
Marvel : We Are

Richard Mason find himself in a version of the MCU with a system.

Arikamori · Filem
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Dreykov's Fall

"I've already told you. It's unfortunate for you that you came instead of them. If it was them who came instead, then there's a good chance that you might have won. Unfortunately you both can't kill me."

Hearing that caused both Yelena and Natasha to have bad feeling about their situation. So like Natasha, Yelena tried to Kill Dreykov in a hurry but also couldn't pull the trigger.

"What's going on? Why can't I shoot?!" She asked panicked as she tried desperately to make her body shoot the bullet.

On the other side, while Dreykov was apparently expecting that a long time ago and Madame B was just puzzled, Melina on the other hand, was shocked. Because she knew what's going on.

"Dreykov, you... You used me?!" She asked both incredulous and angry, confusing everyone on the scene except Dreykov who justify himself.

"No, Melina, no. If I just use you, then after getting what I want from you, I would I have just throw you away after that. But you are still here, right?"

But Melina didn't buy it.

"Then explain to me. How did you get that special pheromone serum I created by mistake, when I didn't give it to you and destroyed it because I thought it was too dangerous?"

"Melina while you find it dangerous, I find it very useful, especially for my own security. So I'm sorry if I had to 'borrow' it, but you can see that my insecurities weren't unfounded."

While one of the best agents, not being in control of the situation, made Black Widow a little impatient. Which prompt her to intervene in the conversation.

"What are you all talking about? Mo...Melina, what is this pheromone serum? What did you create?"

Maybe because of some guilty consciousness, Melina didn't dare to look directly at Natasha and Yelena's direction but she still answer the question after some hesitations.

"When we were in America before with your 'father', we were task to steal important datas. And with the help of this data I was able to create the serum Dreykov injected. With this serum, any female present who breathe near Dreykov won't be able to do any harm to him... Furthermore those woman would be more suggestible to his his words..."

With her own explanation, Melina also seems to realize something else as she look gloomily at Dreykov.

"I should have realized that earlier when you succeed in convincing me into restarting that experimentation last month."

Dreykov only respond to her by shrugging with a big smile on his face. But even if he said nothing, just his attitude confirmed Melina hypothesis which made Natasha's heart sank. Because except if she could find a way to get rid of Dreykov pheromones, she won't be able to kill him. Meaning she would have failed to get free.

'Why?! It's just five pitiful meters! I just have to activate the mechanism and the widow bite will kill him! So why can't I kill him?!'

By her side, Yelena was also experiencing the same despair. The target being so close but being unable to finish the job was a horrible feeling for both girl. Especially when Dreykov who was clearly unguarded was just standing there watching them struggling with their bodies. It was clearly a humiliation for them.

But obviously Dreykov wasn't just satisfy with just that, so after a few moments of silence, he finally speak.

"Well now that you have understood what's going on, you should understand why letting your two guy at the back was a bad idea right? Especially from what I saw from the cameras only the archer came with you. What is the other doing? Watching over Ramsey? Well it doesn't matter, I'm sure that after that archer dies, you will tell me where they are hiding."

While the team inside was in a quite dangerous position, the only two still safe, Rick and Ramsey who could hear everything happening through their comms were worried on the life-threatening situation of their companions. It was especially the case for the former.

But Rick didn't know how to help the spy trio. For one, he would have to find them through this maze that is the Red Room Academy. But in his opinion, that would be easy: just follow the crowd.

The real problem for him was that crowd! Richard Mason knew his worth. Fighting an army of trained spy like Hawkeye was impossible for him. The only reason he previously beat the other Widows was because they were manipulated and took by surprise when face against his gadgets.

So going to help Hawkeye by fighting with him was out of options.

'Then the only way would be to help directly Natasha and Yelena...'

Making his decision, Rick start to control the Kingjet for a bit before standing up from the cockpit, and order Ramsey:

"Ramsey, take the control, I'm going to help them."

"What?! How are you going to that? You don't even know we're they are, and maybe by the time you it will already be to late! We should run away while we still can! I don't want to be a prisoner again!" Ramsey shout at him incredulously, but the latter didn't care. Instead he start to tell his plan.

"Don't worry, you won't have to go inside, just stay inside the Kingjet I'll go alone. The goggles Black Widow has is equipped with a positioning function connected to my watch. With that I was be able to know exactly where they are. All I need you to do, is to destroy the walls in front of us. There are the closest to the girls side. With this I can go directly to Dreykov."

While Rick was talking, Ramsey was looking at him more and more weirdly, clearly not understanding him. So once again she tried to persuade him to give up on his dangerous idea.

