as the mystery man starts the car.

"Names Happy. Tony Starks bodyguard." not so mystery man says as he reverses the car out of the driveway.

I wait and think for a few moments as Happy starts speeding through LA streets. I could tell he was focused. His eyes kept switching between the road and the rearview mirror where I'm very certain I can see those same back cars tailing us.

The longer we drove the more I felt as if I was moving to a whole other country. The scenery completely changed. From abandoned buildings and hopeless druggies populating the streets to beautiful mansions and hotels that no doubt housed some of the wealthiest people on the planet.

All throughout the drive, Happy had kept a fast pace to outrun our pursuers to no avail. I couldn't tell how they were pulling it off but no matter what Happy did he couldn't shake them.

Whatever was going on I just resigned myself to watching. Stark picked this guy for a reason. My mom had always taught me to avoid strangers. Heck for all I knew this Happy guy could be lying about who he was. But I was in a literal comic book universe. I might as well have a little faith.

As my thoughts came to an end I could see a small smirk at the very corner of Happys lips. Looking up ahead I saw a huge truck. Nothing that could really account for his sudden happiness in our dire situation. Happy started pushing the gas and we sped up considerably. The cars tailing us reciprocated the act not wanting to be left behind. As we got closer I was able to catch a glimpse of what Happy had been excited about. Another Black Rolls Royce. Honestly, with how high-end this part of LA was I really shouldn't have been surprised.

Up ahead I noticed the highway was about to split off into 3 directions. The other Rolls Royce was a bit further ahead of the huge truck. Happy zoomed past the truck and with a move that I'd hoped the truck driver would forgive us for, cut him off at the intersection.


Honks sound out. I could almost feel the anger the driver must have felt considering how dangerous a move we just made. I shake off my feeling of regret and watch on as Happy waits to perfectly time our turn into another road. Waiting for just the right moment Happy took a right to one of the roads forking off away. The black cars that had been chasing us were none the wiser as their new target was directed at the other near identical Rolls Royce in our place.

"I still got it." I could practically feel Happy's smile from here. His name was beginning to make a lot more sense to me now.

"Look whoever those guys in the black suits are, they mean business. Tony sent me a text to find you and bring you in safely."

"Where is he now?"

"Ask fewer questions and listen kid. He got taken to a secure facility somewhere in the city with Colonel James Rhodes. A government agency I think. Strategic Homeland something-something. They should shorten that shit down." Happy complains.

'S.H.I.E.L.D? Could be. Actually makes a lot of sense if they're the ones doing clean-up for hero fights.'

"Anyway, Tony would have liked it if you stayed at his place in Malibu but that's going to be a problem. There's a press conference tomorrow at 8:00 AM so I've got to be there to pick him up. I'll drop you off at a Marriot hotel near the area. Stay put. I'll pick you up at 7:00 AM sharp so be ready. There's suits in the closet you can try on. I didn't know your measurements so I got one in each size. Lastly, here you go"

Happy stops the car in front of the hotel. He reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out 2 different cards and a small booklet. He turns and holds his hand out for me. Curiously I pick them up. The first was obviously the key card to the hotel. All white with the Marriat name at the bottom. The 2nd was all black. Mastercard could be seen embezzled on the bottom left and on the top right the words 'World Elite' could be seen.

I look at Happy questioningly as he smiles in understanding.

"Company card. Usually, only give it to top-level execs or scientists at Stark Industries but Tonys made the exception. Buy what you need. Food, drinks, a car if you need to. Just don't go too overboard."

I nod my head slowly, shocked in disbelief and questioning what 'going overboard' looks like to these guys. Looking at the final object I finally lose my composure and look at Happy with my mouth agape.

"Tonys got a little robot of his. Jarvis. Hacked into cameras across the city. Your ID on every LA city file was fake. Whoever set you up tried their best. Tony can do better."

I looked back down at the… passport. It was blue with gold accents etched onto the front. The United States of America is proudly showcased. Opening it up I found the page with my face on it. They had discovered my fake ID on some digitilized record and pasted it on here. According to this, I was 18 years old. Born in Kansas, Topeka.


