
Marvel : We Are

Richard Mason find himself in a version of the MCU with a system.

Arikamori · Filem
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: A Car Has To Be Sacrificed

[Congratulation Rick you have completed the Main Final Mission 'Dreykov fall' (4). You've been rewarded with :

Experience points (You level up)

50 000GC

Mystery box ×5.]

As Hawkeye drive the truck inside the streets of Budapest and Black Widow try to slow down their pursuers with some grenades and lethal widow bites. Rick suddenly received a notice from Athena on the completion of his mission. At the same time six of the ten cars who were chasing behind them suddenly stopped and then turn around.

"This... What's going on?" Asked Hawkeye puzzled by the sudden change.

At the same time, Rick was asking a similar question to Athena.

'Why do I only receive the notification now?' Contrary to the original timeline, this time Rick could be 100% sure that Dreykov was dead after the first attempt. So in his opinion he should have received the notification way earlier.

[Actually, even though Dreykov was dead, the mission wasn't complete. The mission was to stop Dreykov and more importantly destroy the Red Room. And it was only when all members of the Red Room knew that Dreykov was dead that most of them immediately defect on the spot. And that result in the destruction of the Red Room.]

It was only with Athena's explanation that Rick remembered that Dreykov only needed to be stopped and not killed, and there was a follow up in the mission.

'In that case, open the remaining mystery boxes.'

[Congratulation you've won:

Ben's tee-shirt

Broken spoon

5 drops of Ban blood

Overwatch Hall Card

Alex jetpack bag

Comando's red turban

Shoot prediction skill

5t of Iron

Side Detection passive skill

Magic cleaning Rag]

'what?! Overwatch Hall card! This is really divine send! Athena, use 500 GC on the Overwatch lottery!'

[Congratulation you've won :

Winston glasses

Kiriko complete classic outfit

Ana Biotic rifle (classic)

A picture

Widowmaker headset.


Tracer Time-slipping passive skill

Kiriko soda

Illari's earrings (Eclipse skin)]

Seeing something that could finally heal Yelena, put Rick at ease. With Ana Biotic Riffle he could definitely save her.

Ana Biotic riffle : The rifle functions as a dart gun, which fires darts filled with a biotic solution that are injected upon impact with the target. Include 5 amo of sleeping dart, and 10 amo healing dart only. (noted that a healing dart only heal 10% of the current health of the body and can't heal sickness and poisoning).

'With the potion that already healed 20% plus 5 shot of the healing dart, even though she won't be back at 100% she would still be able to move on her own.'

Having now a real confidence in healing Yelena, Rick start to concentrate on another problem: which safe house he would have sacrifice.

Rick actually had 3 safe houses with the one he went to previously being the one he frequently used the most when in Budapest. The two other are mostly used to keep unimportant stuff in it.

Unfortunately, while Rick wanted to keep his first one, he realized that he couldn't. Because his two other house are in the north of Budapest while they were in the south part. And it was obviously unrealistic for them to do the entire city with enemies on their shoes.

So with some pain in his heart, Rick start to explain his plan to the others with difficulty, while empathizing that what they need was inside that house.

"Nat...smok...bombe...on...me. Slow...enemies... ."

Even though it wasn't a complete sentence, Black Widow still got the general idea. After searching him a little bit, she retrieve five of the seven smoke bomb Syndicate style he had upgraded with some money.

With those Black Widow who couldn't even raise her head, or she'll be shot, could finally retaliate.

So after an intersection Black Widow without any hesitation, throw the first bomb in the air. Unsurprisingly it, was immediately shot through by the Widows behind them. Surely thinking that it was some kind of grenade.

Because of that, the bomb which had to wait until it touch something to explode released it's smokes way earlier.

In a second, a thick smoke cover the entire street. Preventing both side from seeing anything after two meters. But for Rick and his team this was a great advantage because they will be the first to get out of the smoke. Furthermore, because the smoke prevent the other side to know which way they went to, the enemy's side will have to split.

And as as planned, after taking a sharp turn on the right and finally getting out of the smoke, Natasha only saw two cars still on them.

Then with both her widow bites charge at the maximum output, the moment the cars came out the smokescreen, a powerful laser welcome each of them. Then without a surprise, one of them exploded directly after being hit, while the other first had it tire broke, before flying into a walls.

Profiting from the short break, Hawkeye took a sudden turn to a side street, to lost the two other cars who were making a U-turn. And after a little more zigzagging, they finally made it out to Rick's house.

After arriving, Rick directly canceled his skill and start to run toward his basement with Black Widow behind him through a widow that could be accessed from his little garden. Because of some security issues concerning that window, Rick installed a fingerprint lock on it to and replace the original glass with a bulletproof one to prevent thieves.

So after unlocking the security lock Rick jumped through and directly summon the biotic riffle from an angle Natasha couldn't see.

"Did you find what you're looking for?" She said with impatience.

"Don't worry, I've got it." Replied Rick as he show Ana's Biotic Riffle. But Natasha didn't have a good face after seeing the object.

"Is that, a riffle? What's a riffle gonna do to save mーYelena ?"

"I told you to not worry, that riffle has biotic healing darts in it. No bullets." Explained Rick as he activate the healing mode on the Biotic Riffle. At the same his words calmed Natasha a little bit after hearing his words.

After finishing in his configuration, Rick gave his instructions on how to use it, as he gave the Riffle to Natasha.

"You just have to shoot at her in any uncovered part of her body. Also every time you shoot, you have to wait a second or two before firing again so the healing can take effect. And by the way, don't shoot more than five times."

After listening carefully to his words, the Red hair woman hurry to the car leaving Rick alone in the basement.

A break that the latter was going to use wisely.

First of all, the first thing he did was to integrate Side Detection passive skill after learning it's effect.

This skill could directly marked your enemy and ally through some visual effects. Like in pvp games were you enemy is marked in red and your ally in blue or green. But because the system was afraid of disturbing his vision, the red marking could be removed whenever he wanted and was then replaced by a strong feeling on who was his ally or his enemy.

After that, he start to empty his entire basement. And then doing the same thing with his entire house by taking only the most important things. Putting all that could be put inside the now Upgraded Red backpack.

Even though their group only stop in front of his house for a few minutes, Rick didn't want to underestimate his opponent by leaving stuff, or staying here.

The police should have been mobilize by now. Adding to that their 'inconspicuous' vehicle, staying at the same place was a very bad idea.

So after taking everything that could be taken or had to be taken, Rick hurriedly got out of his house to regroup with his team.

Just in time to see an awake and better looking Yelena standing up near the truck.

"Oh, you're awake. That's great! We can finally change cars!"

Not waiting for any people speaking to him, Rick lead them to his garage. Inside, were lying two same Audi of different color. But after seeing the cars, the team faced a new problem: each Audi TT only had two seats in each cars.

"Or we take the truck again?" Proposed Rick, but was face to an opposition to all sides.

"No, we need to change cars. The truck is too conspicuous, and we only took it because previously Yelena couldn't fit in a normal one." Deny Hawkeye decisively. And while the other didn't express themselves, they agree with the archer.

But Rick then realized what that would mean: someone will become a bait. And that person will probably die or be capture after that.

Thinking of that, Rick tried to assess the probability of each surviving under that role, but he didn't see any of them having a great chance. Except for maybe Hawkeye and his multipurpose arrows, but even then he could still die because he had to drive and couldn't shoot while doing so.

As Rick enter in deep thought, the other were already starting to quarrel over the one playing the bait.

"I'm the one who is the most injured. So I should do it!" Yelled one.

"I'm injured too, and tired. Besides we just save you! And it surely isn't for you to die 5 second later." Said the other?.

"It should be be me. The Red Room just suspect my defection. If I stay I could not only buy you time, but also survive by convincing them that I was kidnapped by you."

"Don't be stupid, they won't buy it! You should all stay aside, I'm the least injured of you all. And I still need you Hawkeye for us to be free."

As their shouting intensify, Rick who finally made a decision, intervene.

"Okey, stop! STOOP!!" his shouting overpowering the other was heard, temporarily putting an end to the dispute.

"Okey, none of you will have to sacrifice because I WILL do it. AND contrary to you all, I have an actual plan to survive." But his position immediately met some resistance.

"Butー" Which he didn't care to listen to.

"We don't have the time for debate. You have to remember that we're still under pursuit." That one statement put an end to the quarrel.

After deciding on the groups, Rick gave them his final instructions before getting into the truck.

"If you successfully get away, let's meet up to my garage. I'll be waiting for you all until the 10th. By that time I will have the way to get us all out of there."

"Haha! you really don't want to celebrate your birthday here, mmh? But you do so you will lose the bet you know." Said Natasha with a small smile, which Rick return.

"I still prefer losing the bet than staying one more day in Budapest."

"It's Budapest."

"What I said."

"You don't know how to pronounce it at all." interject Hawkeye.

"It's curious, because I never heard you pronounce like ever." Replied Rick with disdain.


"Yeah, not better than me. Like I thought."

