
Marvel: X-98 Quantum Spider

A person with X-gene found herself being experimented in oscorp. And being experimented everyday, let's see how she escapes.

MarvelHand · Filem
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28 Chs

I am Iron-Man

Alice's POV

It was just another ordinary day in class when the teacher introduced two new students. The classroom buzzed with whispers and curiosity as the door creaked open. My eyes widened in surprise as the first student walked in. It was none other than Ava Starr. My mind raced. Didn't she have that glitching issue? How was she managing to attend high school?

Before I could process this, the second student walked in: Harry Osborn. The mere mention of his last name made me think of experience in Oscorp as lab rat, and my eyes instinctively glanced at him. Harry, misinterpreting my look, winked at me, clearly thinking I was fascinated by him. I rolled my eyes and ignored it, feeling a mixture of irritation and amusement.

The teacher, seemingly oblivious to my inner turmoil, continued. "Peter, I want you to help Harry get familiar with the school. And Alice, since the seat next to you is empty, could you do the same for Ava?"

I nodded, my thoughts still swirling. The day progressed normally. Ava sat next to me, and we exchanged polite introductions. She seemed genuinely interested in experiencing high school, and I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Harry, on the other hand, was surrounded by curious glances and whispers, clearly enjoying the attention.

During lunch, Ava and I sat together. I couldn't help but notice her observing everything with keen interest, almost as if she was absorbing every detail.

"So, Ava, how are you finding the school so far?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"It's… different," she admitted. "In a good way. I never really had a normal school experience before."

I nodded, understanding more than she knew. "Well, if you need any help, feel free to ask. High school can be a jungle."

She smiled, a genuine one that made her seem less guarded. "Thanks, Alice. I appreciate that."

Meanwhile, across the cafeteria, Harry was holding court with a group of students, his charm in full swing. I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. The Osborns had a knack for causing trouble, and I wondered what his real motives were.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Harry made an announcement that caught everyone's attention. "Hey everyone, I'm throwing a party at my place tonight. You're all invited!"

Excited murmurs spread through the crowd. I politely declined, which seemed to dampen everyone's mood a bit. Most of the students, including Mary Jane, Liz, Flash, and a few others, eagerly accepted the invitation. Gwen looked like she wanted to go but hesitated, likely because of her strict father. Surprisingly, Ava seemed interested in the party too. I couldn't help but wonder what had changed for her. I am sure I didn't hit her in her head.

As I packed up my things, Harry approached me. "Hey, Alice, are you sure you don't want to come to the party? It might be fun."

I shook my head. "I think I'll pass. Not really in the mood for a party tonight."

Harry looked disappointed but didn't press further. "Alright, see you tomorrow then."

The next day, I noticed I was more isolated than before. Except for Felicia and Ava, most students avoided me. Peter, Ned, Michelle Jones, and Gwen also being isolated a little, normal for teenager to lick rich ass. I sighed, thinking about the childish games teenagers played.

Harry's behavior cannot be blamed with a father like Norman Osborn, which irritated me to no end. Mentally, I was more mature than most of these kids, so expecting them to act maturely was a bit too much.

Ava seemed genuinely eager to enjoy her high school experience, and Felicia was, well, Felicia. Just as I thought of Felicia, I noticed a commotion. Harry had somehow slipped and fallen over Flash, his mouth awkwardly close to Flash's pants. The scene was beyond ridiculous. I couldn't help but pinch Felicia's arm, knowing she had something to do with it.

"Don't use your ability for nonsense," I whispered.

Felicia just smirked. "Tit for tat."

I sighed again. "Such misfortune."

Despite the isolation from most of the students, my days continued as usual. I focused on my studies, my training, and my side business of game creation. Weeks passed, and I settled into a new routine at school with Ava now sitting beside me. She seemed genuinely interested in experiencing high school life, which made me more comfortable around her.

It has been several month with me doing my job as Ghost Spider well, and helping in some major cases like car accident, bank robbery, some illegal works etc. And I have made a fame for my self, except.

The screen lit up with Jameson's familiar, stern face. "Good morning, New York! I'm J. Jonah Jameson, and today we're talking about the so-called 'hero' Ghost Spider. Many time you have noticed how she is helping everywhere. Now, some of you might think she helped save the day. But let's look at the facts."

I rolled my eyes, already dreading what was coming.

"First, she puts herself and countless civilians in danger by inserting herself into a high-stakes situation. Who is she accountable to? No one! And let's not forget the damage caused by her reckless actions. We have reports of property damage, and who's going to pay for that? Certainly not Ghost Spider!"

"But let's get one thing straight," Jameson concluded, leaning closer to the camera. "Vigilantes like Ghost Spider are a menace. They operate outside the law, without oversight or accountability. It's time we demand answers and hold them responsible for their actions. New York deserves better!"

"Menace, my ass." I could have cursed more but I gotta self control.

So, should I really consider finding one multiverse without JJJ and throw this world JJJ there. "Such a misfortune." I sighed.