"You really want to go in? Do you know that even if you do kill Dreykov, you will still die against those killers right? It was supposed to be an infiltration mission but it fail and they will die. Why do you want to join them and play heros?

From what I understand earlier you met each other not long ago! You barely know them, and among us your the one with the least amount of reason who want Dreykov's head.

You should really think about it. You are a very talented and kind person, but going to join friends you've just met to a certain death isn't worth it."

Hearing her last sentences made Rick go quiet for a moment.

To be honest, he himself knew how dangerous it was. Even if he transmigrate inexplicably in the marvel universe, he also clearly knew in his heart that he didn't have any kind of plot armor. And that if he died, he would die for real.

But Rick still wanted to go but not because of some Heroic reason like 'I never abandon my friends' or 'this is the right thing to do'. The reason he wanted to go was because of guilt.

While Rick didn't know exactly what happen when Black Widow and Hawkeye went to assassinate Dreykov, he was at least certain that it wasn't in the Red Room Academy, the nest of the Widows and it wasn't done the December 31th but in January 1st 2008.

As for why he was so sure? In the Black Widow movie, Natasha and Yelena clearly weren't even sure that Melina was still alive after they saw her half dead when they were kids. But now they've got the confirmation on live and were conversing with her!

But now, because of Rick not only did they do the killing attempt in advance, but they were also in more danger than in the original timeline.

So if they were to die here, Rick wouldn't be able to endure the guilt, especially if he left them to fend for themselves.

So Rick didn't want to save them because it was the right thing to do, but to have a clear conscience. Because he saw many people fall into depression because of guilt, and become the shadow of their former selves for the rest of their life, he didn't want to become like that too.

Otherwise like Ramsey said, he didn't know them so he didn't have any reason to save them at all.

And because his reasons weren't high-soundings at all he prefer not to dwell on it but continue to instruct Ramsey.

"It doesn't matter, I still have to go there. By the way when you're going to shoot, only shoot once. Or you'll probably kill people by mistake. After that just wait for us."

After looking at Rick one last time, Ramsey finally gave up and sat on the cockpit waiting for Rick to show her how to pilot the jet. And the latter didn't disappoint and did a quick teaching, after that he quickly went to the back of the jet waiting for Ramsey to shoot. And just in time apparently, because Hawkeye suddenly contact him.

"Agent....Huf...How is Black Widow fairing? I....Hah... I won't be able to hold on much longer."

Glad that Hawkeye was still alive, Rick quickly replied.

"They found Dreykov, but they can't kill him because of some complicated stuff. You should go to their side to help them."

"Roger that." replied Hawkeye with relief.

Rick didn't say that he was coming too, because he was effraid of causing an argument they didn't have the time for. So after communicating briefly with Hawkeye, and readying himself, he turn to Ramsey.

"Do it."

The moment those words left him, Ramsey start to shoot at the wall.



Not having time assess over the fact that the building was damaged more than in his prediction, Rick open the hatch jump over the jet still in the air and directly shoot his grappling hook toward the Red Room Academy.

On the other side, just before the Kingjet shooting, in the open space of the playground Illuminated by the sunlight through the tainted glasses stood the main character of the conflicts.

Because Dreykov didn't have any worry of being kill by the killer sisters, he didn't find it necessary to apprehend them. And it was because of that, that Yelena finally decided on a desperate gamble. So without wasting time she start to walk slowly to him while talking.

"Dreykov, maybe we lost. But I don't want you to win either." As she speak, she suddenly take out two of the previous grenades she found in the Kingjet making the previously calm Dreykov suddenly a bit fluster.

"...What do you want to do?" He asked apprehensively while Natasha suddenly felt uneasy with this turn of event.

"I can't kill you. But I can kill myself. And because we are close, I don't think you will survive." Then without giving any chance for anyone to react, Unpin the safety and throw the two grenade in front of her.

" "YELENA NOO!!" "



Just before the grenade explode, another one much more powerful coming from behind Dreykov and his two accomplices start. Creating a blast of explosion so powerful, that it made them all fly up before the fire of the explosion came up.

At the same time, because the grenades were lighters than any of them, it fly up past them before exploding. Unfortunately, because Yelena was too close, she was still injured by some of the fragments.

Fortunately for most of them, none of them were close to the windows when it happened. So except for some burnt and a few ribs or a broken arm, their lives weren't in danger.

Being the furthest and having a pretty good protective suit, Natasha was the least injured. Except for some shock to the head after landing and a few minor injuries, she was relatively fine. Because of that, she was able to get up relatively quickly.

