
Marvel: The Suns Anomaly

Helios was a legend, a miracle and God to many. However, he was also recognized as the bringer of death as that was the only known trace he had ever left behind of his existence. Nevertheless, after conquering a city and leaving behind an irreversible mark on the world, old age caught up with him. With his lover gone and kids old, it was time for his final wish and desire to come true. After building a special spacecraft, Helios flew into the sun's surface, and the ship exploded as his heart gave its last beat. But his story doesn't end there. Helios reincarnated into Marvel inside a sun's core before being sent to an orphanage on earth 616 (original earth) as a one-year-old by the sun's rays. With his past life complete, Helios starts anew with the potential to surpass even the gods and the goal to conquer not a city but the... --------------------------------------- Author Notes --------------------------------------- This story takes place in an MCU (marvel cinematic universe) that is an AU (alternate universe). Thus, there will be changes to the original plot.

Zenfree · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

☀️CH3: ...Don't Trust Anyone

Anyways, in summary, I could turn invisible, create light copies of myself, bend light but not shoot, and become unharmable to physical force by melding with the light.

Unfortunately, I could not move with the light, only exit and enter. I could also create illusions, change my bodily appearance, and lastly, be ordinary?

Oddly, besides my blemishless tanned skin, blindingly white curly hair like clouds, a devilishly chubby face, baby fat, and a dense body (some humans are born with bodies more dense than usual). There was nothing inhuman about my appearance. Well, only if I ignore my wings and armor.

My armor was constructed from an invisible condensed living light swirling around my every cell and hair strand. Covering every crevice of my skin, with the only thing not shining being my eyes.

I first realized my wings and armor when I looked at myself from my omni view (my view of all directions, where light exist and where it does not).

I noticed I was glowing like crazy with two black holes for eyes and wings of light so intense their wavelength completely skipped over 700, no longer visible to human eyes.

Yet, when I looked close enough, I realized that covering the light, unseeable by regular human eyes, is an abyss. An abyss that covers my entirety perfectly, with two tall inky black horns protruding from my head.

Nevertheless, due to the abyss covering me, I don't believe anything can see my armor or wings, else I would be a guinea pig currently.

After all, humans can't see invisible light (ultraviolet light, infrared, x-ray...), but technology still can. The technology here was still advanced enough to have decent-looking defibrillators...

However, besides the invisible armor and wings, I physically appeared human (an upgraded one). Thus, my body was registered as a super healthy baby boy.

There were no doctors going crazy, no magical blood being siphoned, and no needles being unable to pierce my skin. Seems I was quite lucky to not have to go through that experience...

In truth, though, I already knew about the cruelty of humans. So before the check-up, I racked my brain trying to figure out how to not let others realize I'm not human.

My solution was to test every possible power I could have, and I stopped after finding one, illusions. Using illusions, I manipulated the test results by making them think they did what they did. When all they really did was record and input empty data. Even cameras can be shown an illusion when it's a distortion.

The result: no blood loss, no needles, no information, and no testing. What truly transpired was a light clone playing my part and doing all the tests, while the doctors only went through the motions, recording nonsense.

Thankfully, I was lucky enough to have my past life memories. After this experience, I had a new goal added to my mission. However, I still wanted to enjoy childhood (messing around with supernatural abilities) before getting serious with my plans.

However, there was one last thing I thought over before I was adopted.




Until the next sun🌅