
Marvel: Traveling through the worlds of Fiction.

Marvel fanfic. ... Suddenly, 10 years ago, In the world of Marvel, set in the MCU, when everyone turns 18, they can be transported to other worlds. They can be dystopian and apocalyptic worlds, wonder worlds or treasure worlds, even worlds with supernatural abilities. But there is something that they do not know, something that they are not aware of, these worlds... They are stories. ... Join Levi Thomas Wilson on his journey through the multiverse. Chapters every 4 days.

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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Adult.

Warning: don't get attached to the MC, at least not at first, he can be a jerk, whatever, enjoy.


After finishing his dinner, Levi Wilson said goodbye to his mother.

"Goodbye Aunt May, Peter, I'll see you tomorrow." Levi said and went to his room, but he was stopped by Aunt May.

"Levi…be careful." said Aunt May knowing what she will do.

"I will have it." Levi said and continued.


He entered her room and locked it, then walked over to his desk, which was littered with various random tools and gadgets.

Levi took an old backpack and began to get ready, two changes of clothes, food for a week, walkie-talkie, emergency kit and several other things, also a 9mm pistol with an enlarged magazine and a silencer.

Levi took the bullet cartridges and hid them in his backpack, put the gun in a special compartment and hid it well.

"Finally, after 18 years in this world, I can finally get the strength I wanted..." Levi whispered quietly.

The weapon belonged to his uncle, Uncle Ben, 10 years ago, everyone over the age of 18, could visit other worlds, technologically advanced worlds, or apocalyptic worlds, all of them full of opportunities and dangers.

Of course, this is not that simple, there are missions that need to be carried out, in the first mission, you will get something to protect yourself, then, you are on your own.

Uncle Ben, was one of the people who was tempted by this, it wasn't out of selfishness or that kind of thing, the situation was very difficult at the time, Peter's parents just died, and money was needed, when he heard that there could be valuable things and treasures, he took a risk, the worst decision he could make and the last.

After that, Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) worked hard to get us out of the mess we were in.

I was adopted when I was born, I used to be from earth in my old life, but this world was just a world of fiction and imagination, but hey, I'm not going to bore you with that, I've had 18 years to process it.

Levi loaded up the supplies and all the essentials, then took a small drone he made in his spare time and hung it on his backpack.

Finally, he took the phone from him and started a battle on the most dangerous battlefield, Twitter.

4 hours later.

"Sigh..." Levi heaved a big sigh and withdrew from the battle, it's really exhausting facing hundreds of random guys with crazy ideas in their heads.

Looking at the time, it's already 11:49 PM.


"Lev..." a voice came from the other side of the door.

"You may come in." Levi said calmly.

"I just wanted to know if you're sure about this, Ben too..." May gasped.

"Aunt May, it's okay, I have to." Levi said.

"I get it." Aunt May said and waved goodbye, for a split second, Levi saw a tear in the corner of her eye.

"I'm so sorry, Aunt May, but I can't take it back." Levi whispered and clenched her fist, digging his nails into her flesh.

They had discussed this before, actually, they had discussed it very, very, very strongly, he was even grounded for two years at the time, Aunt May thought he would give up that stupid idea after several years, but to her regret, he did not do it.

He just didn't change his mind, instead, he was more determined, even going so far as to learn self-defense and learn various knowledge recommended by other travelers.

"10, 9, 8.." Levi saw the time he had left and took his backpack, then took a mask that he made himself and put it on, it has a black main color and other embedded decorations.

It has dark lenses integrated with the mask to give it a better design.

Why the mask? well, when you travel, you don't travel alone, there are many more people traveling with you, even 10 or 15 people, the maximum recorded is 30 people in one plane.

"3, 2, 1."

[Welcome to traveler number 5,008,345,123,043]

[Integrating with the main universe...]

Suddenly, Levi disappeared from his room and reappeared on a gray platform, surrounded by darkness, no stars, light, nothing, on the platform, there are also twelve other people.

They all cautiously looked at each other, most have masks, only a few are the exception, maybe because they have some powerful backing and are not afraid to reveal their identity.

"Hey, James, you're here too." another of the travelers began to speak.

"Oh, Bob, haha, you're lucky, you just have to follow me, and you can pass the first test." said a guy named James, blonde hair, a pretty face, and a cocky attitude.

'Reminder, stay away.' Levi reminded himself, he doesn't want to be a xianxia protagonist who gets slapped on purpose.

After James found Bob, he met with two other acquaintances.

'Hump, ignoramuses.' Jacy whispered to herself.

[Hello everyone, I am the system of the travelers, I am in charge of giving all the travelers their first mission, now, I will start by providing them with a basic product.] said the AI.

"Grrgmm.." Levi felt a sharp sting on his neck and he growled.

He felt like ants crawling through his body and it seems he wasn't the only one, the pain continued for a while, until he vomited a mouthful of blood as dark as night.

"Damn..." Levi said annoyed, the pain of being destroyed and rebuilt over and over again is truly horrible, even with anesthesia.

[Relax, this is designed so that they adapt perfectly to each world they go to, this can help them not to be discovered easily and they can also obtain the abilities of those worlds, be it magic or any other supernatural energy] the AI ​​explained patiently .

[If you focus, you can see a bracelet on her left hand, it's designed to display your basic information.]

After hearing what he said, Levi looked at his wrist and watched carefully.

A black bracelet with red edges, in the center, there is a symbol, I can't tell what it is with the naked eye, but it represents what they are, multiversal travelers.

"Ha, I'll be the best traveler, Bob, dick, you just have to follow me and you can take my leftovers, hahaha." James said with big aspirations.


[Attention all travelers, you will be assigned your mission, you must complete it, you can work as a team or you can go on your own, whoever has higher merit will have more points, which can be converted into credits, which you can use to buy any thing in the market.]

The AI ​​explained, according to the information that Levi was able to investigate after all these years, there is a market that comes with the system, it is where they sell everything that other travelers have obtained, of course, they can also keep the treasures for themselves, which that creates the black market, is where stolen or too illegal items are sold to be admitted by the system.

[I'll explain more rules now, you can bring anything from that world, except living things, if you want to extract a living organism, you have to get a legendary item from the market, other than that, you're free to bring whatever you want, as either infinite power, or total garbage, but it must be within the proper weight and mass limit, maximum 1,000 kilograms in weight and 50x50 square meters, if you want to increase the space, you need to upgrade it in the market or get a magic item. ]

Levi heard of this, some people found magical relics, the closest thing he knows is space rings or Magic bags.

[They will travel to a world of powers and beings beyond the ordinary, in this world, they must obtain the DNA of a metahuman named Flash.]



"What is a metahuman?" Bob asked.

"How would I know, he stops asking stupid questions and listens." James said.

[You should find him and get a sample of his blood, what you do or don't do in that world is up to you, but I'll give you a reminder, you shouldn't reveal who you are, if you do, it will only seal your fate, no one likes invaders, good luck.]

"What? Is that all?"

"Shut." James said.

Suddenly, everyone started to levitate and felt a strong tug.

'Time to fulfill my dream."