The first thing she did after getting up was to look for Yelena. Who she found near the a broken slide for kids with a broken a wooden board impaling her arm.

"YELENA! Are you okay?!" She shout, before feeling stupid for asking that question as she quickly come to her side.

Yelena on the other hand. As she was about to faint due to the pain and blood loss, open her eyes after hearing someone calling her name. Looking at the red hair through her blurry eyes, she was still able to guess who it was. And so with the last bit of strength still inside herself she tell her.

"...Kil...Drey...Ko...V.." Feeling that her message was properly conveyed, she immediately close her eyes as body shut down. But that also caused Natasha to despair, as she feel her sister's body lose it warmth quickly.

"....Yelena! Yelena Wake up! Не умирайте вот так сестра!"

Unfortunately she didn't have time to mourn for Yelena, because a familiar grunt sound near her position.

"Wh-what happen?" Said the person Natasha was hating the most right now.

After carefully lying down Yelena, Black Widow slowly stood up and start to walk towards the still Confused Dreykov.

"It's all your fault." she murmured with great hatred as she charge her Widow Bites with electricity. The sound it produce attracted Dreykov who finally regain some sense.

But as he see the gloomy Natasha coming towards him with an arm glowing blue giving him an eerie feeling, he start to panic. Especially so when he notice Yelena's body still impaled with the wooden board. Because from his perspective the wooden board was transpercing her heart.

"N-Natasha, wait! Let's discuss this! I didn't do anything. That explosion it wasn't me at all! And anyway you can't kill me! Don't be stupid like Yelena and die in vain too...!"

Dreykov could finish his sentence because Natasha, triggered by his words couldn't help herself and punch him in the face.

The most surprisingly things after that for both of them, was that it connect! Natasha successfully hit Dreykov! Which mean, that the pheromones didn't work on her anymore.

That implication hit them both as each show a different face. Dreykov one of horror and Natasha one with a feral grin.

"It looks like your little serum doesn't work anymore." She said with pure delight. As Dreykov start to quibble.

"Wait, don't...Huaaargh!"

Not listening to any of his saying, the trained assassin continue to punch his ex-jailor after recharging her widow bite. And again, charge, readying, punching. Charge, ready, punch... Charge...punch...ready...

Natasha didn't know how many times she did those actions, but she still notice as she absent-mindedly repeat those action actions that after some times she couldn't hear Dreykov cries anymore. But even then she still didn't stop.

It wasn't until a hand catch her arm and was forced to stop that she went out from her trance.

"You can stop, he is dead. Все кончено, Наталья." Said a familiar feminine voice full of compassion behind her.

Turning her haggard face with tears still flowing. Natasha was met with an equally sad Melina. Seeing once again that familiar face, Natasha wanted to say something, but didn't what to say. But just as she was about to open her mouth, something happen that force her to look behind her.

In the middle of those ruin, just above Yelena's body and the newcomer Richard Mason, appear an illusory ancient Clock on the verge of crumbling with the Cogs inside working loudly but very slowly. And that noise was what force both Natasha and Melina to look to this side.

Then before any of them had the time understand the situation, the cogs inside the clock suddenly stopped functioning and disappear as Rick shout.


The under Natasha horrifying gaze, seemingly passing to the world of black and white, Yelena's body quickly lost all its color.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Yelled Natasha as she quickly come to Yelena's side.

Then without sparing a glance at Rick she reach out to Yelena's body only to be shocked by what she find out after touching it: it was petrified, as hard as a diamond.

Pulling Rick's hood, Natasha demanded in low voice.

"What. Did. You. Do. To her body?!"

Richard who seems in a great pain with his fingers interlock weirdly replied with difficulty.

"I'm... Saving...her!... I stopped...her...time... She needs... Medic... Can't hold...for...long.." After that, Rick didn't bother to any of the questions Natasha asked but concentrate wholly on his task.

While Rick refuse further explanations, Black Widow still understand the basic after calming down : Richard was trying to save Yelena and he couldn't hold this state for too long.

Quickly thinking of a solution, she tried to contact Ramsey through the Kingjet, but didn't receive any answer after trying many times in vain. Thinking of her other teammate, she try again and this time it connect successfully.

"Black Widow to Hawkeye. What's your situation?" She asked quickly.

"I'm fine, thanks to that explosion I was able to throw off the Widows...hah... What about you? Agent said...hah...that you had some difficulties?" Said a panting Hawkeye.

"It's okay, Dreykov is dead, but Yelena is heavily injured and I can't contact Ramsey."

"Ramsey? What about Agent?" Asked Hawkeye not understanding why she tried to contact Ramsey.

