
Update and plans -139

May was back at the convent once again. She needed to investigate what was going on inside. And learn more about this enhanced child who was within. She needed to know if they were a danger to the nuns here.


She still hadn't reported this to Fury, or so anyone else. Wanting to just… to just deal with it on her own. Her own personal mission. She would call for backup if she needed it, but for now she was just investigating things first.


She had already started her investigation. she had looked into what she could, such as any suspicious news or rumors, any deliveries or anything that might hint at something being wrong, but hadn't found anything. In fact the entire place seemed to have been forgotten by time.


She wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing, but she would hopefully get those answers today.

*knock knock*

She once again had to wait a while before anyone were willing to let her inside. They did seem rather guarded against strangers. It was likely only thanks to the same old nun from last time that she was once again allowed inside to another chat.


"Please, sit, my child; I will go get us some tea." The old kindly woman said once again as she left May alone.


This time, May didn't bother going around looking through the room; she doubted anything had changed; it looked the same, and she hadn't seen anything the first time around.


If there were something off about this place, there wouldn't be any clues here.


"Now, why don't you tell me what is troubling you, my child." The nun asked as they sat there, drinking the same tea from the same cups as if nothing had changed at all. It was still just that first time, as if time had forgotten about this place.


"I told you last time about that mission, about the girl, and about what I had to do back then." May began. "I am still troubled by it, I keep asking myself if I could have done something different."


The nun just smiled and nodded along, allowing May to speak and empty her heart.


"Could I have saved them? Saved the girl, could everything have been avoided? I know thinking about such what-ifs isn't a good idea, but I just can't help it." May continued to add something more, something she hadn't said the first time.


"Normally I would have told you that it isn't good to dwell on what could have been, but it seems you are already aware of that, though I will still remind you that you shouldn't dwell on it." The nun said as May took a pause to wet her throat.


"I know, it's just… it's haunting me. Even more so these days, with news of other enhanced children going around the world, killing people. Ahh, I wasn't supposed to say that; it's a secret from the public; I have to ask that you don't share it with anyone."


She pretended to let that slip, hoping to get a better read on her expression and what she might think of such a thing. Surely, if she knew about an enhanced child, she would show some kind of fear. Even more so if this place was under the child's control.


Yet she was disappointed in what she saw on the old woman's face. For while she was horrified to hear such a news, there was no fear on her face, it was much like how most people would act.


They would be horrified to think such a thing, to learn about such a thing. Afraid that they or their loved ones might be hurt.


There it was!


She had no fear on her face, none at all. Something that was suspicious. It could be a lot of things, but she was sure there was something there. Now, she just needed to figure that out.


"I must admit, to hear such a thing, it saddens me. Though hopefully you can help those people, those lost children, lead them back on God's path." The nun finally responded.


May couldn't believe how perfect her response lined up with a possible plan of hers. So before the nun could say anything else, she pressed her advantage.


"Personally, I'm not sure if God would safe them, but would you, this Convent be willing to shelter these enhanced children?" She knew Fury and the rest of SHIELD wouldn't allow something like that, not just SHIELD. Even the government wouldn't.


They all wanted those children for their own use, Fury to make them into agents; the government wanted enhanced soldiers. None would allow them to seek out God and become monks or whatever.


And indeed, the old woman's expression told May everything she needed to confirm: there was indeed a child like that there, maybe not a murder, but one that had come to seek help from God.


Now, she could finally begin to move forward and see if she could learn more about this child, maybe even meet them.


"We are but a small place; we can't take care of children here. I'm sure other places would be willing to take them in and guide them," the nun said, though her lies were easily spotted by May.


"No children? But I'm fairly sure there should be one here? Are you sure there isn't any?" May pressed.


The old nun, nervous but also not wanting to like, could only sigh. "Well, there is one child here, but she is very fragile. She couldn't possibly be with other children; it wouldn't be good for her."


May was a trained elite SHIELD agent. She could easily make people spill their deepest secrets, and she used those skills on the poor old woman.


"The organization I work for has some rather advanced medical procedures available to them. Perhaps there is a way to help this girl?" She knew that what she said was true, though she wouldn't be able to offer anything to the child without first informing her superiors, not that she needed to know that, however.


However, the old nun didn't seem the least bit interested in the offer. "You are a kind soul to offer that, but no, the girl has found God, and he and his blessing are keeping her safe. Even if she can't interact with her peers, she has the Lord and isn't lonely."


The complete lack of reaction was telling; it meant that, likely, the child in question was clearly different in appearance, making it impossible not to notice her enhanced nature, or whatever kept her weak and sickly was part of her ability.


Or that there was no such thing as her being sickly at all, and that was just an excuse, though she did feel like that wasn't the case.


Which meant it had to be one of those two reason.


May considered her next move carefully. The nun's reaction, or lack thereof, had given her crucial information. She decided to change her approach, hoping to earn the nun's trust further and gain more access to the child.


She wouldn't press more now, it would be too much, she would appear to be too curious no, it was better to wait, come back another day and try there. make the old woman believe that she was there for help, not for the girl.


As May sipped her tea, she allowed a moment of silence to settle between them, contemplating her next steps. Pushing too hard now could make the nun wary, and she needed to maintain the fragile trust she had built.


