
Marvel : We Are

Richard Mason find himself in a version of the MCU with a system.

Arikamori · Filem
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Feelings

[Main Mission 'Dreykov fall' (4/4) final mission unlocked: Stop Dreykov and destroy the Red Room.]

[Warning. The mission will be considered as failed if you use innocent people to complete it.]

Even though he didn't expect Athena's warning, but he didn't dismissed it. And even wanted to follow that warning scrupulously.

Rick wasn't a saint like Steve Roger, but if he could avoid implicating unrevealing people I his stuff, then he would do it.

Especially when it comes to Dreykov daughter that Natasha almost killed. Not only did she failed in killing Dreykov (he, wasn't even a little bit harmed) her bombing just disfigured his daughter.

So now that he was here, that kind of unscrupulous behavior won't be allowed.

But while Rick had that determination, they encountered a new problem.

"They locked down the entire west part of the city. It's obvious that even if they didn't discovered our location, they still have a general idea of were you are." Ramsey said while showing to us the images of policemen and Widows patrolling in the west side through the cameras in the city with Rick upgraded smartphone.

"Then after we get out, we will have to look for a new hideout. This time they came with two helicopters to prevent us from escaping from the air. We still succeed because of Hawkeye and my special arrows. But I don't think that it will work with Dreykov." Annalized clearly Rick with the approval from the team on the side.

"It's not just that. Their response is also very fast. It only took them 5 minute to lock down the street around Baintronics Incorporated. And with the importance of Dreykov and the fact that we already attacked one their stronghold, there's a big chance that he'll be well protected." Added Natasha gloomily.

"But do we know where he is? Or even if he's in Budapest at all?" Wonder Hawkeye by asking the most crucial question.

There was a brief silence where everyone thought about it seriously. Is Dreykov currently in Budapest? They didn't know that at all! All except Rick.

While Rick didn't know if Dreykov was in Budapest right now, but he knew that he will be there the January 1st, meaning tomorrow.

But it was obviously impossible for him to tell them that. Because where did he get that information? But he also know that Black Widow and Hawkeye will eventually get to know that news, but how? Rick didn't know.

But Rick also thought about something else. Even though he didn't have any proof, he knew for sure that in the original time-line he didn't participate in the rescue operation or in the bombing of Dreykov. And if he didn't participate in the rescue mission, then Ramsey should have originally died today And Yelena wouldn't have been rescued.

So Rick began to think, is there a possibility that because of his intervention, they don't get that piece of information?

'Actually that's more than just a possibility. In the original time-line they were most likely desperate and didn't have the kind of equipment and assistance they had now. I mean, with a male version of Killjoy and the Amazon version of Sombra, even if it's me I will find it difficult to be worried...

Ah! Black Widow's sister is waking up!'

Rick wasn't the only who noticed. I fact Natasha who always had an eye on Yelena noticed first followed by Hawkeye who immediately took out an arrow and point it at her.

"Aargh, Cука! Did that guy had to electrocute me so many times? Obviously I didn't want to do it and he knew it. Next time I will pay him back the double!"

Hearing the Whining from her sister, Natasha and Clint couldn't help but look at me with a question in their eyes: what did she do to deserve that?

"Humpf! If you didn't followed me for a 2 months, tortured me and then put me in jail just to be tortured again, I wouldn't have strike so hard. You deserve it. I even think that it was too light."

"Oh mean guy, why are you still here... Wait, where am I?...Natasha? Why are you there? Who are you guys? Why am I handcuffed? Wait no that is easy to guess, but why did you kidnapped me Natasha? Is because I hurt him? Is he your boyfriend? He look younger than me, I didn't know you had that kind of taste. Is that why you left the Red Room?" Facing Yelena unending question, both Clint and Rick where unable to react for the first time.

Especially Clint who was puzzled by the way Yelena put her guard down after seeing Natasha even though she guessed that the latter betrayed the Red Room. But because of that, Clint unconsciously begun to be suspicious of Natasha again.

As for Rick, he simply couldn't adapt to that rapid flow of questions.

"Natasha, do you know each other?" Asked Hawkeye directly.

Even though she expected that question after Rick brought Yelena, Natasha still had some hesitation in answering.

"She... Her name is Yelena Belova. She and I know each other since we were kids. She used to be my little sister during our first mission together." Even though she tried to hide it with with a poker face, the little tremor in her voice give it away, that she didn't consider Yelena as a simple co-worker, but as her real sister.

But obviously from the dimmed eyes of Yelena, the astonished face of Ramsey and wary face of Hawkeye, Rick was the only person who notice that detail. And because he hated when that kind of drama had to much episodes he decided to put it on the table.

"From your voice we can see that you obviously don't think of her as just a 'former sister'. I really don't know what's up with people like you who always like to create misunderstanding when it comes to feeling. Obviously you consider her as your precious sister but you don't want to admit it."

Rick intervention was so unexpected that it directly broke the facade Natasha was trying to show. With embarrassment showing on her face, she tried to explain, but Rick didn't let her.

"Don't think that I don't know why you were so gloomy after the attack in your apartment. It was because you saw that your sister became some mindless robot "Hey! I'm still here", that you became more determinate to kill Dreykov. Even earlier you keep glancing at her with worry written all over your face."