"Kansas. Really."

"Don't look at me. I didn't make it Superboy." The need to punch that shit-eating grin off of Happy's face was almost unbearable.

With a sigh, I shook my head and opened the car door.

"Thanks a lot, Happy. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"No problem kid. Have a good one." and with that, I watched as the blacked-out Rolls Royce drove off into the LA streets.

Quickly checking myself into the hotel and finding my room, I opened the door to a heavenly king-sized bed.

Going from the streets to a bust-down apartment, and now onto a 5-star hotel. Not doing too bad if I do say myself.

I was contemplating a shower. I felt like marinating under that rubble for so long wasn't good for my cleanliness. After a tough mental battle between needing to be clean and passing out on that beautiful bed, my upbringing won out.

I headed to the shower at a quick pace. The faster I got this done the faster I got to sleep.

The bathroom was equally as nice as the bedroom itself. A huge tube to soak yourself in. A normal shower accompanied it. Large glass mirrors combined with great lighting. Perfect for a photoshoot.

Not that I'd be taking any.

I stared at myself in the mirror. At the back of my head, I could still feel that subconscious pull. Mover had been active since that fight with Iron Monger. It's probably why I hadn't noticed anything until now. Pulling off my shirt I finally get to see the damage that had been dealt in that fight. Deep cuts could be seen spread across my chest, arms and back. What had once been a perfect set of abs had been disfigured by 2nd-degree burns. Skin peeling off and rough bumps appearing here and there. I thought back to when I'd been hit by that missile. The power had really helped downplay the hits I took.

The injuries were minimal. Much better than they had any right to be. I had a tough defence that was for sure. I could feel my skin growing at a rapid pace, but I could tell it wasn't complete regeneration. I would still keep the scars. Thankfully I didn't need any stitches.

Turning on the shower I started to think more about the events that had taken place. Tony Stark was real. S.H.I.E.L.D probably existed. I had no doubt they were leaving no stone unturned in trying to find me. Life just got so much more complicated.

'Superheroes huh' I was smiling. There was a reason I was sent here. I just had to go find out my purpose.

Maybe have a little fun along the way.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"So. How was your night?"


The car door locks into place. Happy had shown up to the hotel room exactly on time. I was wearing a black Super 130s Armani two-piece suit. The suit itself was probably worth more than my monthly rent. If there was 1 thing Stark knew. It wasn't holding back on spending money.

"I drove Tony back to a spot closer to the Press Conference for the night. He's already there."

"Isn't it a bit early? I get not being late to your own press conference but Tony didn't strike me as the type to be an hour early to even one dedicated to just him."

"He has to memorize his speech. This is a very tough situation. Everyone needs to get their story straight. That includes you." raising his hand over his shoulder without taking his eyes away from the road he hands me a nondescriptive folder.

Taking it into my hands, I spend the rest of the car drive reading through everything. It was honestly easier said than done. Whoever Tony hired for this job was meticulous. Adding things about my background that even I hadn't thought of.

"Woah." I'm taken out of my focus by the car coming to a sudden stop. Looking up I notice we'd reached our destination.

"Just head inside I'll follow you in a few minutes. Tonys in the changing room. 2nd floor, 3rd room to the right. It's past a wooden double door can't miss it."

I nod my head and exit the car. Walking into the building I follow Happy's instructions and make my way through this enormous maze of a building. I get to the door to realize it was already open. I can see Tony getting makeup done by some slim and attractive women. Her hair was light red. Light enough to be mistaken for blonde. A black dress hugged her figure quite nicely. Black, was that everyone's favourite colour nowadays?

"... 'Iron Man.' That's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring to it."

The woman turns herself away from Tony for a moment to look at me. Placing the kit in her hands down on a table she hurriedly approaches me with a hand-held forward in greeting.

"Oh, so you must Mr. Lancaster. It's nice to meet you. I can't thank you enough for saving my boss." I shake her hand enthusiastically because of her heartfelt gratitude.

"Save is a strong word. More like he assisted. Kinda like you, Pepper. Less of an equal and more of a sidekick type deal." Tony speaks up from his seat. He was obviously not appreciative of the 'saving' comment.