"You've given me a lot to think about," May said gently, setting her cup down. "Thank you for your time and for listening to me. I appreciate it more than you know."


The nun's expression softened further, clearly relieved that the conversation was ending on a positive note. "Anytime, my child. Our doors are always open to those in need."


May nodded, standing up. "I'll come back again soon. There are still things I'm working through, and it helps to talk to someone."


The nun stood as well, walking May to the door. "You're always welcome here. And remember, trust in the Lord's plan. He works in mysterious ways."


May offered a small smile. "I will. Thank you."


As she left the convent, May's mind was racing with possibilities. The old nun's steadfastness in keeping the child hidden meant there was more at play here than simple sanctuary. She would need to approach this carefully, ensuring she didn't raise any further suspicions.





Back in the new, large, expensive mansion of who were not believed to be the richest person on earth, Alexander Ricci, a man believed to be dead, was dealing with his massive daily workload.


Today, he was going over the list of current SCPs and trying to decide on how to apply the manpower of the Foundation best to ensure those still on the loose will be contained quickly.


Firstly, SCP-169, the leviathan, was still out there, and the containment was still in place. Though keeping the massive sea area closed off wasn't easy, they did so anyway, even transferring some warships over to patrol and ensure the blockade wasn't broken. He was thankful that the nations around were poor and willing to be paid or bribed to play along.


Next was SCP-2399, the malfunctioning destroyer, another SCP that simply couldn't really be contained, at least not unless they got more advanced technology which would allowing them to travel around the solar system.


Next was SCP-4255, Santa, another one that couldn't really be contained, but also wasn't much of a problem at all.


Then came SCP-469, the many-winged angel, an SCP that had been around for a long time yet still hadn't been found. "Need more recourses on this one, I can't allow it to stay out there." He couldn't even track its growth anymore with the tracking tool down for an update which was taking entirely too long.


Another Keter, SCP-016, the sentient micro-organism. It hadn't shown up yet, likely still deep underground, and was welcome to remain there; while a Keter class reward would be nice, he wasn't desperate for them.


SCP-1015, the poor man's midas, yeah, that wasn't one he would put more attention on.


SCP-1230, a hero is born. Was an object he did want, if for no other reason then to try it out himself, even if that was a risk, he just couldn't give up the chance to live though another fantasy life doing his sleep.


SCP-1471, Mal0 was very much a work in progress. He hadn't gotten the reward for it yet, which meant he likely needed all current phones with the app or something else to be considered to have that in containment fully.


Next was SCP-455, the blue key, a safe class object that was also almost entirely harmless but also really hard to find, so another one he didn't want to push more resources to find.


SCP-1765 remained a mystery; the sisters should have made themselves known somehow; they hadn't been very subtle back in the SCP universe, so the question remained: what were they doing?


SCP-1689, the bag holding an infinite amount of potato, also hadn't been found yet, though he expected that as soon as someone did find and start using it, it wouldn't take long before the clues would show up.


SCP-1171, the window pane where some unknown creature would write on was another object that was nearly impossible to find, at least until someone started to make a fuss about it.


The eye pods SCP-131 were also still missing. Not a single clue about them. And he was fairly sure they wouldn't be hiding away; they were friendly, helpful creatures, so they had to be out there, helping someone already.


SCP-3199, those monsters, had been found, or a few. There was currently an MTF out hunting them, trying to find their lair before a full attack. In fact, they found the clue to them while dealing with SCP-096.


There were still not update on SCP-155, which meant that it hadn't been found. Though at least he was glad that he didn't have to worry about SCP-079 somehow getting into that and gaining infinite computing power.


SCP-914, the clockworks, something he wanted, yet wasn't easy to find since it was just a small machine, but at least there wasn't and signs out that someone was using it.


SCP-1281 was another added to the impossible list; after all, that was also out in space, far from Earth.


SCP-701, the hanged king's tragedy. Much to his surprise, this one was starting to show up. He had hoped there wouldn't be a lot of copies of it around, but it seemed that was sadly the case. It had already claimed the life of more than three hundred people, he might need to have Natasha alert Shield, to try and hopefully avoid too many deaths.


 SCP-7905, the fragment of a broken world was also still missing, but just like with SCP-469, there were so very many caves in the world that finding them were almost impossible, much less exploring every single one. Though it might be found while looking for 469.


"SCP-499, old man sun, was missing, even after scanning every part of the world with the many, many satellites they had access to, which was worrying since there were only a few places in the world those couldn't see perfectly. He would need to make sure this became a much higher priority and that the near-infinite resources of the Foundation were put to use here.


Then there was SCP-166, the teenage Gaea, which should have been an easy find but so far had somehow remained hidden, though it wasn't that important to find; after all, it was more likely she suffered than caused much danger to others.


And finally, there was SCP-949. His latest nightmare, or more the fact that Dr Wondertainment was around, caused him a headache; after all, that meant more SCPs, which were a problem, even more so since he wouldn't know when and what.


He was already as it was, using much energy trying to figure out the identity of the extra ones, which he had thankfully all been able to do, which was why this list was the complete list of every SCP still not in containment.


That is as long as Wondertainment hasn't already started on releasing more. No, wondertainment needed to be dealt with, and he already had plans for doing that tomorrow, because the park had been found, and tomorrow, personnel would enter it.


If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem