
Death and Rebirth

The day I died was supposed to be the point in which my life took a turn for the better. I mean I was heading to college, and I finally made it out of the small little town I had lived in my entire life. It wasn't necessarily bad living in a small town, but there was never anything new and everybody was the same mostly. There weren't that many people who would move there and there wasn't many who would leave.

I on the other hand wanted to leave badly. I felt that time didn't move there, and I needed to leave, so my life would finally start. So, I did just that and applied to many different colleges during my senior year. I was hoping that I was accepted somewhere at least, so it would give me the perfect excuse to leave and never look back.

My Parents were really nice people, but they were stuck where I lived and didn't want to leave it. They wanted me to stay there with them, but I had way different plans for my life. I waited for a few months until it was time to see if I was accepted or not. It was a most important day of my not so impactful life. I checked each and every letter I received, and it didn't disappoint. I was accepted to three different schools, which was two more than I was hoping for. This had given me options to choose from.

I eventually figured out which one I wanted to choose, and I sent back a reply confirming that I wanted to go to their school. After I did this, I had to contemplate how to break the news to my parents in the best way possible, so that they wouldn't overreact. I waited for a week before I broke the news to them at the diner that was in town. They took it way better than I expected and said I could go as long as I stayed in contact with them regularly.

Summer had slowly approached, and I found a relatively cheap place I could stay near the college and decided that I would go early to figure out the area and prepare. I had worked a part time job for a few years and saved up a good amount of money, so that when I got there, I would have money to hold me over. I packed up what I needed in my car and decided it was the day I had to go.

The beginning of the trip wasn't that eventful, just some bumpy roads and some deer by the road. however, once I was about halfway there was when things started to feel off. I don't know how to describe it entirely other than maybe I just was having a gut feeling of some sort. I didn't listen to it though and kept on driving more focused on the fact I was getting close to my new life.

Only I ended up not making it to that said new life because a truck veered on the road straight at me and head on collided with my car. I can't remember anything after that point so, I'm like 85% sure that I dead. The rest of the it is on the possibility I hallucinated the whole thing and I'm in a mental asylum.

So, that recaps my entire life and now were in the present were I'm currently looking at something, not exactly sure what it is but it keeps on changing form. The odd thing is that its eyes never change and its staring at me like it can see completely through me. I would almost feel self-conscious if it wasn't for the fact, I'm almost positive I'm dead. I stood there, well not really stand, more like floating, waiting for when it would notify me what it wanted. I mean maybe it doesn't even want anything from me. I can't really use logic to explain what I'm witnessing.

After a long while I wake out of my stupor when I start receiving memories explaining what is happening. Apparently, I was selected at random by Ya-Ven the God of Reincarnation to be sent to a random multiverse that exists in the Omniverse. I don't know if what a god chooses is random, but I'll just go with it. I'm also going to receive a gift of some sort which will also be random.

I then look down towards the ground or whatever surface I'm currently floating on, and a wheel appears. It's known as the Wheel of Reincarnation, and it randomly chooses the stuff that will decide your fate in your next life. I have to float over to it and spin it with my hands, if that's what they even are. Anyways it starts spinning really fast and keeps rotating for a while until it finally starts to slow down. After a few moments it stops, and I see what I'm receiving for my next life.



TIME: @#$%%@%$# BCE


I'm really surprised by what I received; I mean I get to go somewhere in Marvel which is crazy considering it is a fictional world for me. While I guess now it is going to be real. Also, I'm kind of confused on what exactly is wrong with the time it says that I'll be going to. Is it a glitch of some sort? Can you even have a glitch as a god. I get a gut feeling or whatever you would call it given my current predicament, that things are not going the way they should be or that I'm being messed with.

I don't get to think about it much though because all the light that I saw disappeared and I;m currently in the dark, and I feel like I'm flowing down a river somewhere. As this is happening, I start receiving a memory about the details of the gift I acquired and when exactly I'm going.


[ADAPTABILITY - you are able to adapt to most environments and stress that affect your body given enough time.

[ABSORB/COPY- Every day you are able to absorb or copy 6 innate abilities and/or traits that living organisms have that are within 5 meters of you. Absorption comes with the risk of retaliation, while copy takes time to complete. Stronger abilities/traits take longer to copy. Your brain won't get overloaded by all the information that you receive from the organisms around you, and you can filter for what you are looking for in the radius of the power. Abilities and traits won't deform your body unless you want to change it to fit a certain form better and you can also change it back to how it originally looks. Shapeshifting only works with which abilities/traits were chosen.

[STEEL MIND- Your mind becomes a fortress, and the effects of time won't affect your memory. You also won't go crazy no matter how long passes. You are almost the definition of sanity. Try not to push your mind to far though because steel can still bend.

[Survival of the Fittest- You are willing to do what needs to be done so that you and or anybody you love will survive.

TIME: 250,000,000 BCE give or take a few million

After observing the full memory, I contemplate for a second before I think that I've been scammed somewhat. I mean yeah, I can now adapt and slowly get increasingly more powerful, but I'm literally way too far in the past. I mean what do you do for roughly 250,000,000 million years. I received a steel mind but could it even last that long. Well, no sense of complaining about that too much longer.

I'm still floating down a "river" of some kind and it seems like it never is going to end. Since I have so much time to think about random stuff, I find it odd that I haven't felt any pain about my old life. I thought I would at least feel sad or angry, but instead I'm pretty calm. It's been a recurring them since my death.

I don't get to think much more because I feel that I'm speeding up and I'm pretty sure I'm about to reach the end of the line. Right at the final moment I feel as if I'm being "birthed" or at least that's what I think it would feel like.

I finally start to see some light at it keeps on getting brighter to the point until its blinding, so I close my eyes, which didn't really help that much. After A few moments the blinding light starts to fade, and I open my eyes.