
Ch. 50 - The Tesseract

"We need someone to distract him." Doflamingo said to Talos and his men.

"I'll do it. I could change into her appearance and distract him as long as I can." A Skrull raised his hand and said.

Talos looked at him in approval and admiration.

"Your sacrifice would always be remembered." Talos came up to him and hugged him in an alien way.

"This is for Kree and my family." The Skrull whispered slightly.

"Alright, so Carol would tell you everything that you needed to know in case Yon-Rogg asks to confirm that you're Carol." Doflamingo said and gestured to Carol who nodded her head and started telling the Skrull of the possible questions that he may face when Yon-Rogg questions him.

Their plan is that, while the Skrull will distract him, Carol and the rest will take that time to fly the modified jet plane outside in space.


Yon-Rogg steps onto the path and walked forward. He walks down the path and into a cabin in the middle of the forest. The disguised Skrull, 'Carol', in her Kree colors, is already standing inside and watches him enter.

"What took you so long?" 'Carol' asked while Yon-Rogg replied.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Yon-Rogg said as he eyed 'Carol' suspiciously.

"PRY46B-." 'Carol' was about to state their secret code when Yon-Rogg stops her.

"No, no codes. That system is fallible, as we've learned." Yon-Rogg said, gesturing 'Carol' to use the old ways.

"Alright then, let's do this." 'Carol' confidently said as she prepared herself.

Soon, they both exchanged information that only the two of them knew with Yon-Rogg the one asking the questions and 'Carol' the one answering his questions with confidence.

However, Carol forgot to tell him one thing.

"And what is your earliest memory of Hala?" Yon-Rogg was almost close to believing her until he finally asked the next question.

"The transfusion. Blue blood running through my veins." 'Carol' answered with her usual confidence.

"Whose blood?" However, Yon-Rogg's next questions brought her confidence to an abrupt hold.

'Carol' looked panic however, she tried to calm herself down as she looked sideways, trying to avoid Yon-Rogg's stare.

Before, 'Carol' could react, Yon-Rogg suddenly brought out his weapon and was about to shoot at the disguised Skrull, when Doflamingo but a bit shorter appeared behind him and stole his weapon before smashing his face with a strong force, throwing him outside of the cabin.


"Run! I can't hold much longer." Doflamingo's clone said as he threw the weapon to the Skrull and urged him to run.

The Skrull took the weapon and nodded before running. Although he has Yon-Rogg's weapon, it needs fingerprint to be activated and although he could take on Yon-Rogg's appearance, the fingerprint has a feature of being able to recognize if the fingerprint is disguised or not, in short, an Anti-Skrull fingerprint.

Seeing that the Skrull finally run away, Doflamingo's clone smiled in relief before slowly turning into threads and disappeared from the naked eye.


Feeling the string slowly reel back to him, inside the jet plane, Doflamingo smiled in satisfaction. Thankfully, before flying past the distance limit that his clone could hold, he managed to remember that in the movie, the one disguised as Carol died due to lack of information.

"What got you smiling like that?" Fury asked confusedly.

"Nothing, I think Goose's fur makes me happy." Doflamingo shood his head and said while patting the fur of Goose, who was on his lap.

"...Who's the good kitty? You are!" Fury stared at him for a few seconds before turning his attention to Goose on his lap.

"We should be near by now, right?" Maria asked as the jet plane finally reached the outer space and they tried to look around to search for Lawson's Spaceship.

"Where is it?" Fury looked out of the glass and asked.

"It should be cloaked." Talos mentioned. Carol immediately got to work and fiddled with his wrist and hacked into the system of Lawson's spaceship and deactivated the invisible cloak.

"Holy shit." Fury watched in awe.

"Let's go inside and see." Carol smiled in delight and said before landing the plane inside the spaceship.

"I wonder when Earth would reach this kind of technology." Coulson asked as he also looked around in awe.

"When the countries stopped fighting each other and instead, united with each other." Doflamingo answered his question, earning a look of 'really?' from Fury.

As they walked to the dimly lit halls, they finally arrived at the center of the spaceship, right where the 'core' of the light speed engine can be found, which is unsurprisingly, the Tesseract.

"Is that the core?" Maria asked as she and Carol got close to the Tesseract.

"This looks fascinating." Doflamingo got ahead of them and casually plucked the Tesseract out of its seal and took a closer look into it.

