
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Filem
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263 Chs

Within the Mandarin’s Walls -46


A few hours after getting some information out of her captures, Natasha finally reached her destination, the sprawling complex of the powerful terrorist leader, the Mandarin. Someone who apparently was a thousand-year-old warlord.


As soon as the engine turned off, the men started to disembark, and Natasha dutifully followed right behind, trying to make herself seem as non-threatening as possible.


The situation she was in was beyond delicate and far from what she would have preferred to get her mission remained, and having finally arrived at the elusive compound of the Mandarin, she was closer than ever to some kind of answers.


She stood by and watched as part of the escort when to speak with the Mandarin's own people. This allowed her to take in the surroundings.


The Mandarin's compound was grand, heavily fortified, and yet elegant; it was very traditional Chinese style, which she should have probably expected given his age.


The nature surrounding the compound was picturesque and beautiful. It was hard to imagine that this was the home to a powerful terrorist organization.


The men of the Mandarin also did not appear like how one would assume a terrorist would. In fact, they seemed more akin to ninjas or assassins. The terrorists were a far cry from what was expected and her own shield briefing.


She tried to overhear their conversation, yet they were speaking in Mandarin, something she herself hadn't yet mastered, and therefore, he was unable to catch what was being discussed.


She did not let her entire focus remain on that part of the escort as she also needed to know how the meeting would continue now that Alexander Ricci had been assassinated.


 Looking around, she didn't see anyone who seemed to be high enough up in command to be able to charge such an important event, so perhaps someone would be shipped here, though that would mean a sizeable delay.


 So, should that happen, she might have more time to Snoop around and investigate the premise, gathering more vital information.


One thing she noticed was that men were holding around some heavy equipment. In particular, her attention was drawn to what appeared to be some kind of massive strongbox.


There was also a large amount of other equipment, such as large wooden creates that had untold secrets. The strong boxes held whatever Ricci was hoping to trade. The size of the creates themselves gave little clue as to what they contained.


After about 15 minutes of standing around and watching while everything was unloaded and prepared, it was finally time to enter the compound.


The trip was by foot up through beautiful and delicate gardens. Constantly, she felt watched by dozens of people, and from their gaze, she had no doubt that they were trained killers, all of them on the outside. This place is beautiful to the extreme, yet it holds a deadly atmosphere.


Within the walls of the compound, there were many traditional buildings. Each seemed to be made of flimsy wood, unable to block as much as a single bullet, yet perhaps if the Mandarin was truly as powerful as her report suggested, he simply didn't need more.


"Romanoff." A gruff voice sounded, calling her attention.


Natasha quickly looked around and found that it was one of Ricci's men who called out to her, and from his appearance, he was properly the current leader after Markus had left following the assassination of his boss.


"Yes?" She asked curiously yet respectfully like a subordinate.


"Due to the unexpected events on the trip, you will no longer be allowed to be present at the meeting. You will go with Andrew." He said, pointing to the man beside him; it was the same young man she had managed to get some information from earlier.


"He will leave it to someone to stay and rest, do as he says, and don't try anything. Our hosts will not be merciful." He said with a sharp look. He gave Andrew a push forward towards her and left.


Natasha wished she could have been allowed to be part of the meeting itself but understood that the decision was not up to her and, instead, the new leader of the Ricci family. Someone who was no doubt incredibly busy due to the unexpected extra work shoved their way.


All she could do was hope that she would be able to get some information after the meeting had concluded and, while waiting, perhaps get some more information out of young Andrew.


Andrew was led through the compound by one of the Mandarin's henchmen, and Natasha followed behind closely. Her eyes kept scanning around as they went through lush gardens and interior hallways with intricate woodwork and delicate paper screens.


The compound was a place of amazing beauty and tradition, a stark contrast to the owner of the place and his dark position in the world.


Eventually, they were led to a series of secluded guest houses yet still surrounded by scenic nature, including koi ponds and bamboo Groves, clearly a placement for relaxation, yet with how tense things were, she doubted there would be much of that.




The rest of Ricci's men were led into a grand meeting room where a large throne stood empty. Had Alex successfully reached this place, he would no doubt have been met with a Mandarin sitting on his throne, yet given that they had informed his staff that their meeting would be remotes on their part, they'd been allowed to set up the equipment ahead of time.


