
MCU: Macguire No Context

Tobias Macguire was Spiderman. At least, one of the many spidermen out there. In his opinion, he was the original and the best, but that was up to debate. Finding himself in an alternate universe from hos own, he... Honestly had no idea what to do. No Context. None of the stuff in this belongs to me. Warning: This is a lame novel......

HatefulAutumnBreez · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Chapter 5

The following morning…..

All his preparations were complete. With a cheap plastic ninja turtle mask, grey hoody, hiking backpack, and a handy modified golf cart, Tobias Macguire was on his way.

"Now, the coordinates were….." He muttered to himself.

Currently, Toby was trying to find the location where Tony Stark and co. had been ambushed by the... Ten Rings? Was it the Ten Rings? Maybe Seven?

Toby scratched his head, he was not keen on fine details unless they could be used by him to do some not-so-nice stuff.

But he prided himself on being an antagonistic lot.

After the camel situation was resided, he had slipped out of the military base with no suspicion whatsoever, and made his way back too Kabul, where he spent rest of the day trying restaurants.

Also, the camels were peacefully shipped off to wherever they were supposed to go and all was good and well.

When the following day came, he remembered his plan to troll the old chump hard, so he spent the early morning modifying and rebuilding a golf cart.

Though he was no longer that science nerd from Midtown High, he was still quite the genius.

"It happened around 7:00 am?, well, I should be able to make it, after all, it's only 3:00 am right now…."

Bringing his golf cart out of the city, he took out the turtle mask.

Which turtle was it? Was it Leonardo, or Rafael? Who really cared, he was just there to troll, and create the biggest scoop of the year….

Adjusting the straps, the turtle on a golf cart was ready to roll.

"Should have picked a spider maybe?"


Soon, in the distance, the people of Kabul could see what seemed to be a golf cart, somehow cruising across the sand and gravel like it was nothing.

Strange? Yes, but not the biggest of their problems at the moment.

"Putting a jet engine in this thing was my best idea!" Toby howled, through the sides of his teeth, the wind blowing into the mask, which somehow still held tightly.

The golf cart was traveling at a speed that should not be legal, and somehow staying on it without passing out, while singing an old French folk song at the top of his lungs.

As could be seen, he was not really into the stealth mission side of things….

The sun soon rose higher, and it was 6:10.

Toby checked a GPS he had attached to his golf cart. It was almost time, and he was almost there.

The console read, "47 minutes left".

Going back to singing the old French folk song, which surprisingly carried quite well in the wind, the terrain started to become rockier and bumpier, the cart jolting constantly.

"Almost got to ditch it, and make my way there by foot it seems…"

"What a pain."

"But I will do it anyway, after all, it is for the greater good…."

"Heh." He smiled, thinking of a man he had met, long, long ago.

"Hello Mr. Macguire, it appears, that as you trek forward, the shrub population has decreased. You have now entered the warzone."


Being the prodigy he was, at stealing, he managed to gain access to Jarvis's source code and hardware, and turn it into a different, A.I. with a strange sense of humor? Well, he couldn't tell if it was humor or not, due to the voice having no fluctuation at all. It remained grave no matter what.

"Sometimes, it just works."

"Plagiarism can get you far."

"Well, not in English class, but it works for this type of thing…."

"I swear to god, anti-plagiarism software these days are scary."

"I mean, imagine getting points off for plagiarizing your own essay…."

The golf cart whizzed across rocks and boulders, skidding and bumping constantly before he arrived at a small outcrop of rocks that the golf cart could not pass.

Casually, he walked up, and picked up a few boulders, which he surrounded the golf cart with, to prevent any possible thieves, before running off, into the unknown….

Well, he knew where he was going but the whole battlefield vibe sort of made it mysterious.

As he ran, by the way, was faster than a speeding bullet, the landscape around him became, of what he could see, more war-torn.

The dried corpses of civilians and soldiers alike dotted the landscape, destroyed military vehicles and buildings gave rise to a post-apocalyptic atmosphere, with some vehicles even still, flickering with flames.

Suddenly, he could see it. What the Americans called, the Devil's Trenches.

A large harrowing landscape of mountains and hills, with narrow pits and roads being the only access way through, as otherwise, it would be unnavigable.

Speeding up, he leaped. Soaring up into the sky, he wall-ran up one of the cliffs before shooting a web, which propelled him upwards, before landing with a flip, right in front of what seemed to be a camp of….. Terrorists?

A man holding a gun stared wide-eyed at him, before lifting his gun and yelling.


Quite the composed guard….

"Sir, it seems you may have disturbed some terrorists, there is a slight chance that they may alert the main base..."

"No one will notice….. If there is no one to notice." He smirked and charged forward, swinging off a metal pole, and into the guard's face...