
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Filem
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793 Chs

Chapter 625: The Educational Method of the McGonagall Family (Edited)

On Sunday morning, Fish and Hermione walked through half a meter of snow to Hagrid's cabin.

Harry and Ron would have liked to accompany them, but their "mountain of homework" had grown to a dreadful height, so the pair reluctantly stayed in the common room, trying to ignore the joyful shouts coming from downstairs.

The students were skating on the lake, sledding, and, worse yet, using their magic to send snowballs flying towards the Gryffindor tower, forcefully crashing against the windows.

"Have you had enough yet?!" Ron shouted through the window, unable to bear it any longer...

Then, George and Fred pelted him with a barrage of snowballs, causing him to retreat his head in resentment.

Meanwhile, after meeting Hagrid and Fang, Fish and Hermione ventured back into the Forbidden Forest. They followed the same path as the previous night, wandering back and forth in the Forbidden Forest.

Of course, Hagrid and Fang were the only ones actually walking, as Fish and Hermione had transformed into cats and perched on Hagrid's shoulders.

About ten minutes later, they arrived at the clearing where they had been the previous night, where Grawp lay still, his yellow curls dripping white snowflakes.

Not far from him, the three-headed dog, Fluffy, was lying down, with one head drooping and dozing off, while the other two looked around with boredom.

"Woof!" ×3

Upon noticing Fish's arrival, the three heads turned towards them and barked cheerfully in unison.

Grawp, who was lying on his back, flinched and sat up in fear, then followed Fluffy's gaze.

"Hag..." Grawp shouted, his mouth wide open.

However, he seemed to deliberately lower his voice, sounding somewhat aggrieved.

"Oh! He's calling me! Isn't he? I've been talking to him for some time now!" Hagrid danced excitedly and ran towards Grawp. "I knew you were a clever boy!"

Fish and Hermione jumped off Hagrid's shoulders and approached Fluffy with Fang.

They wanted to greet the more familiar Fluffy first, rather than the giant they had just met the previous night and didn't get along so well with.

Fluffy took the initiative and crouched down, placing his large head in front of Fish and Hermione.

"Good morning, Fluffy."


Fish smiled and extended his hand, caressing Fluffy's big, wet nose, while Hermione did the same, and Fang wagged his tail flatteringly towards Fluffy.

Next, Fish took out a large amount of food from his magical bag and gave it to Fluffy and Fang.

From a distance, Grawp sobbed and looked impatiently, but he didn't dare to approach because of Fluffy.

Fish patted Fluffy's head, grabbed a roast lamb leg, and placed it in front of Grawp.

"From now on, learn Fish's words, and when you do, you'll have something to eat, nya!"


Fish loudly told Grawp, holding a roasted lamb leg in one hand and his wand in the other.

However, Grawp didn't pay attention to Fish and reached out to grab the lamb leg...

Giants had the impression that height equaled strength, and Grawp overlooked Fish's strength due to his size.

"Depulso, nya!"


Fish cast a quick Disarming Charm, knocking down Grawp.

"Do you want another beating from Fish?!" Fish questioned, waving a roasted lamb leg in his hand.

As Grawp stood up, he remembered the beating Fish had given him the night before and quickly reverted to his previous state, sitting on his knees and shaking his massive head.

Fish nodded satisfied and waved his wand again.

Unconsciously, Grawp shielded his head with his arm, but this time the wand's light didn't strike him. Instead, it formed a strange golden pattern in the air.

"This letter is 'A'," Fish said, pointing to the enormous letter A in the air. "Repeat after Fish - A."

Grawp gazed at the peculiar pattern before him with his dull, clouded eyes for a moment before opening his mouth and saying, "Ah."

"No, it's A nya! A!" Fish corrected.


"It's A! A nya!"

"Ah nya."

"No nya! It's A!"

Fish corrected him a few more times before getting so frustrated that he approached Grawp and kicked his legs.

"Why are you so stupid?"


He kicked and scolded, "Fish was... huh?"

Fish thought about his own experience learning to speak, and it didn't seem any better, but Professor McGonagall never got angry with him for being slow. Instead, she patiently continued teaching him.

Of course, when he misbehaved, that was a different story.

"Well..." Fish paused, straightened his face, and told Grawp, just like Professor McGonagall, "Look at Fish's mouth shape... A, A."


It was unclear whether it was because giants' tongues had a different structure than humans' or if their brains were simply that slow. In any case, it took Fish almost twenty minutes to teach Grawp how to say a standard "A."

But during those twenty minutes, Fish, who had never had much patience for reading and writing, didn't get angry even once, and Hermione almost thought Fish was under a spell.

After rewarding Grawp with a roasted lamb leg, Fish continued teaching him, but Grawp was so difficult to teach that Fish only managed to teach him six and a half letters in one morning...

When the centaurs arrived to invite Fish to eat, Grawp didn't know how to say "G" very well, but he could produce a similar sound to "qu."

Hagrid and Hermione tried to help, but Fish refused, so Hermione took Hagrid aside and reminded him not to create any more magical creatures like the Exploding Snapes in class next week, emphasizing that Umbridge would go after him.

But Hagrid didn't listen; he kept telling Hermione that no sane person would want to study Fire Crabs and give up on Manticores.

"Are you going to make us learn about Manticores?!"

Hermione's face paled with fear. It was a XXXXX-class magical creature, along with the Fire Dragon, the Basilisk, and the Acromantula. According to Newt's book, it was even fiercer than the Fire Dragon, on par with the Acromantula, and even more powerful than the Acromantula.

Fortunately, Hagrid shook his head sadly and said, "Manticore eggs are a non-tradeable Class A commodity by the Ministry of Magic, so they're impossible to find on the market and hard to come by on the black market."

"Can't you learn from Professor Grubbly-Plank's teachings?" Hermione said in desperation, for the umpteenth time.

Hagrid remained as unconcerned as ever.

At the end of the day, Hermione had given up, thinking that Hagrid and Grawp were brothers, and that they were equally difficult to teach... No, Hagrid was even more difficult to teach than his brother!

At least there was progress with Fish, right?