The large lock boxes were set off to the side, while a large amount of high-tech equipment was set up on the table. Put in the box after the wooden box is emptied out. It has cameras, speakers, microphones, monitors, and much more equipment, but it takes time to establish a secure call.






Alex sat in his office, which had been filled with high-tech equipment. Normally, he preferred to have as little technology displayed here as possible, but this time, it was necessary.


Looking out of the corner of his eye, he watched as the countdown slowly moved towards 0, which would be the starting point of the meeting for men of their status. Arriving either too early or too late would be rude, so he waited.


"Connecting call in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, call connecting." One of his technicians said before pressing a button.




[Home off Xu Wenwu, The Mandarin, China]


Wenwu Sat on his throne, looking over the men assembled in the hall. He had sent his own subordinates out as what would be discussed here wasn't meant for their ears.


Normally, he would have preferred to speak one-on-one with his guest, yet given the sudden change of plans that happened, he understood they needed to have a few people at hand to take care of things here.


Not to say that he wasn't curious as to who he would speak with.


As the call connected, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight that greeted him.

"Mr Wenwu, I truly had not anticipated us having to talk like this." The voice of a child greeted him, as did the image.


On this screen, a small child around the age of 6 dressed in an Immaculate black suit sitting in a chair far too big for him looked back at him. Yet while it was a child in the physique that greeted him, the expression of the said child had no child business at all.


"Mister Ricci, is that you?" He couldn't help but ask as he was slightly confused at what he saw.


"Indeed, it is me," Alex said with a sigh.


"I did tell you that I was very good at staying alive, yet the kind of damage I sustained was rather extreme. Surviving that well took a lot out of me, leaving me rather diminished." Alex explained.


It was naturally all lies, yet Wenwu had no way of knowing this and could only ponder what strange methods of surviving such a wound had been employed that, at the same time, left one of the world's greatest crime lords a mere child.


"Yes, news of your death did reach me, yet they seem slightly exaggerated. Though I must admit I am very curious as to how you managed to survive such a wound and then apparently make it all the way back home in so little time." Wenwu said as he sat a bit straighter in his seat.


"I'm afraid that information isn't what I wished to sell today. Still, I am fairly sure that what I do have will be more than enough. No, before we start getting on to business, why don't we just have a little chat."


Wenwu couldn't help but find it strange to hear such a serious tone from such a childish voice and body.


"On what would you wish to chat about?" Still, he did humor him after all. The poor man had just died and apparently experienced a reduction in age of about two decades.


"Well, how about starting with discussing how your revenge has been going?" Child Alex asked.


Wenwu narrowed his eyes, and the rings on his arms flared slightly as the question was brought up.


"The people responsible are very much dead." He responded shortly and sternly.


"Ah yes, some little triad or something, was it? Yet we both know that such people could have never made it to your wife, no matter how lax you've gotten since your retirement. Have you found the truly responsible party yet?"


"No, it appears I was a bit too eager in dealing death to the ones responsible that I didn't leave anyone behind to interrogate."


And wasn't that something he had quickly come to regret. Yet had simply been too angry, too furious, too hurt in too much pain to think clearly.


By the time he realized that there was no possible way those fools should have made it past his defenses, they were already dead. By the time he realized something was very, very wrong, all leads were already cold.


He had side for years now to find anything checked. Whoever was behind the murder of his wife was good and very, very careful.


It was because of his extensive search he had fully revived The 10 Rings organization, allowing it to start spreading out across the world once more as he had them dig up clues.


The fact that he had found nothing continued to infuriate him and taunt him in his nightmares. He was ashamed to admit that he had let his frustration affect his relationship with his children.


He just couldn't quite figure out how to admit to them that he had failed not just to protect their mother and their perfect childhood and life together but also failed at getting proper justice.


It was for these reasons that he had accepted to do this deal in the first place, anything to bring her back.


Lately, he had even been having nightmares where she showed up. She was suffering in pain, begging to be rescued, to be released, and to be reunited with him.


At first, he thought himself going mad, but after his first talk with Ricci, he started to believe that perhaps there was a way for his wife to truly return to him.


If she was, in fact, suffering wherever she was, then he would stop at nothing to save her and to bring her back; there would be no price too heavy to accomplish this goal.


"I see; I will meet when I set out to meet you for this meeting; I had no aid to offer in this endeavor." Child Alex said while striking a thinking pose that did not fit his childlike appearance.


