
MCU × Ben 10

A boy from our world is reincarnated into the MCU world with the powers of 7 Ben 10 aliens. Read how his presence affects the entire MCU World. [This fanfiction only contains the story of the MCU universe (Avengers franchise) and no other Marvel movies.]

book_paradise · Filem
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10 Chs

Fury meets Ethan

In a not so extravagant yet a highly secured car, a beautiful lady with red hair was driving. Nick Fury along with Marial Hill occupied the backseat of the car leaving the front passenger seat empty.

Agent Hill was going through her custom built S.H.I.E.L.D device. She was reading the report about Ethan to Nick Fury.

The group of the three were on their way to office of New York Real Estate Agency to meet Ethan Alcardo.

(Few Minutes earlier)

In a large room with floor to ceiling glass window were sitting a man and a lady. The lady was around 30 years of age and was seated on a large pushback chair. Her face was marred with a big frown and an expression of confusion.

In front of her, across the large wooden desk sat Ethan who was looking at the news being broadcasted on the Television. The reporting was about Tony Stark's landing at the Los Angeles air base.

The last few days had been full of confusion for Alice. She held the post of a general manager in New York Real Estate Agency.

Around 7 days back, this man- Ethan Alcardo had somehow walked into her office unnoticed and unobstructed. When she had asked about it, he shamelessly blamed her secretary for their incompetency.

She did not think much of it and asked about what he wanted.

For what he offered, shocked Alice beyond anything.


Her agency had recently started the construction of their biggest and a flagship project till date on a very scenic location in New York.

The company had bought a massive piece of land in upstate. It was square shaped with almost 1 kilometres of side. A snow covered hill formed the natural barrier one side of the land. A beautiful lake was also located at some distance away from the piece of land.

The company had paid huge amount of money and greased a lot of politicians to get the ownership and rights to develop the land. The plan was to develop a luxurious resort and some top end villas for the ultra rich people who could burn their money in extravagant activities.

Now 7 days back, this boy had walked and offered to buy the whole of the property. She first scoffed at this but, she did not how but somehow, that boy had convinced her that he would buy the whole land.

She still doubted how could have she believed into whatever that boy was saying. His clothes clearly spoke of poverty.

Not only that, he had her draw the contract and today was the day he was going to pay the first instalment.

Alice was still going through her thoughts when Ethan's phone beeped and a smile spread across Ethan's lips.

"Here it is," Ethan muttered and looked at the frowning expression on Alice's face.

"What are you so worked up for?" He chuckled.

"Even for your level as a general manager this deal would be life changing."

"Your company did not spend a dime in advertisements and promotions. Agents did not have to run around to convince the investors for money and then for the buyers to buy. I single handily got you 200 million dollars."

"Even if you get the standard cut of 10%, you make 20 million. But considering, how you sold it in one go without any expenditure 15% would be an ideal demand."

Alicia did not reply. All what Ethan was saying was true... but only when he would full fill the terms of the contract.

"You got your money?" She asked in irritation. She had little believe that this impoverished boy could pay a penny.

"I just received my first payment and you will also receive your first," smirked Ethan.

Alice's eyes widened and she asked, "You will pay 8.5 million today?"

Ethan nodded and she again asked, "And if you don't pay the first 100 million in 6 months and the remaining 100 million by one year, our company will have the right to take over the land without paying back any money?"

Ethan nodded, "Didn't I told you draft this term in the contract?"

He did not need 1 year to pay such a 'petty sum' but any less time and even with his manipulation and intelligence of brain storm, he would have not been able to convince Alice to sign the deal.

Ethan used his almost broken mobile and transferred 8.5 million to New York Real Estate Agency.

Alice's mind was in daze on receiving the money and still in shock she processed with the documentation.




Alice still in some daze walked along with Ethan till the exit of the agency's building. He, now, was a prized customer of the agency.

As soon as Ethan stepped outside, he eyes landed on a certain car with three certain people inside it.

"See you tomorrow, Miss. Alice," said Ethan. "My ride is here."

Alice nodded and Ethan walked towards the car. Before Fury could step out, Ethan opened the gate and stepped inside the car.

"I did not know that New York had such beautiful drivers," said Ethan just as he stepped inside. He gazed shamelessly at Natasha while this trained agent had no visible reaction. She was used all such kind of people.

"Ethan Alcardo," drawled Fury and Ethan turned back and reacted in astonishment.

"Oh! It was a share taxi?" He said after a moment.

The usually calm Maria frowned, "This is not a taxi Alcardo and you have no business being in the car."

Ethan ignored Maria and still continued staring at Fury.

"Are you into cosplaying? A pirate?"

This sentence got a visible reaction from Fury and his face twitched at this awful joke.

"Ethan Alcardo..."

He continued, "We are from S.H.I.E.L.D-The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

"Logistics?" Ethan questioned only picking up the last words.

"You are on correct time... I just bought a new property and needed some help with moving my things."

Fury sighed controlling his anger.

"Ethan Alcardo," he said. "An orphan... mostly lived your life as a daily worker. 3 months back, you suddenly stopped all kind of work... just 3 days after Tony Stark was kidnapped and as if you almost vanished."

"You had no means to sustain yourself for 3 months but you did no work. In these 3 months, you have rarely been caught on any camera that too only when you bought your groceries."

"10 days back you made an online application and registered a consultancy service firm."

"While all this raises a lot of suspicion... there is an even bigger question than this."

"Why did Tony Stark transferred 10 million dollar to your consultancy firm as soon as he landed in Los Angeles?"




[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.


Replace @ with a.]

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]