
Max-Level Learning Ability: Facing The Cliff And Repenting For 80 Years

“Li Qingshan, as the eldest student of the Yuhua Clan, and the son of the emperor of the Yan Dynasty, you were charmed by the Demon Clan’s divine saintess and released her. Do you admit to your sins?” “I am willing to relinquish my position as the eldest student and lock myself in the Siguo Cliff to wipe the forest of tombs.” “Allowed. But you will also have to wipe all the results of your cultivation thus far, destroy your cultivation root, and you will not be allowed to exit for the rest of your life!” From then on, Li Qingcang stayed at the Siguo Cliff and wiped the Forest of Tombs every day. Somehow, he activated the max-level learning abilities. [You watched closely and activated the max-level learning abilities, you instantly learned the Great River Swords Qi] [You watched closely and activated the max-level learning abilities, you learned the Triple Sword Strike] [You watched closely and activated the max-level learning abilities, you learned the Sky Turning Print] After several decades, the Divine Path golden ranking descended upon the world and ranked all of the powerful individuals in the human realm. Li Qingshan ranked number one straight away. The comments that the rankings had for him—God amongst man!

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Hua Xiangrong's News (1)

Penerjemah: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Central Battlefield, covered with corpses, saw the demise of the top experts from the Dimensional Battlefield in this battle.

Corpses were scattered everywhere.

There were Immortals, Divine Cultivators, Longevity Cultivators...

They had once been all-powerful, managing the various safety zones in the Dimensional Battlefield. They were high up in the air, setting the rules and overlooking the Human World.

Now, their lifeless bodies lay here, motionless. Even if wild dogs were to tear at them, no one paid any attention.

The glory was ephemeral and dissipated rapidly.

Five thousand years ago, a group of young individuals seized the opportunity provided by Li Qingshan. In the brief moments of Time Reversal, they witnessed victory.

Although they couldn't witness the new world, they caught a glimpse of the dawn of triumph.

Thus, Li Qingshan repaid those who entrusted him with the entire inheritance. He didn't disappoint.