"Has something changed?"


"Well, yes, I got murdered. That has changed. How much like with the murder of your wife, I managed to capture the person responsible for the bullet penetrating my skull."


Alex growled and gripped the armrest tightly, knuckles turning white.


"Is the identity of my own murderer lit a suspicion within me."


"What suspicion Ricci?"


"The shooter Belonged train organization that seeks to destabilize the world and, through that game, power, and resources in an attempt to restabilize it. There is no doubt that the reason for my death is to prevent this deal of hours from going through."


"Should this deal go through, it is entirely possible that you would show your expansion and, therefore, bring stability back to the regions under your influence."


As Alex continued to speak, Wenwu quickly Cortana to what she was trying to say.


"You think they will be the same party as responsible for my wife's murder?"


"Well, her death fully did destabilize a large part of the world, didn't it? Not to mention that they were able to put a bullet in my brain even after all the security I have around me at all times."


"You mean to say they would indeed have the resources to pull off something like murdering my wife and disappearing, leaving no trace." Wenwu finished for him.


"Exactly, Mr. Xu; they have the resources, the ability, and the motives. If nothing else, they are an excellent lead."


"Had it been anyone but you, Mr Ricci, I would suspect that you were trying to get me to deal with your enemies for you. But I suspect that you will destroy them without my help as well."


To this, Alex let out a peal of laughter, sounding incredibly eerie given his childlike voice.


"Oh, you are most correct. I intend to have my vengeance in full. Yet if they truly are responsible for both of our losses, then I don't see why we can't both have our pound of flesh."


"Well, you have me curious, if nothing else, who was responsible for the bullet to your brain, Mr Ricci?"


"This shield and hydra folders." Alex commanded, at which point one of the attendants in the hall rifled through a box.


After a moment, he brought 2 paper folders and took a step towards the Mandarin, yet Wenwu was most impatient, so with a wave of his hand, the two folders flew towards him on their own.


Without another word, he started to read them, one folder floating in the air beside him. On the other hand, I read through page after page, merely skimming it, but it painted a clear enough picture.


On the other side, I see communication equipment. Alex sat and waited for Wenwu to read through the papers. Yet, at the same time, he made a mental note of this show of supernatural powers displayed.


He was not entirely sure if you displayed similar powers in the movie, but from the clips he remembered, he hadn't done so. This hinted towards this version of the Mandarin being far more powerful, leading more towards his comic counterpart.


"These certainly to have notice and ability as well as far reach inside my China." Wemwu finally set after having skimmed through both folders.


Alex nodded while smiling." Indeed, they do; in fact, it was their very influence within your China that was part of what I wanted in exchange for the information I brought into our trade. Yet it seems that perhaps I would be getting that for free."




"Though enough about that, let us get onto our deal, shall we?" Alex finally decided to move this meeting forward.


"Sure, that sounds good. I have much to think about and much to do with this new information you have brought me. What else do you bring? What methods of resurrecting the dead do you have?"


To this, Alex merely smiled even wider, something which looked incredibly creepy on his tiny, childlike face.


"They are two possible methods, so I believe they work the best when combined. One of them is, in fact, something I have stolen information about from Shield and which, if you decide to go down that route, you would have to steal the needed materials yourself, something that might be all the sweeter if they are indeed responsible."


"It sure sounds like I would have become an enemy of this shield no matter how this meeting went," Wenwu said dryly.


"Well, you have to break their file; their group is just half the best toys. Honest, I have two methods that together should work to bring back the debt and heal any wounds and decomposition the body might have suffered."


"And what do you want in exchange for the information you bring?"


"I want influence in China, and a lot of it, it is a large market, and I decided to expand my reach. Furthermore, I want the permanent Security Council seat in China."


"That seat, which just happens to be one of the five heads of shield?" Wenwu asked as he leaned back.


"Yes, I had originally wanted to use it just to get something out of this enormous organization. Yet perhaps I would have to use this seat now to tear them down instead." Alex said with a grave tone.


"Couldn't I myself use this seat to accomplish the same?" Wenwu inquired.


"Well, you can, but it is still something I desire, and since the objective is completed no matter how we go about it, well, I don't see why you wouldn't be interested in selling it off." Alex bargained.


"Quite right."