A man reincarnated in the body of Peter Parker with Superman's powers. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic, that is, a work of fiction created by a fan, based on characters and situations from other original works. I have no intention of profiting from third party content, nor to violate the copyright of the original creators. This fanfic is just a way to honor and express my admiration for the works that inspired me. All credits and acknowledgments are due to the original authors.
Pov Peter
Peter Parker opened his eyes and looked at the clock. It was 6:30 in the morning, half an hour before his alarm clock went off. He felt strangely rested and energized, as if he had slept for a week.
Brainiac - Good morning, Peter. You're up early. Any special reason?
Peter - No, Brainiac. I'm just feeling good.
Brainiac - I see. Do you have any work to do today?
Peter - Actually, I do. I want to take this time to talk to you about something very important.
Brainiac - What subject?
Peter - Norman Osborne and Oscorp. I want to release the evidence of all their crimes to the public.
Brainiac - And how are you going to do that?
Peter - When I'm at school, just before break, I want you to post everything on the internet and make sure no one can erase the evidence.
Brainiac - Of course, Master Peter.
Peter went to take care of his hygiene, then lay in bed. Suddenly, he heard Aunt May's voice calling him down for breakfast.
He goes downstairs to find Aunt May and Uncle Ben in the kitchen. They are smiling and affectionate, as always. They serve a plate of scrambled eggs and toast with orange juice to Peter, who sits down at the table.
Aunt May - Good morning, darling. How did you sleep?
Peter - Fine, thank you. And you?
Uncle Ben - We slept well too, but we're worried about you, Peter. You've been very quiet lately. Is everything okay at school? In your studies? In your love life?
Peter - Everything's fine, I'm just a bit tired, you know? Too much to do.
Uncle Ben - We understand, son. But you can't overload yourself like this, you need time to have fun, to relax, to be happy.
Peter - I am happy.
Peter Parker finished eating his toast and drinking his orange juice. He looked at his watch and saw that he was late for school. He grabbed his backpack and ran for the door.
Peter - Bye, Aunt May!
He came out of the house and saw Mary Jane, his neighbor and classmate, waiting for him.
Mary Jane - Hi, Peter! - she said, smiling.
Peter - Hi, he said with a sigh.
Mary Jane - I need to talk to you about something.
Peter - What is it?
Mary Jane - It's about Flash Thompson.
Peter - What about him? Peter asked without interest.
Mary Jane - You need to apologize to him.
Peter laughed and shook his head.
- Never! - he said. - He deserved it. He was teasing me and pushing me. I only defended myself.
Mary Jane - I know, but he's the captain of the basketball team and Liz Allan's boyfriend. He has a lot of influence at school. If you don't apologize, he'll make your life a living hell.
Peter - Let him try. I'm not afraid of him.
Mary Jane - Peter, be reasonable. You don't have to be so proud. Just apologize and get it over with. That way you'll avoid any more problems.
Peter - MJ, be honest. Are you on his side or mine? - he asked, looking into her eyes.
She hesitated for a moment and then sighed.
Mary Jane - Yours, of course. But I only want your good. You're my friend and I care about you.
Peter - Then trust me. I know what I'm doing. I won't apologize to Flash for anything. He's a bully and an idiot. He needs to learn to respect others.
Mary Jane - And you think breaking his hand was a good lesson? - she asked, sarcastically.
Peter - It was benevolence, compared to what I could do to him.
Mary Jane - Peter... - she started to say, but was interrupted by him.
Peter - MJ, tell me something. Why didn't you ever ask Flash to apologize for hitting me at school or Liz for calling me a loser? - he asked, seriously.
She turned red and looked away.
Mary Jane - I... I don't know... I... - she stammered, not knowing what to say.
Peter - I know the answer, you're afraid of losing your position in the popular group, but I'm sincerely curious to know what will become of you when the year is over and you have to face reality.
Peter left her thinking and went to school.
Pov Jessica Jones
Jessica Jones was sitting on the sofa in her apartment, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't get Peter Parker out of her head.
She liked him, and now that they were dating, she could kiss him all she wanted.
She wanted to see him again, but she was also afraid. Afraid that he wouldn't want to be with her because of her superpowers. Afraid that he would think she was a freak, a murderer, a victim. Afraid that he would hurt her, or that she would hurt him.
She sighed and closed her eyes. She wanted to be normal, she wanted to be happy. But she knew her life was too complicated for that.
- Jessica? - A familiar voice called out from the door. It was Trish Walker, her adopted sister and best friend. She entered the apartment with a shopping bag in her hand. - What are you doing there? You look like you're in another world.
Jessica - Hi, Trish. -
Jessica opened her eyes and sat down on the sofa.
Jessica - I was just... thinking.
Trish - Thinking about what?
Trish asked, putting the shopping in the kitchen. She went back into the living room and sat down next to Jessica on the sofa.
Trish - Any new cases? Any problems?
Jessica - No, nothing like that.
Trish - Jessica, I've known you since we were kids. You can't fool me. Something's bothering you. Is it a guy?
Jessica blushed and bit her lip. She didn't want to tell Trish about Peter. She knew Trish would be curious, ask questions, give advice. She didn't want to hear any of it.
Jessica - It's nothing, Trish. Really.
Trish - Oh, yes, it is. I know it is. You're in love! - Trish exclaimed, smiling mischievously.
Jessica - I'm not!
Trish - Yes, you are! I can see it in your eyes! Who is he? What's he like? Where did you meet? Does he know about your powers?
Jessica - Trish, please...
Trish - Come on, Jess. You can tell me everything. I'm your sister, your confidant, your partner in crime.
Jessica - Okay, I'll tell you, but when I get back from school, bye.
Trish - Bye.
Pov Tony Stark
** Stark Mansion - living room **
Tony stark, a billionaire genius and playboy, is sitting on a sofa, fiddling with his cell phone. He wears an elegant suit and a confident smile. Pepper Potts, his personal assistant enters the room, holding a briefcase. She has a worried expression.
Pepper - Tony, we need to talk.
Tony - Of course, Pepper. What have you got for me?
Pepper: It's not what I have for you, it's what you have for me. You're scheduled to travel to Afghanistan this week.
Tony: Yeah, I know. So what?
Pepper: So it's a bad idea. You know how dangerous it is there. You know there are terrorists, rebels, militias...
Tony: And you know that I'm Tony Stark. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm going there to show off my weapons, do some demonstrations, impress some generals...
Pepper - What if something goes wrong? What if you're kidnapped, tortured, killed?
Tony - It won't go wrong. I have the best security team in the world.
Pepper - Tony, please. Don't do this. Don't go to Afghanistan. Stay here.
Tony - Pepper, I can't stay here with you. I have a mission. I have a responsibility.
Pepper - What responsibility? To sell weapons for an endless war?
Tony - No, to protect the world from greater threats.
Pepper - What greater threats?
Tony - You wouldn't understand.
Pepper - Then make me understand.
Tony - Pepper, trust me. I know what I'm doing.
Pepper - Tony, listen to me. I care about you.
Tony - I know you do. And I appreciate that. But I have to go.
Pepper - Tony...
Tony - Pepper...
They stare into each other's eyes for a moment. He gets up and hugs her.
Tony - I promise I'll be back soon.
Pepper - I hope I hope so.
Should I save Tony Stark?
What to do with Mary Jane?