
Jack Bright -258


That fateful day, his life would forever be changed in ways he could never have imagined. He wasn't even supposed to be working; it was a day off, yet he decided to come in anyway, not wanting to let the SCP object win over him.


And so, he was there, with the SCP object, the amulet in hand, when a massive containment breach happened. Multiple of the more nasty Keter level objects contained at the SITE escaped all at once.


There were naturally many casualties that day; how could there not be when something like that happened?


He, Jack Bright, was among them.


Yep, he died that day, brutally at that.


Something that should have very much been the end of things, that was where the tale of Jack Bright, the genius that never managed to reach his full potential.


However, when he was killed, he had been holding the SCP object he was holding in his hand. Something that would change everything.


For while Jack Bright died that day, he also survived, just in another state.


He hadn't even realized he had died. One moment, he was trying to run for safety, and the next, he found himself standing in the hallway, signs of destruction all around him. He had been confused, and that didn't end there as he was suddenly treated like a D-class.


Now he knew very well who he was, and that wasn't some D-class personnel, being mistaken for that could be a very fatal mistake. So, he had done his best to clear up the misunderstanding, but it did not work out well.


Still, he wasn't killed, mostly because he soon came to realize that he was, in fact, already dead.


Finding out what was happening hadn't been too difficult; after all, he died again by simply removing the amulet from him, or more accurately, he lost his host.


His new reality was as a mind trapped within the amulet. In return, he had, however gained immortality, a fair enough trade off he figured.


What came next was naturally an immense amount of study, of the amulet, and his hosts, both new and old.


Some of the research he was part of, other parts was all done by others without his knowledge. Yet the results were simple enough, he, Dr. Jack Bright was now an immortal body hopper. Able to slowly transform others into himself, their very flesh changing to become his.


He could even clone himself by staying with one host for thirty days before handing the amulet over to another host, though he was neither willing to do just that or allowed to.


After all, the world had enough perfection with just one Dr. Bright; two would be far too much. Not to mention, it would be someone he could never win over in an argument. After all, how could he win over himself, someone who was always right?


Jack Bright took this new, bizarre form of existence in stride, as he did with most things. After all, what was life if not a constant series of adjustments? If immortality was the hand he'd been dealt, then he would play it to the best of his abilities.


And boy did being immortal like this come with some nice benefits.


While at first, he had struggled to deal with some of the restrictions put on him from up high, as soon as he had proved his continued dedication to the cause.


After that came a period of being assigned dangerous tasks. After all, the guys up high had no reason to fear for his life, and so they didn't hesitate to throw it away.


In the first few years alone, he had died more times than he cared to remember, and each time, he soon enough woke up in a new body, ready to continue his work.


Jack Bright's new reality quickly became a cycle of death and rebirth, one that no longer carried the same weight for him as it once had. The idea of dying had lost its sting, replaced by a strange detachment. Death, for him, wasn't the end—just another inconvenience.


It wasn't long before the higher-ups at the Foundation realized this as well, and their fear of losing him vanished entirely. He was useful to them in ways no other researcher could be. Jack Bright was immortal, and that made him expendable in the most dangerous scenarios imaginable.


Yet they never truly went as far as to treat him as just some D-class, and they still didn't send him in to deal with anything too dangerous. Sure, he had had his neck snapped by Peanut a few times, but he had been forbidden from seeing the Shy Guy's face.


They still treated him as a researcher, though he also began learning the skills needed by field agents and even combat personnel.


Years slowly went by like that, with him slowly working his way up the ranks, from just a junior researcher to one of the Foundation's true elites.


As Jack Bright continued to climb the ranks, his reputation within the Foundation grew to almost mythic proportions. Stories of his repeated deaths and miraculous returns circulated through the corridors, whispered by nervous researchers and field agents alike. Some spoke of him with awe, marveling at his immortality and the risks he took on behalf of the Foundation. Others regarded him with suspicion, unnerved by the fact that he was an anomaly working within an organization dedicated to containing such things.


Jack didn't let it bother him. In fact, he found it somewhat amusing. After all, he wasn't just any anomaly—he was Dr. Jack Bright, and he intended to make sure everyone knew it.


As the years passed, Jack's growing experience and accumulated knowledge made him invaluable to the Foundation. He became a walking encyclopedia of SCP knowledge, having encountered more anomalies firsthand than any other member of the organization. He could predict the behavior of dangerous entities with uncanny accuracy, understand the subtle intricacies of containment protocols, and had a knack for navigating even the most volatile situations.


He also found his true passion: anomalous creatures, big, scary, dangerous monsters. He felt an almost child-like glee when he dealt with them. He quickly became the authority on all things SCP creature related.


He was the only one both able and crazy enough to step inside a containment cell with a new unknown creature type object and be able to figure out their nature.


However, for such times, he always had a long line of D-class personnel ready to serve as his hosts when needed.


Jack Bright's fascination with anomalous creatures became something of a defining trait. There was something exhilarating about coming face-to-face with an entity that could bend reality, something primal about staring into the eyes of a beast that could tear him apart in seconds. He didn't fear these creatures; instead, he saw them as puzzles, challenges that needed to be understood and mastered.


It wasn't unusual to find Jack in the most dangerous containment chambers, a notebook in one hand and a smile on his face, while a monstrous anomaly loomed over him. He would talk to them, probe them, test their limits, always keen to uncover what made them tick. More often than not, the encounters ended with his death—sometimes spectacularly so. But the next day, he'd be back in a new body, ready to pick up right where he left off.


This was who he was, who Dr. Jack Bright was. And he was no stranger to strange events, but still, being in an unknown nation was a first.


After all, he was someone who could meet face to face with the O5 council, few secrets were able to be kept from him, after all he feared not death, and he was just too useful to lock up.


Sadly however he didn't get the memories of his Hosts, not fully at least. What he did was more a skill he had picked up over the years. Making him able to know the last thoughts that passed through his host body.


It was really just him being able to recall the last few memories remaining in the physical mind, the brain as his own immortal mind overlapped and took over.


So he knew he was in Wakanda, because he knew his host had planned to flee Wakanda in his last moments before picking up the amulet.


"But how did you come to possess it?... I do like a good mystery!" he exclaimed excitedly as he looked around.


"Alright, Wakanda," he murmured to himself, a smirk playing on his lips. "What secrets are you hiding, and how did my little trinket end up here?"


He carefully picked his way through the debris, taking mental notes as he went. His host's final memories had been filled with fear, panic, a desperate urge to escape. Whatever had happened here, it had been big enough to make this man want to leave the most advanced and secure nation on the planet.


"Interesting," Jack muttered, crouching down to examine a shard of what looked like vibranium. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's had a bad day."





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