"He's with me. And he's currently the only thing that prevent Yelena from dying."

After hearing Black Widow, Hawkeye suddenly understood and asked rhetorically.

"Then, she's alone inside the Kingjet and doesn't answer your call?"

She didn't answer, because all of them had the answer I their heart: Ramsey run away!

Having figure it out, Black Widow told Hawkeye not to move so she could rejoin him quickly. After receiving a positive answer from him she turn to Rick.

"Can I move Yelena? Can you move?"

To this Rick stand up with his hands and fingers still in the same position while nodding at Natasha.

The latter didn't ask anything else, but carefully pick up Yelena who had the broken wooden board removed.

'He should have done it.' She guessed absent-mindedly.

And Indeed, she was right. After Rick landed inside the Playground Area, he immediately run towards Natasha with the help of his U-Watch. And when he arrived, Natasha just started pounding Dreykov with some good punches.

After seeing that, he first hesitate in intervening, before his eyes landed on Yelena. Seeing her tragic situation, he immediately put Natasha's situation aside and went towards Yelena.

Fortunately after some checking, he could still feel a faint breath from her. But he also knew that it was just a question of time before her death. So without any hesitation, he contact Athena.

"Athena, open all my mystery boxes!"

[Understood Rick]

[Congratulation you have won:

Reyna's Devour skill

Ancient Dragon scales

Xelor Petrification Skill


Jin gauntlet

Gun classic]

After Athena briefly describe his rewards, Rick immediately chose to retrieve the Potion and integrate the Petrification skill to himself.

Then while attending to Yelena, he took out the wooden board from her body without any scrupule and quickly pour the potion to the wound. But after doing that, he regret, because it suddenly occur to him that he should have upgraded the potion first, because it could heal up to 20% of a wound. Which wasn't much in this situation.

Fortunately his first plan wasn't to count on the Upgrade skill but on his new skill Petrification.

This skill originating from the game Dofus is one of the capacity of the Xelor. A race capable of manipulating time.

With the modification from the system to make it more real, that skill had now two use: The first one is to cause some water damage to the target by momentarily petrificating him. With this attack the person will have a hard time moving around even after the hit.

The second use was to simply petrify the target which would caused him to have it's time stop until Rick stop the skill. But after getting the skill Rick discovered a big problem.

The skill original, need a level 140 Xelor to be used which means that he needs to be extremely powerful to use it, which wasn't the case at all. So in other circonstances, Rick shouldn't be able to use this skill, but fortunately for him every new skills he get can be used regardless of the restrictions. But it wasn't without cost.

Let's say for example that Rick get The ONE from seven deadly sins. Even if he can cast it without any restrictions once, he will die directly because his body wouldn't be able to bear the power.

So even if Rick could use a super powerful skill once, he still had to be cautious in using it.

Fortunately for him the Petrification skill after being modified by the system didn't need the mana he didn't possess, but still use his stamina and physical strength to work.

But because the skill was a high level one, even with the conversion of 'fuel' it still caused him great pain in his body when he used it. And while his body was one of a relatively healthy young man, it wasn't trained hard like Hawkeye, causing his energy to be rapidly draining.

So even if only two minutes passed from the moment he activate Petrification to them meting Hawkeye again, Rick had the feeling of running for two hours already while someone poke him with needles.

"What's up with your face Agent? If you want to take a sh*t toilet are this way. And by the way who is this charming woman?" Joke a well rested but injured Hawkeye after seeing Rick face and Melina Vostokoff. But unfortunately for neither Rick or Natasha had the time jokes.

"Save it Hawkeye! We don't have the time for this. Help me support Agent. We can't get outside from the entrance, so we'll have to take the window. Again."

While a bit wary towards Melina, he still did as told but not before inputing his opinion.

"You know, I feel like since I met you two, I spend these day flying in the air Tarzan."

While none of them comment, both Natasha and Rick felt the same.

Profiting from the chaos still inside the Academy and the fact that building was crumbling as time passes, the team reach the edge of the destroyed Playground area.

Then after some cumbersome time in getting down with the threads because some had literal humans to carry, they finally succeed in finding a black military cargo truck to accommodate the still petrify Yelena.

Unfortunately even with chaos, their departure didn't get unnoticed and were immediately pursue by ten other cars as Hawkeye direct the Truck towards the city under Ricks instructions. Even though the former was quite skeptical on this strategy.

"Are you sure you want us to go to the city? Because it will be even more difficult for us to get away if we do." Actually Rick knew it too. But with Yelena state, they didn't have the choice.

"Trust...me." He replied confidently. But only he knew how much confidence he had.