
Marvel/Xmen:Yuta Okkotsu

Transmigrated as a mutant with a variant Yuta Okkotsu’s abilities.

Ash_D_Born · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 5


Fuck this hurts.

This is why I didn't want to get mixed up with this Xmen shenanigans. They get attacked to often.

I crawled out of the rubble that fell on me after the initial attacks. If not for Wolverine's regeneration I would be dead.

I needed that in a way. I was starting to get cocky. Thinking I was invincible. I clearly was not. Cursed energy is just another type of energy in this universe. Its not the strongest.

Or maybe because I transmigrated here I assumed I was special or protected. I could have died now and they would all move on.

Just another dead mutant.

'Never again.'

Sentinels. Fucking Sentinels were attacking. I didn't know that was a thing yet. Humanity was already preparing to fuck us over.

Because we're different?

Yes… we're different aren't we?

I'll equalize that in the future. Make a grand festival of it all but that has to wait. I'll survive this encounter first.

First order of action.


Some minutes later

Cyclops fired beam after beam at the the large robots who seemed to shrug them off casually. Some mutant kids had already been captured and transported to an unlnown location.

He hid behind a wall to take a breather and was thinking how all this came to be. How humanity immediately attacked them for the death of a senator.

That means they already had this waiting. Looking for an excuse. The robots can replicate most abilities and use ones that counter the mutant abilities.

They already took down Bobby Drake with fire abilities. This cannot get much worse. Twenty of them came to attack the mansion. We took down five while two made away with some mutants.

We are getting beaten hard. Jean is trying her best and so is Storm but surprisingly Wolverine is the main damage dealer today.

Cyclops turned to see Yuta get up from under a rock . He looked haggard and pissed ad he started moving towards him.

'Are you okay? We need help right now.' Cyclops said while firing a beam at the Sentinel attacking Jean. Yuta got his sword out and looked at him for a while before saying.

'Look I need some of your blood. Nothing personal.'

And he swung his sword at Cuclops chest drawing blood as Cyclops fell down in shock of the sudden attack. He came to quickly and fired a beam that knocked Yuta out of the vicinity.

Yuta got up and licked the blood of his blade copying Scott's ability turning it into a technique called Laser Festival which allows him shoot concussive lasers from his eyes.

Yuta then looked at the Sentinels still fighting in the distance and decided to do something about them. He raised two fingers towards the biggest one fighting Storm and Wolverine.

Twin Meteors!!!!


Scale of the dragon!!!!


A gigantic slash moved at speeds rivaling the speed of thought almost instantly met the Sentinel cleaving it in half as the robot separated into two halves and fell to the ground.

The area went deathly calm for a few seconds as everyone processed that the Prime Sentinel was taken out in one hit. All of a sudden a cheer was heard from Booby Drake as the Xmen's morale was boosted to insane heights.

'Now thats what I'm talking about!!'

He immediately turned to ice and froze the floor solid trapping the Sentinels.

Why he didn't do that before I'll never know.

I started running towards Rogue. I intend to take some of her hair to ingest. There is a chance she might copy me but still.

Its worth the risk afterall her's isn't permanent if its not for too long.She would gain the potential an maybe unlock her cursed energy by herself in training with her own cursed techniques.

I got closer to Rogue as she was battling the a Sentinel. She was about to get hit when I dragged her out of the way and fell behind some debris.

As we rolled I took a bite out of her hair, a small one but that was all I needed to get the job done. I could feel her power in me already. Its funny how her xgene is an alpha xgene but she's able to handle omega level abilities.

Xgene Absorption acquired

Fuse Absorption with Copy?


New Innate Technique: Records of Akhasha : able to copy the abilities, memories, techniques and life force of those in your range and capabilities permanently. Memories are stored in a library in the Tower of God that the host can peruse at his leisure. One can pick and choose what memory to permanently add to himself.

I'm cracked!

No longer am I powerless. Just staying here I have already copied hundreds of abilities that are not really for me but I will be fusing later.

What… I'm feeling drowsy…

I turned to look at Rogue's body and I see her hand on my cheek. Damn. I fucked up.

'What is this power… it feels so… horrible. I thought your ability was to use invisible attacks.' she said as she stood up from the debris.

She didn't gain the inferior Copy technique. She gained the new Records of Akhasha. It would probably fix her xgene and push her to omega levels because of their compatibility.

Which means as of thos moment… Rogue can gain abilities permanently like me.


I knew I should have done this months ago. With my hubris I kept procrastinating!

Should I kill her?

We have the same power now. No.

If anything this is a good thing. A rival. I created a future rival. Everygood villian needs a good dance partner.

And I choose you,Rogue. We'll dance till the end of times.

I stood up and looked at her for a few seconds. The new most powerful mutant besides reality warpers is beside me.

'I don't know if I should kill you or not.' I said while leaking some killing intent on her but she doesn't flinch. It seems she has some of my ID imprinted on her now.

'Try it. Lets see how it goes. You have been lying to us this whole time. I will take you to the Professor to explain yourself.'

' Don't run high on my power girl. If I understand your ability after a few hours it will revert back to the most basic form which you would have to build it up from by yourself.'

She flinched a little. It seems I hit the nail in the head. What this boost does for her is allow her keep the powers she cooies now but she has to develop it by herself after the initial cooldown. Which means she now has cursed energy.

Regardless I pick up my sword and head out to finish this battle in one hit so I can go to the dimension.

I gaze upon the remaing seven Sentinels in contempt. Humanity want to capture me. To experiment on me… never! I crossed my two fingers and uttered,

'Domain Expansion: Tower of God reversal : Shrine'

(Note: The domain reversal spell instead of opening the main tower of god, picks a particular domain expansion from it to use.)

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