
Marvel: Video Game Templates!

After a tragic death at the hands of Truck-Kun, Alex was transmigrated in the body of Maxim Novikov, a Russian mutant kidnapped by Hydra to become a brain-washed Super-Soldier. Falling into despair after being continuously tortured and beaten due to his Mutant Power of Superior Regenerative Healing Factor, Maxim tried to kill himself, allowing Alex to transmigrate into his body. Armed with Maxim's memories, his knowledge of the MCU and his love for Marvel SuperHeroes, Maxim plans to break out of the Hydra Facility, using a certain Transmigration Golden Finger: [ Congratulations, you have awakened the 'Video Game Template System'! ] [ Current Game: Valorant ] [ Choose your Character:

StrikerAuthor · Filem
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28 Chs



The night was deep, the moon veiled by thick clouds as Maxim Novikov made his way through the deserted streets. The air was cold, biting at his skin, terribly cold, but Maxim barely noticed.

His thoughts were far more focused on the destination ahead: an old orphanage nestled in the quieter outskirts of the city. This was where she was, where Hydra had left her, forgotten and alone.

Maxim had already changed his clothes, stealing some from the Hydra base. Currently, Maxim was around 6'5, growing very much from being previously 5'9.

Maxim had a sharp, angular face with a strong jawline that made him rather handsome, a face that was currently cloaked by a hoodie. The most noticeable part of his face were his piercing blue eyes that reflect both his determination and ruthlessness.

Maxim's hair was pale blond, almost white as it was covered by his hoodie, and his body was very fit, like an athlete's, with his body contours being near perfect.

The shadows wrapped around Maxim like a cloak as he moved, his steps silent, his presence barely a whisper in the darkness. Now, there was only one thing on his mind: Katerina.

His beloved sister. It had only been 4 months since he had been kidnapped, but it was 4 months of torture for him, and he could only worry about her.

He was Katerina's brother, her closest friend, he loved her more than he loved himself, and did everything he could to protect her.

Finally, after a long walk, Maxim reached the orphanage, its worn exterior bathed in the pale light of a single streetlamp. The building was old, its bricks weathered by years of neglect.

Maxim paused at the gate, his hand resting on the cold metal. For a moment, he hesitated. What would she think of him now? Millions of thoughts flashed passed Maxim's mind.

But there was no turning back. He had come this far, and he needed to see his sister once more. With him on the run, he knew Hydra would target Katerina. He had shown enough value for them to be interested, and they'd do everything to get him back.

So, Maxim needed to get to Katerina first before Hydra did, especially since they might exploit her too once they find out she is also a Mutant if they capture her.

With a deep breath, Maxim slipped through the gate like a cloud of darkness and made his way to the back of the orphanage, where the children's dormitories were located.

He secretly reached the window of Katerina's room, peering inside. The small room was dimly lit by the soft glow of a nightlight, casting gentle shadows on the walls. In one of the beds, he saw her, a small figure curled up under a thin blanket, her breathing slow and steady.

His heart clenched at the sight. She looked so vulnerable. It was hard to reconcile this image with the memories he had of her as a young girl, full of life and laughter. But the world had changed them both, for better or worse.

This was a long, agonizing 4 months for both of them.

Maxim carefully opened the window, slipping inside with practiced ease. He moved silently, his eyes never leaving Katerina as he approached her bedside.

He knelt beside her, his hand trembling slightly as he reached out to brush a strand of hair from her face. She stirred at the touch, her eyes fluttering open, and for a moment, they stared at each other in the quiet of the night.

"Katya," Maxim whispered, his voice barely audible, filled with emotion.

Katerina blinked, her eyes widening as recognition dawned, "Max?" she whispered back, her voice filled with disbelief.

"It's me," he said, his voice breaking slightly. "I'm here."

Tears welled up in Katerina's eyes as she sat up, leaping into Maxim and throwing her arms around him. She held onto Maxim tightly, burying her face in his neck as tears streamed down her face.

Maxim just calmly held her tightly, his own eyes stinging with unshed tears. For a moment, they were just a brother and sister, reunited after being separated.

"I thought… I thought I'd never see you again," Katerina murmured into his shoulder as she cried.

"I'm sorry," Maxim whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm so sorry, Katya. I never wanted to leave you."

Katerina pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tear-streaked cheeks, "I knew you'd come back. I never stopped believing."

Maxim smiled faintly, brushing a thumb across her cheek to wipe away the tears. "You've grown taller," he said softly, his eyes scanning her face as if trying to memorize every detail.

"So have you," Katerina replied, her gaze searching his,"But… something's different about you, Max. I can feel it."

Maxim hesitated, knowing he couldn't hide the truth from her. She had always been perceptive, even as a child. And now, with her mutant psychic powers, she could probably sense the darkness that had taken root within him.

"I've changed," he admitted, his voice low, "The things I've been through… they've changed me. But I'm still your brother, Katya. That hasn't changed."

She nodded, her expression somber. "And you're still the same to me," she said with quiet conviction, "No matter what."

