
Need for validation -217


Alexander looked over the data the MTF and other personnel had acquired. It was clear to him that this was a new world altogether, and he was already getting some worrying ideas about what kind of world it might be.


Yet, the robots weren't enough to confirm it, not with the limited data they had gotten from their remains. If they could recover one that is fully intact, they might be able to learn the key missing details.


Though, given the measures to delete data off their hardware when taken down, he doubted they would get what he wanted that easily, which was why he was fully committed to sending in the newest team he had put together, more so since he knew a few things even the personnel working in the new world didn't.


With narrowed eyes, he gazed out the window, the endless expanse of ice outside calming his mind. Even though SITE-001 was the most secure in the world, the window was still a fake, merely showing footage long since prerecorded.


After all, even an empty expanse of ice was dangerous. If someone like SCO-96 were to pass outside, he would be done for. But all the same, it was calming to look at. Now, he was playing the waiting game, and he so dearly wanted confirmation of his secret theory.




Steve was sitting in one of those fancy jets together with Peggy and Bucky and going towards their next mission. Once again, it wasn't to deal with Hydra, but some other threat to the world. They hadn't really been told much yet, and all their questions were left unanswered.


They just kept on telling them that their questions would be answered once they arrived at the mission site, and the rest of the team would join them. Apparently, they would be working together as a bigger team.


It wasn't like they hadn't worked with others before. Almost every mission had some other people helping them in one way or another. The ones dealing with SCP objects always had others down there fighting with them.


"We have been flying for quite a while now." Bucky grunted out, breaking the silence they were sitting in.


"We must have crossed into the United States by now or are heading down further South; it's hard to tell the exact destination." Peggy answered.


They didn't even know where they were going; everything was kept secret, which hinted at another SCP object being the target—and likely not an overly dangerous one.


For the more dangerous objects they had worked with so far, like that zombie flesh thing, they had been given careful information before they were allowed even to get close; it was made sure they knew the danger.


This hadn't happened this time, so either the dangers weren't so bad, or worse still, the Foundation itself didn't have any information to give. That was the scariest thing that even the seemingly omniscient Foundation didn't know about something potentially dangerous.


That was something that had them all nervous, going into something without fully knowing what it was, and that it could possibly be incredibly dangerous, not just for themselves, but for the world as a whole.



Finally, the jet landed, and the otherwise silent pilot told them that they could disembark after a few minutes of him chatting away with someone over the radio.


"South America, likely within the Amazon rain forest." Peggy quickly said, causing him to look around to inspect the area more closely.


Honestly, he had been looking more at the people moving around everywhere and the brand new-looking buildings and the ongoing construction going on.


Only someone like Peggy would be able to take in that much detail all at once and still be able to determine where they were at; he was glad she was there, not just because he loved her, but because he would be totally lost without her.


Steve took a deep breath, his senses on high alert as he scanned the surroundings. The base was a hive of activity, with soldiers, scientists, and D-class personnel moving about with purpose. The newly constructed buildings were a mix of prefabricated structures and more permanent facilities, all designed for quick assembly in the middle of the dense rainforest. It was clear that the Foundation was investing significant resources into this operation.


A group of armed guards approached them, led by a stern-faced officer who saluted briskly. "Captain Rogers, Agent Carter, Sergeant Barnes—welcome to SITE-7905. We've been expecting you. If you'll follow me, Dr. Banner and Dr. Morries are waiting for you in the briefing room."


Steve nodded, glancing at Peggy and Bucky. They followed the officer through the maze of structures, passing by large equipment crates labeled with various warning signs, along with makeshift labs that were already buzzing with activity. The base seemed to be in the early stages of becoming fully operational, with more construction underway as they moved deeper into the compound.


As they entered the main building, the cool air inside provided relief from the oppressive humidity. The corridors were lined with monitors displaying various data streams, surveillance footage, and schematics. The sense of urgency was palpable, with personnel hurrying back and forth, each focused on their tasks.


Finally, they were led into a spacious briefing room where Bruce Banner and Dr. Lena Morries were waiting. Bruce gave them a nervous smile, his hands clasped together as he stood by a large display screen. Lena, on the other hand, was practically glowing with excitement, her eyes sparkling as she looked up from a tablet filled with data.


Bruce, for one, wasn't entirely sure what to think about the three of them. He knew about them all, having been briefed about them. He naturally didn't need to learn about Steve Rogers, and there likely wasn't a person in the United States who didn't know that name.


He was kind of a legend, and apparently, a living one at that, which really shouldn't have surprised him when he first learned about it. After all, Santa Claus was real, and he was even more famous.


Then there were the other two people: one, a once legendary secret agent, Peggy Carter, who had built up Shield, the largest spy agency outside of the Foundation. She was in her nineties now but looked like she was in her twenties.


He couldn't help but look at the white tiger talisman around her neck, knowing from the briefing that it was SCP-10152 and that it granted her super soldier-level enhancements.


The other is Bucky Barns, the so-called Winter Solider. A once-solider assassin working for Hydra having once been brainwashed into a tool for their use, and yet again, he was someone from the age of World War 2, and yet looked far younger than he should have been.


Bruce Banner cleared his throat, trying to push aside the nervous energy buzzing through him. Despite everything he'd been through—becoming the Hulk, dealing with all kinds of SCP objects—there was something uniquely intimidating about standing in front of these living legends. And yet, the situation they were about to dive into was one that would require all of their combined skills and experience.


"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Bruce began, glancing over at Dr. Lena Morries, who was practically vibrating with excitement next to him. "We've been brought here to investigate and secure SCP-7905—a portal to another world. What we've found so far indicates that this is a world remarkably similar to our own, but with some key differences that we need to understand before they become a threat."


Lena jumped in, unable to contain herself. "This isn't just any other world, though. The technology we've encountered is advanced—maybe even more so than our own—and there are signs of a possibly human civilization. We've already run into hostile robotic entities, which suggests that whoever built them was preparing for something big. Maybe a war, maybe something else entirely. We don't know yet, but that's what we're here to find out."


Peggy Carter leaned forward, her sharp eyes narrowing slightly as she took in the information. "You said these robots were hostile. What's the likelihood they're still functioning as intended versus going rogue? Are we walking into a potential war zone, or is this more of a clean-up operation?"


Bruce didn't enjoy being put on the spot like that, not with those three people staring at him for answers; thankfully, he was saved as someone else entered the room.


These people look like your average soldier. Dressed in high-grade, tactical Foundation-issued gear, a symbol of a hand with an arrow on their shoulders.


"We will be going in mainly to seek answers, not to fight, though you have been selected for this mission because you are able fighters, so there is plenty of combat expected, but we aren't going to fight a war just the few of us." The lead man said.