I hear footsteps rapidly approaching the room. Looking back I see a man dressed in a simple suit. He had a cheerful demeanour about him. Pushing past me he reached Stark and handed him some notes.

"Here's your alibi."

Tony looked down at the papers confused. "Okay…"

"You were on your yacht."


"We have port papers that put you in Avalon all night, and sworn statements from 50 of your guests."

"See, I was thinking maybe we should say it was just Pepper and me alone on the island." the woman named Pepper proceeded to strip the piece of facial plaster off of Tony's face with a little bit of aggression. The way she stared at him in exasperation brings me to believe that they were either very close, or she was a tad bit pissed off at him at the moment.

Seeing no reason to refuse the request, the man just nodded. "That's what happened."

"All right."

"Just read it, word for word."

"There's nothing about Stane here." at that I turned my head. 'A cover-up?'

"That's being handled. He's on vacation." The mystery man turned his head at us both and noted our confusion. "Small aircraft have such a poor safety record."

Taking some more time to read the notes Tony starts expressing his concerns. "But what about the whole cover story t-that it's a bodyguard?"

"That's not going to work, is it? A bodyguard with a suit of armour that advanced is a bit much. The story is flimsy at best in my opinion." both Tony and the man turn at my comment.

"He's not wrong." Tony says while pointing a finger toward me.

"Trust me. This isn't my first rodeo, Mr. Stark." for some reason the guy looks at me weirdly. As though he's examining someone he needed to be careful of. That he's wary about. For that split second of change, I feel like I was looking at a completely different guy. From harmless to deadly accurate in moments.

"Just stick to the official statement, and soon, this will all be behind you. You've got 90 seconds." just before the man could turn around to leave Pepper hurriedly calls out to him.

"Agent Coulson? I just wanted to say thank you very much for all of your help."

"While your gratitude is much appreciated. I'd like it if you could give me and Mr. Lancaster a few seconds to chat. We have some things to discuss."

With a smile that I was rapidly beginning to realize wasn't as innocent as I once believed, Agent Coulson tilts his head in the direction of the double doors. Signalling me to follow him.

Moving past the doors, I watch quietly as Coulson closes them behind us.

"You're an interesting man Mr. Lancaster."

"Please. Just call me Calvin. Using my last name makes me feel old." I try lighting up the mood.

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Your records are clean. A completely normal upbringing. Foster home records indicate you were a great kid. Good grades at school. Never had any problems. The only red mark on your history is a fight in senior year."

"I didn't like bullies much. The principal didn't see it my way. Got suspended for 3 days. On exam week as well. Tough time for me." with practiced ease I add in a few details from the folder Happy had given me. Layering in more evidence of my supposed past.

"Whoever created this tried really hard to make anyone digging too deep overlook you."

I could feel his eyes picking me apart with every word he spoke. Tony really tried his hardest to help me out it seemed. I got to thank him for that later on.

"I don't know what you're trying to say here Mr. Coulson I–"

"We'll stop right here. Obviously, you don't want to reveal anything. My job description stops me from doing the same. What I can say is that we'll be watching. Don't overstep your boundaries, and we won't completely break down yours."

With that, the atmosphere completely changes again. Coulson puts on his deceptively sweet smile and turns back to the conference entrance.

Shaking my head from the anxiety-inducing conversation I turn back to the room with Pepper and Tony, but just before I could open the double doors I'm stopped.

"Oh, and Mr. Lancaster. Send my regards to Happy Hogan. His driving was spectacular. His choice of hotels was just as superb. Marriot breakfast is better than most."

I stood frozen as Agent Coulson finally leaves the area.

It seemed like he was giving praise, but I knew what that really was. The message behind those words.

'We let you go during the car chase. We know where you live. We know your identity is fake. There's nowhere you hide that we can't find you….. watch your back.'

A cold shiver runs through me.

I'm brought back from my angst by the double doors being roughly pushed open. I can see an irritated-looking Pepper Potts standing at the side of the room with her arms crossed.