Maxim felt a surge of warmth at her words, a comfort he hadn't felt in years. He had feared that the darkness within him would drive her away, but here she was, accepting him without hesitation.

"Katerina," he began, his voice serious. "Your powers… I told you to keep them secret, but you need to understand how important that is now. The world is dangerous, more dangerous than you know. There are people out there who would do terrible things to you if they found out."

Katerina nodded again, her eyes wide with understanding, "I've been careful, Max. I haven't used them in front of anyone. But… sometimes it's hard. I can hear people's thoughts, feel their emotions. It's… overwhelming."

Maxim reached out, taking her hands in his. "You're strong, Katya. Stronger than you know. But I'm on the run, and I can't protect you for long."

Maxim said, ashamed of himself. In order to get stronger, in order to get revenge, he'll need to train and fight, constantly, over and over again, and he didn't think he could protect Katerina whilst doing that.

Katerina listened and her tears threatened to break out, she squeezed Maxim's hand, her expression mixed. She cared for her brother, but she also understood what he was going through.

But you don't have to do this alone anymore. I need you to flare your psychic powers for a second, and a group of people will eventually come. I'll send you with 

"I understand Max, stay strong, " Katerina said, nodding a she heard his words.

Maxim nodded, thankful that she understood before speaking, "I need you to flare your psychic powers widely. A group of people will come to pick you up." Maxim said explaining.

As a Mutant, Maxim knew that the X-Men would naturally take in and protect Katerina, especially with her psychic powers.

He also couldn't feel any instinctual fear from her like he could with other people, proving she already had psychic barriers around her mind, protecting her from a potential Professor-X mind read.

"They're mostly trustworthy, but remember...there's a red haired girl, trust her the most, and the bald man, trust him the least. Got it?" Maxim said.

Katerina chuckled and just nodded. With that, Maxim stood, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I'll miss you Katya, but never lose belief, I will see you again, always remember that."

With one last look, he slipped back out the window, disappearing into the night as quietly as he had arrived. But this time, he wasn't leaving her behind. He was leading her to safety, to a future where they could finally be together without fear.

As he walked away, he felt the psychic wave of Katerina's power, and calmed down. Giving her to Professor-X was dangerous, but with her psychic barriers and his instruction, she should remain safe.


The first rays of dawn were beginning to touch the horizon when Katerina heard it, the soft hum of something approaching.

She was still sitting by the window, unable to sleep after Maxim's visit. Her heart had been racing all night, a mixture of excitement and fear. But now, as the sound grew closer, it steadied, focusing on the task at hand.

She rose from her spot by the window, her bare feet silent against the cold floor as she moved through the small room. The other children were still asleep, their breathing even and peaceful.

A soft breeze swept through the room as Katerina opened the window, peering out into the dim light of dawn. The sound was louder now, and she could see a dark shape descending from the sky, a sleek, black jet that seemed to blend with the night.

It landed silently in the orphanage courtyard, the trees barely rustling as it settled. Katerina's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the jet's ramp lower, revealing a figure standing at the entrance. 

A tall, imposing man in a black uniform, his skin a deep shade of blue, stepped out first. He had a kind of noble grace about him, despite his fearsome appearance.

His yellow eyes scanned the area before landing on her window, a smile softening his otherwise fearsome appearance.

"What's your name miss?," he called out in a gentle, accented voice,

"Katerina." She muttered to the man.

"We're recognized you as a Mutant Katerina, you may have powers you don't understand, we're here to help you." The man called out.

Behind him, two more figures emerged from the jet. The first was a tall, muscular man with sharp claws extending from his knuckles.

The second, however, was the one Maxim had told her to trust above all others,a woman with long, flowing red hair, her presence almost serene amidst the chaos of the world. 

Katerina hesitated for a moment, taking in the sight of them. These were the group Maxim had spoken of, the ones who could protect her.

Katerina took a deep breath, steeling herself, and climbed out the window. The grass was wet with dew as her feet touched the ground, the cold seeping into her skin. She approached the group slowly, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and fear.

"Don't be afraid," Jean said, her voice soothing. She stepped forward, extending a hand toward Katerina. "We're here to help you."

Katerina looked at Jean, searching her face for any sign of deceit. But there was none. Jean's eyes were filled with a compassion that made Katerina's nervousness begin to melt away.

She took Jean's hand, feeling the warmth of her touch, and nodded. Katerina felt a wave of relief wash over her. These people, these mutants, weren't just here to take her away. They were here to protect her, just like Maxim had said.

"Are you ready to go?" Jean asked gently.

Katerina looked back at the orphanage, the place she lived for the recent period. She felt a pang of sadness, but she knew she couldn't stay. Not with Hydra still out there, hunting people like her. She turned back to Jean and nodded.

"I'm ready," she said, her voice steady.

Jean squeezed her hand gently before leading her toward the jet. Katerina followed, feeling a strange mixture of fear and excitement. 

As she walked up the ramp, she glanced back one last time at the orphanage, her heart heavy with the weight of what she was leaving behind.

But then she remembered Maxim's words, "I will see you again, always remember that," and she felt a flicker of hope.

She would see him again. They would be together, someday.