"You have a problem with your ears then. I will have to pay you a consultation for birthday."

"I think an old man like you, would need that more than me."

A small silence followed before Hawkeye talked again.

"Don't die kid. I still didn't prove you my status as a... man." while a word was committed, Rick understood what Clint meant. And he was honestly honored by that proposition.

Because as far as he know only Natasha and Nick Furry knew and met Hawkeye's family, until Age of Ultron.

"Well, we'll see that at my birthday." he finally replied back, before walking out toward the military truck.

Not wasting more time, Rick quickly drive away with a precise destination in head.

Because driving vehicles wasn't his forte, he couldn't drive too fast like Hawkeye, too afraid of killing someone on the way. But even then, Richard Mason was still quite fast.

Unfortunately it wasn't enough. Because shortly after that, Hungarian Special Forces vehicles start to chase after him with a helicopter overing above his own truck. Which forced him to accelerate, heading north west.

But Because he didn't want to be stuck to the river so soon, after getting past the National Museum, Rick directly turn right then left.

But after doing so, people start to shoot at him, not caring about the civilians present. At the same time, a military officer in the helicopter took out a speaker to order him to surrender.

"Criminal, you are surrounded! Your friends are already being chase down and will soon be arrested! Surrender you have nowhere to escape!"

Obviously Rick wasn't going to obey, on the contrary he accelerate again after throwing out a smoke bomb. Even though he knew he couldn't throw away the helicopter, he could still have a breather with the militaries on their cars shooting at him.

While doing so, Rick also understood that the reason why they didn't shoot before was because they thought he wasn't alone.

'Maybe, Melina was right. They still don't know that she also betrayed the Red Room. That should be the reason why they didn't shoot at first, but now they know I'm inside alone.' deduct the young criminal.

Crossing a first main street, to slow them down again, Rick broke down some beams supporting a building in construction at the entrance of Kàroly Street with upgraded grenades.

Unfortunately even after he forced the special forces on the ground to take another road, the number in the air just increased. Worst, they also start to shoot too.

At this point Rick couldn't have anymore qualms and speed up to the limit. Fortunately for him, the Road was a straight one, so he didn't have to turn. But the downside was the fact that his enemies could shoot more freely.


So it was an inevitable thing for him to be hit.while the missile didn't touch the car directly, it was near enough to serve as some kind of propeller and damage the back of the truck at the same time.

To be honest, after flying a few seconds in the air after the impact, Rick almost that was it. It wasn't after a bumpy landing and seeing the Windbreaker in fire at the back, that his the beating of his heart lowered a little.

After his brief adventure in the air, Rick learn his lesson and start to zigzag through the main road at the expense of his speed for more control.

Which will turn out to be a wise decision, because he was able to avoid a military car charging at him from an unconspicuous Alley at his left. But even though he had great reflexes, his car couldn't avoid it completely.

Albeit with more difficulty with a broken tire, but he could still roll away. And Rick also estimate that his objective was also almost achieved. So after throwing his second grenade to the side, he speed up again.


After seeing the destruction through his rear-view mirror, Rick couldn't help but complain to himself.

'It won't be a big surprise if tomorrow I was label as a terrorist after pulling up something like that. Fortunately I have my hood on.'

Refocusing on his chase, Rick decisively chose to cut through the park after seeing the Ferris-wheel of Oriaskereke, also known as Budapest Eye. That shortcut also ruined the day of many tourists presents, as bullets start to fly in the park. Forcing them to look for shelters or for some hospitals directly.

'Sorry peoples.' Thought guiltily Rick after seeing some of the injured while silently praying for nobody to die.

But Rick quickly forgot his guilt after seeing some policemen stationed at the exit with their cars blocking the way. The moment they saw him, they immediately start to shoot at his windscreen. The impact of so many shoot immediately make it crack.

Having no other choice, Rick threw out his penultimate grenade at the horde of law enforcers.


Then without wasting times he immediately passed through the passage he create.

Because both policemen and the Hungarian Special Task Forces didn't expect Richard to use such a 'forceful' way to escape, they didn't prepare a follow up plan. But fortunately for them, reinforcement were coming from the west side.

But even then Rick still had another buffer period, or so he thought, until shoot coming from the air made him remembered that there was still some peepers in the air.

And while avoiding those shoots, Rick quickly discovered that the now four helicopters were forcing him to go to a certain path. And after some quick thinking, he realized that the Chain Bridge was the perfect opportunity for them to lock up all his escape options. But even if he discover that, there was nothing he could do.