Her head turns my way and she gives me a courteous smile before going back to watching the massive screen-mounted TV in Starks private dressing room. Looking at the screen I can see it was currently playing scenes from the conference room which I can tell is jam-packed with different reporters from dozens of news companies. The vultures were ready to pounce at any opportune moment to completely take any and everything Tony was going to say out of context.

Scandals sell.

Tony who had been the perpetrator behind opening the doors walks towards me. His steps were heavier. His posture slouched. I could tell something was wrong. The miffed woman he was walking away from painted a pretty good picture as to what that something was.

"Damsel in Distress huh?" I ask with a knowing smirk.

"Shut up." Tony bites back with a lot less energy.

I chuckle a bit as we both head toward the biggest news event of the year.

Entering the room, I watch as everyone's attention turns toward us.

"I left a seat for you at the back of the room. I pushed Pepper to get you one in the front row but you know how the media are. It would just look more suspicious anyway. We'll talk after I deal with this." I could hear the apprehension in his voice at having to explain this difficult situation.

"It's alright, I'll make due. Go get 'em" with my words of encouragement we both part ways. I walked toward the back of the assorted assigned seats. Finding my name 'Calvin Lancaster' written on a piece of paper. I could feel several eyes on me as I walk to the chair. Reporters probably questioning how a nobody like me got in such close contact with the man of the hour.

"And now, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement. He will not be taking any questions. Thank you."

And just like that, all eyes returned to the head of the room. All thoughts of the mystery man currently sitting in the back row are completely forgotten.

General Rhodes steps back after his proclamation and surrenders the microphone to Tony.

"Been a while since I was in front of you. I figure I'll stick to the cards this time."

A few laughs ring out across the room. Even with the nervous atmosphere Starks natural charisma bleeds through his anxiousness.

"There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred….."

I zone out as what I'm sure is a scripted recounting of events is read off of cue cards.

Thinking back to what had happened over the last few couple of days was headache-inducing. Agent Coulson was definitely from SHIELD. There were no other special organizations that were both a force for good, linked to the government, and could get close to Tony Stark in the way that he had. At least none that I could remember off the top of my head. Most organizations in Marvel tend to be more of the bad guy type of deal. The Nazi and evil scientist kind. They liked to keep their activities lowkey.

My head tilts a bit as a blonde reporter interrupts Tony.

While the exchange was rather unimportant one word struck my mind and I wander back to my thoughts again.


I never thought I'd see the day when that word would be used in a context not referring to fantasy.

I had always wondered what it would be like to have powers. To be considered special in a world full of normal people. What little memories of my past I had left still gave me a basic idea of what life was like. Highschool, College, Job. Wake up at 8:00, start work at 9:00, and clock out at 5:00. Rinse and repeat. It's how you were meant to live life. How I was taught any self-respecting person did.

But here? Did I have to follow that dogma anymore? I could feel them even now. 12 energies calling out to me. Some waiting for me to reach out. Others demanding it.

With these powers, I could do anything. Be anyone. I didn't have to be normal anymore. People would respect me. Women would love me. I would be better than them. I had the power. I was better than them. Money? That wasn't a problem anymore. I could create my own company. Sell my services to the highest bidder. A mercenary. I was a one-man army. If all else failed it didn't matter much. Money existed everywhere. All it would take is one visit to the bank. Who was there to stop m–

'Face front, true believers!'

…what the hell am I thinking? Stealing? Playing the bad guy?

'There is only one who is all-powerful, and his greatest weapon is love.'

Was that really what I felt like doing? Hurting people for fun? Because I could?

'That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero.'

The person who created this world… this Marvel. If he were right here right now. If he had heard my thoughts, what would he think of me?

'You know, I guess one person can make a difference.'

I admired them. Earth's mightiest heroes. Champions of the universe. They had influenced an entire generation. Given hope to those who had none. So why now? Did power truly corrupt absolutely? Had that little taste of superiority changed me this much?

'With great power comes great responsibility.'


It wouldn't.

We choose to do wrong. We choose to do right. You make your own destiny. We all do. There is always a choice.

"The truth is….."

Right here. Right now. I would make mine.

"I am Iron Man."
