
Mastermind: Genderbent Villainess

“My plan to take the throne? Flushed down the toilet.” “The life which I worked so hard to build? Lost by probability.” “Penis? Gone for good.” Tane Vermillion died in an unexpected accident, ending his bid for the eternal throne. All of his efforts had become neutered by simple accident. However, fate brought him elsewhere. “A handsome fiancé that is the crown prince? Whatever. I was more handsome and my sword was much more skilful.” “A heroine saintess that is being harassed by all of the so called handsome men? STOP RIGHT THERE YOU THUGS!” But here’s the silver lining, who said the villainess would fall for a man? 1 extra chapter on following weekend if book stays at within top 100 for the week. 2 extra chapters if the book stays in top 50. 3 extra chapters if the book somehow stays in top 10 if it ever happens. https://discord.gg/FTGcHkH

Oscillating_Sine · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
122 Chs

It Is Okay

"My lord, I must apologise for my incompetence!" A robed figure knelt down immediately after entering a dimly lit room.

"So you were unable to capture Duke Barwon? Explain it all in detail, do not miss a single piece of information." A man sitting on a cushioned chair, smoking a cigar, was the only other person present. He did not greet the incoming figure, but went straight to the point.

"My lord, I have found that Duke Barwon managed to disguise himself as a knight captain in the academy, he used this identity to order the knights to conduct an impromptu training session away from the academy grounds. This was when his soldiers invaded swiftly and took the academy by surprise. I only know that Duke Barwon incapacitated all of the knights before escaping on what seemed to be a convoy heading for the Estelle Kingdom." The figure reported, bowing his head solemnly.

"Why the Estelle Kingdom? We have remained neutral with them for decades. This is all too foul, we must demand an explanation from them." 

"I believe it has something to do with the rising power our kingdom has attained during these peaceful years. We have expanded our trade sector and have probably been regarded as a threat to our neighbours. I cannot say more as I am merely a servant, not a political analyst." The figure answered without hesitation.

"Interesting… it seems like the younger generation will have to be tempered further. This one massacre will not be enough for them to grow up… I will serve well to remind them that safety is not guaranteed. From now on, put the Estelle Kingdom on our trade blacklist. I believe war is within the horizon, there is no point in delaying it."

"As you desire, my lord."

It became morning. Tanya woke up besides Penelope and smiled as she usually would. Tanya had left little bite marks all over Penelope's body, marking her fondness for the latter in a somewhat primal manner. In the end, she could ask Yuri to remove the marks quicker, but it was not like any scars would form. Tanya knew when to go easy.

'So far I have a talented noble countess as a fiancé, a powerful mage as my lover, a saintess candidate for pampering, another duke's daughter, a good swordsman, and an obedient and hardworking subordinate. I do think I have done well.'

'I just have to wait a few years and my connections will be terrifying. Every one of them is worth my attention, especially Penelope… she deserves a lot of my special attention indeed~' Tanya began drifting off as she remembered Penelope's power play the night before.

'My job levels have been climbing steadily and now I just have to wait for my 3rd ascension… this makes the ascension towards a true battlefield powerhouse. Once I breakthrough, I won't have to worry about ants like those knights from earlier. I can kill them head-on.'

Tanya pushed her body off from the bed and took a brief shower. After doing her daily morning routine, she came back to the room and sat down on a sofa. It was still around dawn, she did not have the heart to wake up her cute roommates.

"Hmmm… I might as well check on Yuna, Erina, and Rosellia…" Tanya muttered as she walked out of the room.

Moments later, she found herself at the door of a different dormitory room. Because of the massacre, many rooms were left in less than desirable states. This left the academy with no choice but to put people together in the remaining usable rooms. Rosellia, Yuna, and Erina happened to share the same room just a few doors away. Rosellia of course took the room because Tanya was nearby, she would not waste the opportunity to become more familiar with her future wife.


"Who's… there?" A tired voice answered.

"Wifey~" Tanya lewdly smiled.


"Tanya, come in. What brings you to our humble abode this time in the morning?" Rosellia greeted Tanya with a smile, hoping for Tanya to show her some warmth.

"Well, Rosy, you seem quite happy to see me today~ I expected some more coldness from you, this surprises me~" Tanya leaned forward and gave a smug smile.

"Ahem… I am merely greeting my fiance. This is a duty that a fiancé should do, no matter the circumstances." Rosellia answered.

"Well, Rosy… how has Erina and Yuna been?" 

"Erina has been training in the fields quite a lot, she felt quite guilty after watching Charles 'die' and making you do so much work… she kept on telling us that if you were not there, no one would have survived. I know that already, but I still feel so touched…" Rosellia began blushing towards the end of her words. Her gratitude could not be explained with words. Tanya could have easily left with her abilities, yet she stayed behind and saved the entirety of the academy. 

"Rosy, this is what a fiancé is for~ how could I leave you like that? What if those men were more unrestrained and did something to you? You are very beautiful you know…? jaw dropping. How could I let them take a fruit that I want to have for myself?" Tanya grinned.

"Well-well… umm… Yuna has been studying as of late, she frequents what's left of the library everyday… she says that if she had more foresight and a keener mind, she could have helped. She is very good with her etiquette too; she said you taught her everything alone… you two alone…" Rosellia looked away, flustered and unable to contain her envy. She had never been with Tanya alone before, and now she was left craving.

"Just ask and you shall receive. I know you are jealous. Let me give you a hug… it must be lonely being peerless." Tanya smiled as she embraced Rosellia tightly.

"Thank you, Tanya… I needed that." A tear dropped down from Rosellia's left eye, making its way down to her chin.

"It is okay to want things."