
Marvel Zodiac knight

James journeyed to the Marvel world, his once ordinary life transformed after chancing upon an ancient bronze box. Now, his destiny was nothing short of extraordinary. "Put on the Zodiac armor and safeguard love and justice on Earth!" _______ You can find more chapters on my patreon patreon.com/Greatsage5302 Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters , am merely translating this fanfic

Great_Sage_5302 · Filem
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44 Chs

Chapter 15: The Vanishing Act

Regrettably, as the trio approached the bar's entrance, they were promptly pushed out by an elderly man with a head of entirely white hair.

"Go on, what are you kids doing here? Get out and get to bed."

"Or I'll tell your Mother Hana," the old man shot James a stern look before entering the club behind him.

James pursed his lips, 'if Grand knows you're out playing DJ at night, she'll ignore you.'

The appearance of the white-haired old man abruptly halted the trio's bar adventure before it even began. The old man was courteous, not only confessing that they weren't allowed inside but also instructing the doorkeeper to notify all the bars on the nearby street.

Anyone daring to admit these three, the old man promised to make them vanish from this world.

Thompson couldn't conceal his disappointment, leading James and Peter to try various bars, yet no establishment dared to welcome them.

"Who's this old man? Why are his words so effective?" The strong survival instinct prompted Thompson's sudden change of tone.

James sighed, "That's Willie Rankin."

"Familiar with him?" Peter glanced at the strip club's entrance, his eyes revealing a mix of curiosity for Uncle Li and the club.

"Well," James nodded, "He's the old friend of the orphanage director."

With the bar plan foiled, the disappointed trio headed back home.

"I'm leaving in two weeks. I wanted to have fun with you, but it seems I won't get the chance." Thompson kicked a can on the street, his expression somewhat downcast.

Parker patted him on the shoulder, "You're just going to be a soldier; the rest is life and death."

James added, "Don't return after a few years of being a soldier to marry Barabara; you won't be able to bear the consequences."

"Hey!" Thompson stomped his foot, and he kicked the can directly, tracing an arc and flying toward a van's door dozens of meters away.

Huh! The impact echoed in the night, sounding distant.


About to take advantage of the fact that no one saw it and quickly drive away, the van suddenly swayed a few times as they were about to compensate for the damage. A scream emanated from the vehicle.

Though the cry was brief, both James and Peter, with their keen hearing, discerned it.

Is there something wrong in that car?

As an experienced driver, James was certain it wasn't a typical car shake; the rhythm and tone were off.

Curious, the trio approached to investigate.

Just a few steps away, the co-pilot's door of the car swung open, and a stout man descended.

Before he could steady himself, the stout man yelled, "You guys raised by Biaozi, dare to damage my car. You must not want to live; get out of here!"

The man exuded anger, his voice loud, his face hideous, and his cruel words were highly intimidating.

Hearing this, Thompson instinctively turned to leave because, from the opening door, he saw a person seated in the driver's seat.

Thompson, street-wise, understood that these people were undoubtedly trouble, perhaps even gangsters. It was better not to linger, drive away quickly, and avoid getting into trouble.

James and Peter heard a woman's subdued sobbing and a man's low threatening voice from the car door.

The two exchanged glances, nodded simultaneously, and trailed behind Thompson.

Turning a corner, Thompson expressed gratitude, "I didn't expect there were people in that car. Fortunately, they seemed busy and didn't have time to deal with us. Otherwise, we might be in trouble, and we could lose a lot of money."

Thompson spoke, but no one responded. When he turned his head, he found Lexia and Parker standing at the street corner, poking their heads out.

"Hey! Hurry up; those people might be gangsters. We can't afford to offend them." Thompson approached, intending to usher the two away. Having brought them out, he felt responsible for bringing them back safely.

James gently freed himself from Thompson's grasp, "Thompson, you go back first, keep your phone on, and we'll contact you later."

"Huh?" Thompson wore a perplexed expression, "James, are you out of your mind? They're gangsters; they probably have guns. Stop making trouble, and let's go quickly!"

James glanced at Peter, and Peter responded, "Thompson, that's the situation. My uncle asked me to pick up Aunt May from work, and James happened to be on the way. So, we're both heading there together."

Thompson raised an eyebrow. "Peter, do you think I'm a fool? Who would believe such nonsense?"

Peter wanted to add more, but James suddenly patted his arm. The three of them poked their heads out and, from a distance, saw the van's trunk open as two individuals carried a unconscious woman inside.

Then the vehicle sped away.

"This is... kidnapping? Kidnapping?" Thompson was dumbfounded. For an ordinary high school student, witnessing such a thing with his own eyes had a profound impact.

James ignored Thompson's words but pointed to the roof of the adjacent building, addressing Peter.

"You're fast; go up. I'll chase them down. Don't lose sight of them."

"Okay!" Parker nodded without hesitation, jumped up, pressed his legs against the wall, and with a quick leap, climbed up the wall and reached the ten-meter-high roof.

Thompson looked bewildered, his mouth agape as if ready to swallow a baby.

"Thompson, head home quickly."

James patted Thompson on the shoulder and darted into the alley.

"James, I..."

As soon as Thompson lowered his head, a gust of wind blew in front of him, nearly blinding him. When he recovered, James's figure had reached the alley's entrance dozens of meters away.

"I...F!" Thompson felt like he was going crazy. "Are you two even human?"

Watching James and Parker depart, Thompson realized he couldn't keep up with them. Even if he could, he probably wouldn't be of much help; he might even become a hindrance.

Yet, Thompson felt it would be too shameful to return home like this. After contemplating, he turned and went back to the strip club.

"I won't let you in; go back quickly." The guards at the door began shooing Thompson away from a distance.

Thompson stepped forward, pointing inside, and said, "I need to see Willie Rankin."

James sprinted out of the alley, chasing a street corner, but he lost sight of the van on the road. With his current abilities, it was a bit challenging to catch up with the car on foot.

Just then, the phone rang; James retrieved it. It was Peter.

"They headed toward 19th Street; I'll keep you updated."

A black shadow struck the foam in the nearby garbage dump, and James looked over, spotting Parker's skateboard on his back.


Hungry for more chaps you can get more Chapter on my patreon


I have up to 15 chapters there

Hey guys power stoneeeee