
Mastery System

~~~~~~~~~~ Spirit Cultivation Realms: Mortal: Starts from birth - Spirit Foundation (10 Stages) - Spirit Refinement (10 Stages) - Golden Core (10 Stages) - Earth Realm (10 Stages) - Sky Realm (10 Stages) - King/ Spirit (10 Stages) - Emperor/ Spirit (10 Stages) - Heavenly Cultivator (10 Stages) ~~~~~~~~~~ Body Cultivation Realms: Mortal: Starts from birth - Body Foundation (10 Stages) - Body Refinement (10 Stages) - Hardened Body (10 Stages) - Strengthened Body (10 Stages) - Solid-Body (10 Stages) - Potent Body (10 Stages) - Culminated Earthly Body (10 Stages) (not finished) ~~~~~~~~~~ Heavenly Realms: (Unfinished) - Earthly Saint - Sky Saint - Heavenly... ~~~~~~~~~~ Black: Sect Master Blue: Elder White: Inner Court/Core Disciple Green: Inner Disciple Red: Outer Disciple ~~~~~~~~~~ Potentials: [ Brown:1| Red: 2| Orange: 3| Yellow: 4| Green: 5| Blue: 6| Purple: 7| Grey: 8| White: 9| Black: 10| ] ~~~~~~~~~~ Alchemy Grades: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 One is the lowest | Ten is the highest ~~~~~~~~~~ Weapons Grades will be mentioned later on because I kind of forgot...

vanah · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

3: Training


After eating what the doctor brought him, Shen left his room wearing a black robe with golden streaks, the official robe of the royal Li family of the Li Empire that controlled one-third of the southeastern continent.

As soon as he exited his room, eyes marked on him. All the maids quickly bowed down,

"We welcome your return, 4th Prince, Wen,"

Shen, who was now Wen, looked at them for a brief moment, before innocently asking,

"Where's the training area?"

On his waist was a rapier. Its hilt was a beautifully polished black and gold. Its blade gleamed in the early sunlight.

'The young master just woke up and is starting to train already?'

'He is still stubborn as before,'

'Why does he not know where the training room is?'

Soon, one of the maids pointed in a direction.

"Ah, thank you,"

Without sparing another minute, Shen rushed to the training area.

The training area was outside. Hanging on the castle walls were weapons from throwing knives, to longswords.

On the training were 10 dummies. 5 made of wood with leather armor, 3 made of wood with metal armor, and 2* that were enchanted puppets made of wood wearing leather armor.

In other words, they could move by themselves. They had no mind of their own and would only follow what the creator or owner tells them to do. These puppets, however, would fight whoever touches them for 1 minute after inserting some qi to power it up.

After examining the training grounds, Shen unsheathed his sword.

With his rapier in hand, he walked over to the metal armored puppets, as the leather ones wouldn't be able to defend.

With terrible posture, Shen lifted his sword, getting ready to slice down vertically.

"Dammnit, what am I doing? I don't even know how to use a weapon..."

Crestfallen, Shen started searching for the library.


"His Imperial Majesty, Emperor of the Li Empire," The head maid kneeled.

"Speak," A rich powerful voice echoed in response.

"Your son, the fourth prince of the Li empire, Wen Li, has woken up from his 4-month coma,"


"It's good to hear the pills have improved. How long was the scheduled awakening? 8 months?"

"It was 5 months,"

"Ah, please give the alchemist our regards along with 50 gold coins,"

"It will be done,"


"Yawn, what is my son doing now?"

"We last saw him heading towards the library after asking directions to go to the training grounds,"

"Hrm, onto the next stage, although it has been pushed to an earlier time..."

"Yes, your imperial majesty,"

"Is there anything else to report?"

The head maid hesitated for a bit, "His majesty's son had lost his memories after waking up,"

The emperor frowned, "Are you certain of this?"

"We are certain of this, his majesty's son told her imperial majesty,"

"This might disrupt my plans... Continue anyway,"

"Yes, your Imperial Majesty, blessings to the Mighty Li Empire,"

The emperor cringed, "You are dismissed,"


Sitting on a comfortable chair, Shen was flipping through history books.

[ The Li Empire's Rise ]

Shen skimmed through the pages, trying to quickly memorize the information from the books.

'Uarrghh, this is so annoying, I already read so many books back on earth, now I have to do it all again!'

Shen picked up another book, [ The Sun Empire's Rise ]

Shen immediately dropped it and picked another book, [ Beasts of the World ]

"This book, it seems more interesting, but, it won't be helpful for now,"

In the end, Shen ended up finding no books which deemed 'useful' for now.

"Where should I go? I'll probably get called by the emperor soon, I should ask him to bring me a teacher or something," Shen mused,

Shen looked outside at the sun, it was at its peak. 'I may not know if the sun goes north or west, but I do know that when the sun is at its peak it means it's around lunchtime,'

So far, the emperor hadn't called him yet, but Shen couldn't just call a meeting with the emperor, so all he could do was do something to pass the time.

To pass the time, Shen decided to cultivate, but to do that, he had to know which cultivation manual Wen used to use. Or he could just get a new cultivation manual.

And because he didn't know where to get that, he had to wait for the emperor to call him.

"Aargh, what should I do to pass time? I can't use weapons, can't cultivate, and I can't read... Ah shit, I can read, but how? Aren't we using a different language?"

In the end, Shen decided on going back to his room to rest.

Lying on his bed Shen muttered endlessly, "This day has been such a waste... If only I could've done something more productive..."

"Ughh, I should've exercised my body all day, at least THAT would've been the least bit productive..."

Quickly getting off his bed, Shen started doing pushups and situps under his window, starting with pushups.

"1..... 2..... 3..."



"Finally! After an hour or so, I completed 100 pushups! Time for the situps..."

"1.... 2..."

Knock Knock

Shen quickly got up and wiped his sweat, "What is it!?"

"It's time for your dinner, the imperial family will be dining with you as well. You'll have one hour."

"... Thank you, you can go back,"

'Aargh, I gotta go change quickly,'

Picking up a towel, Shen wiped his sweat. After throwing his towel back, he quickly retreated to his desk.

Opening the drawer, it revealed a small pile of pills in a glass jar. The pill, which was a stamina regen pill, quickly regenerated Shen's health.


Wearing the symbolic robe of the imperial family, Shen stepped into the dining room.


A/N: *3 was changed to 2.


If there are any mistakes, please feel free to point them out!

vanahcreators' thoughts