One night, as I swung across the city, the cool breeze whipping past my face, I noticed an unusual amount of cars heading toward Stark Industries' main energy reactor. Curious, I decided to follow them. As I approached, I saw Phil Coulson and Pepper Potts at the entrance, their expressions tense. It hit me: this was the canon event of Iron Man facing off against Iron Monger.

Without hesitation, I swung down and perched on a nearby rooftop to get a better view. The chaos was palpable. I spotted Iron Monger, Obadiah Stane's monstrous creation, wreaking havoc near the reactor. Pepper was dangerously close to the action, and I knew I had to intervene.

Iron Monger, towering and menacing, was about to attack Pepper. I leaped into action, firing a web line and swinging down to scoop her up just in time. I deposited her safely behind some cover as Iron Monger's massive fist smashed into the ground where she had been standing.

"Stay here and stay low!" I told Pepper, who nodded, her eyes wide with fear.

Just then, Iron Man came crashing onto the scene, his armor glinting under the floodlights. He immediately engaged Iron Monger, drawing the behemoth's attention away from the civilians. The two titans clashed, their blows echoing through the night.

I focused on the civilians who were still in the area. Iron Monger lifted a car, ready to throw it into the crowd. I couldn't let that happen. With a swift move, I swung down and shot webs to secure the car in mid-air, preventing it from being hurled. I quickly directed the civilians to safety while Iron Man continued to battle Iron Monger.

The fight was intense, with sparks flying as Iron Monger's powerful blows clashed with Iron Man's repulsor blasts. I joined the fray, using my agility to dodge Iron Monger's attacks and distract him, giving Iron Man openings to strike.

"Watch out!" Tony yelled as Iron Monger swung a massive fist toward me. I flipped backward, avoiding the blow by inches, and shot a web at Iron Monger's faceplate, temporarily blinding him.

"Nice shot!" Tony said, capitalizing on the moment to fire a repulsor blast at Iron Monger's chest, sending him stumbling back.

Iron Monger roared in frustration, shaking off the webs. He grabbed a streetlight and swung it like a bat, aiming for Tony. I knew we needed to keep the pressure on. I swung behind Iron Monger and webbed his feet to the ground, restricting his movement.

"Tin Man, hit him now!" I shouted.

Tony didn't hesitate. He launched himself into the air and fired a concentrated beam at Iron Monger's exposed back, causing sparks to fly and metal to screech.

Iron Monger broke free from the webbing with a tremendous effort and grabbed a nearby car, lifting it above his head. "Enough games!" he bellowed.

I quickly calculated the trajectory. If he threw the car, it would cause massive casualties. "Tin, we need to stop that car!" I called out.

Tony nodded, understanding my plan. As Iron Monger hurled the car, I shot a web line and swung in a wide arc, catching the car mid-air with multiple web strands, slowing its descent. Tony flew underneath, using his repulsors to stabilize the car and gently set it down.

"Good catch!" I said, landing beside Tony.

Iron Monger, enraged, charged at us. "You can't stop me!" he yelled, his massive frame barrelling forward.

"We need to coordinate better," I said, formulating a plan. "I'll distract him while you go for the ammunition on his back."

Tony nodded. "Got it. Be careful."

I swung towards Iron Monger, weaving in and out of his wild swings. "Over here, tin can!" I taunted, firing web shots at his joints to slow him down.

Tony flew around, aiming for the exposed Iron Monger's back. "Hold him steady!" he called out.

I shot a web line at Iron Monger's arm and yanked hard, causing him to turn and expose his back to Tony. With precision, Tony fired a series of repulsor blasts, hitting the back. Iron Monger convulsed as the energy overload caused his systems to malfunction.

But Iron Monger wasn't done yet. In a desperate move, he unleashed a barrage of punches. "Incoming!" Tony warned.

I jumped and twisted in mid-air, dodging the punched. "Tin-Man, I'm running out of tricks here!"

"Hang on, Ghost Spider!" Tony replied, his suit crackling with energy. "I'm low on charge too. We need to end this now."

I had an idea. "We need to charge your suit. It might just be enough to finish him."

Tony looked sceptical " Even, I know it. But situation is not good for charging suit."

I swung over to him and placed my hands on his chest plate, channelling my Venom Blast into his suit. The arc reactor glowed brightly, overcharged with energy. "This better work," Tony muttered.

Iron Monger, realizing what we were up to, charged at us one last time. "You're finished!" he roared.

"Not today!" Tony shouted. With a mighty effort, he took to the air, his chest repulsor humming with excess energy. He aimed directly at Iron Monger and unleashed a massive blast, the energy beam cutting through the night and slamming into Iron Monger's chest.

The force of the blast sent Iron Monger crashing to the ground, his suit sparking and malfunctioning. I swung down and began disassembling key components of the Iron Monger suit with my strength to rip it off, ensuring it couldn't be reactivated. I also took the arc reactor, a vital piece of technology that couldn't fall into the wrong hands except my hand.

To secure Iron Monger further, I covered him in my webs, creating a thick, sticky cocoon that would hold him until authorities arrived. I stood back, surveying our handiwork.

Iron Man landed beside me, his suit still crackling with residual energy. "Nice work, Ghost Spider," he said, his tone appreciative.

"You weren't too bad Tin-Man," I replied with a grin, feeling a sense of camaraderie.