Having her deepest feeling exposed on public and in front of Yelena made Natasha want to hide away in shame. But because of her excellent quality as an agent she still tried to appear calm in front of the hopeful stares of her sister and questioning gaze of Clint. Unfortunately while she appears to be calm, her answer and lack of vocabulary immediately give her away.

"Even if you're right, so what?"

Her answer put Hawkeye at ease and made Yelena immediately happy. As for Ramsey, she was just watching the drama on the side with gusto. As for Rick he didn't want to let it go at all! Teasing the Black Widow was an once in a lifetime opportunity! How could he let it go just like that?

"It's nothing. It's just that you didn't seem to now how you feel about your Sister, so I think that by telling you, you will have a clearer vision about those feelings. Don't thanks me though as a friend, that's what I should do." Seeing the mocking face of Rick made Natasha lost all of her previous embarrassment. Instead she now wanted to commit a murder with her 'friend' as the victim.

And Rick being quite knowledgeable, stopped his teasing and directly change the subject to Dreykov again under the murderous eyes of Natasha. Obviously his distraction didn't work at all and he knew it well. But for now at least, he was still safe because they had more important things to talk about.

After that small episode, under Natasha guarantee Yelena was finally free and ready to join their rebellious team.

'Actually now that I think about it, except for Hawkeye we are all criminals. It's quite ironic though for a bunch of criminals to help a good guy to put down another criminal.' Thought Rick humorously.

That being the case, Dreykov still succeed in making people who normally would have no intersection in their lives with each other, meet and form an alliance to kill him. This really show how talented he was in creating enemies.

That was especially true for Rick who was implicate only because he knew one of Dreykov target. But he didn't linger on his thoughts for long because Yelena told an information that immediately alerted Rick.

"I know that Dreykov's daughter Antonia Dreykov is here in Budapest. So even if he's not here today, he will come in a few day because of all the things you did in the past two days."

"So what do you suggest? That we find the whereabout of Dreykov through her daughter?" Asked Clint interested.

"Yes, I think that we should infiltrate Antonia house. I bet that we will know what we want to know there. And even if we don't I'm still certain that Dreykov will come in a few days because he always come to see us every months to see the progress of the chips. And now that you destroy the data he will run here to see the damages." Explained Yelena with an evil smile. But her plan didn't satisfied Black Widow because in his mind there was too much uncertainty.

"Why don't we use Dreykov daughter as a bait? Or just kidnap her to force Dreykov out?"

"Why do you want to do that? That girl didn't do anything to you." Argue Yelena.

"I agree with Yelena. We shouldn't involved innocent people as much as possible." Support Rick.

"Then how are we going to catch his location? Do you really think that he will leave his agenda at home? Even if we don't kidnap her, we should at least monitor her. Because right now, she is our only clue."

While Rick didn't want to hear it, it was the truth. Antonia was actually their only clue to Dreykov. But Rick was unwilling to use a 10 years old girl to do their job. One because it was a kid, and two because they were going to kill the father of that kid.

'Is there really nothing we can do about it? If only Ramsey had created her God Eye earlier then we would have already found that bastard...! Wait a minute, do we really need Ramsey God Eye? We only need Dreykov phone number!' Thought excitedly Rick before turning to Ramsey and Yelena.

"Ramsey, can you remotely search through the historic call of a home phone?" Not understanding where he was getting at Ramsey still reply.

"As long as that phone is connected to the internet it is possible to do it directly. Otherwise if I want to check I'll have go through it company."

For Rick, it didn't matter in what way she will do it, as long as it could be done.

"Then if Yelena give you Dreykov home address, can you find their home phone number?"

"That's easy, but why do you want it?" Asked Ramsey unable to hide her curiosity.

"Because, I need Dreykov personal phone number. My watch can track a person's phone in real time as long as I have their phone numbers and that their phone isn't turn off." Generously explain Rick.

"I'm starting to think that your watch can do anything. There's a x-ray goggles, some kind of energy shield and now that! I won't be surprised if there's also Luke Lightsaber or Aladin Carpet inside." Said Hawkeye no longer surprised by Rick black technology.

"Why do you have a tracker for phone numbers on your watch? Aren't you a smuggler? Why do you need to track other people phone? You really earn your 'Agent' name." Complain Yelena on the side, to which Rick prefer not answer that question because he wouldn't be able to.

After upgrading his U-Watch to level 3 with GC many of it functions became weird like the phone tracker function.

The basic function of the number tracking was just to found people addresses and name based on the phone number. But now he could even track the phone of phone number and listen to the call it make on live.

And obviously it wasn't the only new options it had, but just that show how perverted his U-Watch became.

But for the team, even if that was the case, they didn't really care. Now their priorities was Dreykov location and with the U-watch they had the possibility to know it. How could they care about how out of the world that watch was?

After receiving Dreykov address, Ramsey still had to hack through the company of the phone number with Rick high-tech smartphone, but they successfully got Dreykov personal number at the end.

So without wasting more time Rick got to work and they finally got his location. And under the joy of Black Widow, Ramsey and Yelena who wanted finish him the most, they saw a wonderful news : he was already in Budapest.