Thinking of the future outcome, Rick wasn't that afraid as expected, but was smiling mysteriously. Even though through this smile we could still see some nervousness.

"Well, let's go for the last Run." He murmured as he accelerate after seeing the bridge in front of him.

The first thing Rick noted after getting on the bridge, was the densely packed amount of armed people at the end of the road and the equally increasingly amount bulletproof cars following him behind.

After seeing that there was really no other way to escape, instead of reducing his speed, he increased it to as much as he could.

For the officers and Widows alike, that act was definitely thought as a suicide attempt to not be capture and tortured afterwards. So before he actually crash into them, the special task force decided to blow him down with a rocket.

But what they didn't know, was that for Richard Mason, this course of action wasn't a suicide attempt at all, this was his only exit tickets!

"At the end, a car still had to be sacrificed. I'm just glad it's not mine this time." Said Richard before taking action.

With a sudden movement of the steering wheel, the truck which was always going forward until now suddenly turn right. The sudden turn of events caught all of his opponent off guard. And that action also caused the officer to miss his target as rocket actually hit one of it's ally rolling behind Rick.

But at this moment none of them took the matter at heart. Because all their eyes were now glued to the flaming black military Truck, who after breaking the safety barriers flew out of the bridge. With the abyss of the Danube river for its only destination.

But once again, all their prediction went wrong.

While the car was still in the air, they suddenly felt like it stagnate in the air. Then, a hooded person came out of the truck and jump out of it. But it wasn't over yet, just after the man jumped out, a large amount of smoke suddenly 'explode' out of the truck.

The smoke spread so quickly and had such a wide range, that nobody could see either the truck or the river below it. And just when the special task force finally react, an explosion bigger than the previous one seen today resounded inside that smoke dispersing the smoke at the same time.


After everyone took cover and let the blast of the explosion passed. They first check each other before daring to look at what remains of the vehicle and its driver.

But expect for a melted door embedded in one the bridge beams nothing else could be seen at all.

But obviously the military and the Red Room wasn't going to give up like that. So after an hour on the bridge and near the river, they took out boats to try to recover the body and or what's remain of it. A proof that their target was in fact dead.

But until the end of the day up to five days later, while some part of the car were found, no body or parts of it were. So after a month of research they could only give up. The CSI later conclude that the body should have been incinerate on the spot during the explosion.

Or at least that's what would have happened if Rick hadn't upgraded his U-Shield to level 6 after he upgraded both his last smoke bomb and grenade to level 3.

Ten days after being chased by the authorities Rick was now comfortably tinkering inside his giant garage while looking at his brand new Kingjet renamed 'Rescue' with a depress moody Yelena sitting near him. As for how Richard Mason escape and survive from a terrible explosion and a army? It's very simple.

After separating from his team, Rick immediately set course to one direction: The Chain Bridge.

Yes, from the start Rick targeted has always been the inescapable bridge.

At first, Rick plan's was to lost his pursuers in the crowd. Then use the grappling hook during the night to create more distance. But he very quickly gave up that idea because he realized that that kind of plan won't hold a second time against spies. Adding to that, that he had poor anti-trackinga abilities (Yelena beating was still fresh in his memory), Rick just gave up that plan.

But with that he quickly realized that his only option would be to make the opponent give up their chase on their own. And the only way for them to do that was if he was 'dead'.

So after jumping from the bridge, he first slow down the fall of the truck. Then jumped out one time then a second time farther with his double jump under the cover of the smoke. After that he throw out his last grenade against the car, but not before activating his U-Shield.

The force of the explosion was then used to make him go farther away from his position. And after landing in the water, the still agitated current of the water drive him out of the zone safely while he was well protected inside his U-Shield. And with that Rick escape safely while his enemies thought he was dead.

But right now, his enemies weren't what preoccupied Richard right now. As he look at his watch showing 11.45pm, he exhaled before declaring.

"It's almost midnight." That simple sentence caused Yelena to look at him sharply.

"Natasha will be there!"

"...What about Hawkeye?" Asked Rick dryly.

"I don't know him, so I don't care." She replied with a shrug.


Rick was going to argument further, but both of them suddenly stood up in guard as the main door of the garage opened.

Looking at the first two faces he met in this new life, Richard Mason let down his guard and welcome them with a big smile.

"And I was thinking that you didn't need a high-tech taylor for free labor like me."

"No way, I just wanted to make you happy into thinking you've won." Replied the woman with the same smile.

"That's a bit cruel. If you don't change your behavior, you will cause more heartbreaks than happy mood."

"Agent, I'm black Widow."