"Gotta say, your help made a huge difference tonight," Tony continued. "We make a pretty good team."

I nodded. "I am not sure about that but I think you will get the thing covered here. I'll keep to my side of the city."

Tony chuckled. "Fair enough. Take care, Ghost Spider."

With a final wave, I swung away into the night, leaving Tony to deal with the aftermath. The battle had been intense, but we had triumphed. As I swung through the city, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. I had stood alongside Iron Man and made a difference. It was a night I wouldn't soon forget.

The morning after the battle with Iron Monger, I was still buzzing with adrenaline. The victory felt great, but I knew there would be consequences and reactions from all corners. Sure enough, as I prepared for school, the news was abuzz with last night's events.

The news channels were buzzing with anticipation for a press conference at Stark Industries. Tony Stark had called the media to address the events of the previous night. I was curious about what Tony would say.

Tony stepped up to the podium, looking composed and confident despite the chaos of the night before. Pepper stood by his side, looking supportive but slightly anxious.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Tony began, flashing his trademark grin. "I'm sure you all have a lot of questions about what happened last night. So, let's get right to it."

The reporters eagerly raised their hands, shouting questions. Tony held up a hand to silence them.

"First, let me inform everyone in the room," Tony said. "Yes, there was an incident involving the Iron Monger suit, which was being operated by someone. Thanks to the efforts of some very brave individuals, including yours truly, we were able to stop him and prevent a major catastrophe."

He paused, letting the words sink in. "I also want to take a moment to acknowledge the efforts of another hero who was there last night. Ghost Spider. She played a crucial role in saving lives and helping to bring down Iron Monger. Despite what some might say,"—he looked directly at the camera, clearly addressing Jameson—"she is a hero."

I felt a swell of pride at his words, but I knew Tony wasn't done yet.

"But that's not the only reason I called this press conference," Tony continued. "There's something else I need to tell you all."

Then he turned toward Phil and whispered, "I am tired of being too polite, I am skipping the script." to which many reporter can hear easily.

The crowd went silent, hanging on his every word. The Tony turned forward without hesitation and announced.

"The truth is," Tony said, taking a deep breath, "I am Iron Man."

The room erupted in chaos. Reporters shouted questions, cameras flashed, and the world seemed to tilt on its axis. Tony's announcement was a game-changer, and I knew that from this moment on, everything would be different.

Tony had revealed his identity to the world, and in doing so, he had set a new precedent for heroes everywhere. The world knew who Iron Man was, but Ghost Spider would remain in the shadows, doing what I could to protect the city and its people.

I turned on the TV, tuning into the Daily Bugle Network, expecting to see some coverage of the battle. Instead, I was greeted with the familiar, bombastic voice of J. Jonah Jameson.

"And there you have it, folks!" Jameson bellowed from the screen. "Another so-called 'hero' wreaking havoc in our city. Ghost Spider, this masked menace, once again involving herself in matters beyond her understanding, putting innocent lives at risk!"

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my backpack and continuing to get ready as Jameson continued his tirade.

"Look at this footage!" he pointed at the screen, which showed clips of the battle. "Iron Monger, a threat created by none other than Stark Industries, is dealt with by Iron Man. But who do we see interfering? Ghost Spider! Swinging around, causing property damage, and endangering civilians. This vigilante doesn't understand that she's not helping; she's a menace!"

Jameson's face turned red with indignation as he leaned closer to the camera. "We need to ask ourselves: who is this Ghost Spider? And why does she think she can take the law into her own hands? We have trained professionals for this. The NYPD—these are the people who should be handling threats, not some masked vigilante with no regard for public safety!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Jameson's predictable rant. It didn't matter how many lives I saved or how carefully I tried to avoid collateral damage; in his eyes, I would always be a menace. But his words did sting a little, especially considering how hard I had worked to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Jameson wasn't done. "And let me tell you, folks, Ghost Spider isn't the hero you think she is. She's a danger to our city! I call on the authorities to unmask this vigilante and bring her to justice. New York deserves to know who is hiding behind that mask and what her true intentions are!"

I turned off the TV, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement. Jameson's rant was nothing new, but it served as a reminder of the uphill battle I faced not just against villains, but against public perception as well. As I left my apartment and swung towards school, I tried to focus on the positive aspects of last night. We had stopped Iron Monger, saved lives, and prevented a catastrophe.

At school, the buzz from last night's battle was palpable. Students were talking about it, sharing videos, and speculating about the mysterious Ghost Spider. I overheard some of the conversations as I made my way to class.

"Did you see that blast? Iron Man was awesome!"

"Yeah, but who was that other hero? The one in white and black?"

"They're calling her Ghost Spider. She was incredible!"

I smiled to myself, feeling a bit of pride. Despite Jameson's rant, it was clear that some people appreciated what I did. After class, I still climb out to swing across the city as Ghost spider.

As I swung past the Daily Bugle building, I couldn't resist shooting a web at the window, sticking a piece of paper with a note on it. It read, "Still here, JJJ. Still saving lives. - Ghost Spider."

I smiled to myself as I continued swinging through the city, ready for whatever came next.