
MCU: The Spectacular Spider-Man

A New and Improved Peter Parker takes on the Universe of the MCU as Spider-Man. With New powers. Plenty of Classic Villians and New Relationships. Can our New Peter become the Hero we all want him to be....Let’s find out, Shall we? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Starts just after Iron Man 1. I'm gonna try to avoid major cliches like learning magic. I also don’t own anything other then my MC. I don’t own the MCU or any Photos used in the making of this fanfic.

The_Crimson_Writer · Filem
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Chapter 6 - Spider Suit MK II

Ned and I agreed that we'd discuss my new suit at School where we had more time as it was getting pretty late.

"So I've done a basic design for the suit," I tell Ned as we sit at our lunch table. "Here take a look"

(Image Here —>

"Dude this is so awesome," Ned says.

"I also need to make an improved version of my web fluid to account for my new powers," I said off-handedly.

"New Powers?" Ned questions a little too loudly.

"Shhh. Yeah, when it was fighting the Vulture..."

"His name is so cool" Ned whispers.

".... I was able to shoot electricity from my hands. I'll also need to practice with them later" I tell him.

"Well I should be able to get the materials from my mom's leftovers," Ned says. "Then together we should be able to make the rest of your Spider-gadgets"

"Spider-Gadgets?" I ask

"Let me live a little Peter" Ned tells me.

"No, No I like it" I agree with him.

"Good. I'll get the materials for the suit and then we'll meet at yours?" Ned asks.

"Yep, I'll get the hardware," I say holding out my hand for our super secret handshake. "See you after school"

"What are you losers talking about," a voice says scaring both of us slightly.

"Jeez, you can't go around scaring people, MJ" Ned says still recovering.

"I was here first" MJ replies.

"Erm okay, we were talking about cosplay outfits Ned wants to make," I tell her.

"Your both losers" MJ states.

"Then why do you sit with us?" Ned asks

"I don't have any friends," MJ says in a matter-of-fact tone.

~Scene Change~

Before Ned gets here I decided to fix my original suit and make the eye lenses for my new suit. I also wrote out a few formulas for the new web fluid as I want it to be stronger and be able to send my electricity through it.

I've also got some theory's about that, I believe it to be my naturally produced Bio-electricity. For some reason I'm able to channel or control it I'm not sure just yet.

"Peter Ned's here....with a sewing kit?" I hear Aunt may say sceptically.

I chuckle a little then I shout back, "Yeah just send him up"

"Hey Peter, I stole...I mean borrowed some of my Nana" Ned corrects himself.

"Oh yeah I'm sure," I say. "I got some hardware components from the trash and school, so I can't exactly judge"

"I'm so excited to be making a superhero suit," Ned says taking a seat at my desk as he sets up the sewing kit.

"Well, then I'm sure you'd also like to be my guy in the chair?" I ask knowing Ned wouldn't be able to resist.

"Really?" To which I nod. "Yes!, I would make an amazing guy in the chair"

"Let's get to work," I say holding out my hand for a first bump.

~Suit Making Montage~

"Sit still will you" Ned exclaims.

"I'm trying. You keep tickling me" I reply.

"Just let me measure you" Ned complains trying to wrap a measuring tape around my naked torso.

"Boys I made some Food....." May says walking into my room.


"....I'm not even going to ask," May says

"That's probably wise" I reply.


"What's this even made off?" I ask stretching the blue fabric only for it to snap out of my hand and whack me in the face. "Ah, shit"

"Hahaha, Oh my days. It's made of spandex" Ned answers in-between laughing fits.

"Oh shut up," I tell him.



"Awwweeesome" Ned drags out.

"That's not even the best part," I say "watch this"

I shoot another web but place my fingers in front of the shooter causing the web to split in two.

"How is that even possible?" Ned questions in awe slightly.

"This compound web is weaker than my others allowing it to split easier," I tell him briefly.


"No a smaller Spider would look better" Ned argues.

"No it wouldn't, the larger the better" I argue back.



"Small" Ned continues

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?" I say.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors" Ned agrees.

~1 Minute Later~

"Haha, Large it is, my friend," I say

"You cheated" Ned comments.

"I've no idea what you're talking about," I say smirking.

"Stupid Spider Powers" Ned mumbles to himself making me chuckle.


"Annnd Done," Ned says finishing the last stitches of my suit. "What are you doing?"

"I hacking into the police database. To see if they got any info on The Vulture. Oh, here we go..... Oh shit" I say quietly

"What? What is it?" Ned asks.

"The police interrogated the goons I knocked out on Wednesday night" I state. "They are planning a raid on what is believed to be the Vulture's hideout"

"What's so bad about that?" Ned questions.

"It's very bad. The police can't handle someone who can fly and who I suspect is wearing bulletproof armour" I tell him.

"That is bad" Ned agrees. "But it would be a good test run" he adds with a smile.

"Your right. It's time for a superhero suit up" I tell him grabbing my newly created suit.

~Scene Change~

"So what do you think?" I asked standing in front of Ned.

"Dude, I feel like I'm in the presence of a hero," Ned tells me.

"That's what we were going for. But now it's time to kick some ass" I say jumping out of my window.


"WHOOHOO" I scream out

(Image Here —>

~End of Chapter~