'The Tesseract, or should I say, the Space Stone. If the entire universe heard about this then the entire empires in the universe would wage war just to get this. Heh, they just didn't expect that such a thing can be found on a lowly planet that hasn't even marked the surrounding galaxy as their territory.' While Doflamingo was monologuing to himself, he was interrupted by a voice.

"Don't touch it so casually, we don't know what will happen if it made contact with a our skin." Maria warned him.

"Don't worry about that, I'm not normal. It feels warm." Doflamingo replied to her worries before commenting on the heat that he's feeling when he touched the Tesseract.

"We should bring probably bring it back to Shield. I think it should be where it is truly safe and away from dangerous hands." Fury has a feeling that this blue cube is important but dangerous somehow, and he always trusts his guts, so he tried to being it with him.

"I think Shield is the one that is dangerous. I know someone who could keep this safe." Doflamingo smirked and said before stashing the Tesseract inside his bag that he just created.

Although Carol also wanted to convince him to give the Tesseract back to her, but she can't do so as there's still this feeling inside her telling her not to be reckless.

"Hey." Fury suddenly got their attention as he pointed at the nearby table and when they saw a cup of coffee that was still steaming hot, they raised their guards up as they assumed that they're not alone.

"We're not alone." Just as Carol said that...


Suddenly, Talos, who has been quiet all this time, suddenly started whistling along with the other Skrulls.

"What's he doing?" Maria asked.

"I don't know." Carol said as she didn't do anything and just watched Talos and his Skrulls, whistle. Though, the main reason was because she's curious.

Soon after the whistles, dark beings suddenly emerged from the deep corners of the room until the light shone on them, revealing them to be a bunch of Skrulls but some were kids, women and teens.

"He doesn't want the core. He wants them." Maria finally realizes and felt warm and fuzzy inside her chest. It turns out that not all aliens are bad guys like the ones she watched in the television.

Carol nodded her head, agreeing to what she said. This just cements in her heart that Skrulls are not her enemy, but the Kree Empire as not only they lied to her but also tried to take advantage of her and brainwash her, turning her to their very own War Machine that they could control to their bidding.

Talos and the Skrulls ran to their families and hugged then, finally reuniting after years of oppression and abuse from the Kree Empire.

"Thank you." After hugging his wife and his child, he turned around and thanked both Carol and Doflamingo.

The former for trusting him despite their feud, while the latter for helping him without asking for a cost.

"I will repay this kindness someday." Talos said and his men agreed to what he said.

"Just help us when we needed it the most someday in the future." Doflamingo said. Although the help of the Skrulls might not be that big when Thanos invades, but it might still increase the chance of winning against him without bothering to build a time machine and return back in time.

Though that might not be possible now since Doflamingo is here and with his constant training, he might be able to snatch the infinity stones before Thanos could get to them.

"We will! Call us when you need us. And once you do, we'll arrive in a second with our entire force." Talos said and gave them a high tech looking phone.

"We'll do." Doflamigo can't help but feel like this seems to be a bit familiar.

'Wait, didn't Carol also gave Fury a pager in case of emergencies, he could ask for her help? Though it's not Carol but the army of Skrulls.' Doflamingo felt like this isn't that bad. Now, he has an army awaiting for his call in case he needed some help and it doesn't sound bad.

While Carol was being led by a little child Skrull and Talos was talking with his wife, Doflamingo suddenly sensed another spaceship landing inside and 7 beings running towards their location now.

"We have guests." Doflamingo said which is a signal to Talos who immediately told his wife to hide along with the rest of the Skrulls.

"Go! Hide! We'll take care of this!" Talos told them. Luckily, his wife was smarter than the wives that can be seen in Hollywood movies.

She took her kids and ran away from the place, followed but he rest of the defenseless Skrulls.

Meanwhile, Fury already unholstered his gun and hid behind an object and pointed at the entrance, Maria also did the same.

Carol's hand glowed as she prepared herself.

Talos and his men grabbed their rifles and pointed at the entrance.

Out of them all, Doflamingo was the only one, looking very casual, as if he has given up his life to the enemy.

As expected, the door to the entrance opens up and Yon-Rogg, along with his companions walked in, while holding Goose in his hand.

"Fraternizing with the enem-?" Yon-Rogg was about to expose Carol of her betrayal when he noticed that they seemed to be prepared and waiting for him.

"You knew we were coming?" Yon-Rogg confusedly asked. However, Fury wasn't having any of it as he knew that Yon-Rogg was buying time to let his companions prepare for battle.

"Tick Tock Motherfucka!"



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