
Is there anybody out there??

Is anyone still following this book?? Firstly, thank you for believing in me. Secondly, why??

Now, on to the point of this update, I'm currently writing a new book. The MC is the Berserker, an Asgardian from the TV show Agents of Shield.

Now, I want him to have more powers other than just Asgardian strength, and the Berserker Staff. But.. I also don't want to give him the common powers, like flight, Superman Pack, etc.

I'd like you guys to suggest some UNDERRATED powers, like Cypher's language abilities, which can SLOWLY turn MC into an OP character.

I originally wanted to give him the Absorbing Man's powers, but the Osmosian trope is currently ongoing by another author( amazing book btw) , and I don't want to just copy it.

So, suggestions?? THANK YOU!