
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
73 Chs


[Secret S.H.I.E.L.D Holding Facility and Laboratories—Location: Classified]

In a room filled with scientists of all ages working in a blaze of inspiration walked in a black man with his signature eyepatch and bald head with a scowl on his face as he walked to the glass wall cutting the lab in half with the side only being soft pillow cushion like item covering the sides.

Inside the white pillowed side of the room a woman stood in the centre in a meditative position, this woman had light blue skin a beautiful delicate face and white hair, she was wearing white clinic clothes that his away her curves that were placed in all the right places but what was truly unique about her situation was the ice that appeared on her body and most of the room she was inside seemingly dissapearing with each inhale and appearing just as fast with each exhale.

Outside this room The black man who is named Nick Fury the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D who looked at the girl inside the room with a deep frown.

" Galensky Report." Nick spoke in an authoritative voice as one of the weman tasked with the researching the girl inside the room spoke.

" Well sir we collected some samples of her DNA and still the tests come out that she is not a mutant, this time we were able to isolate her X-Gene and found that it was a recessive gene and had no hope of awakening." Sherline Galensky spoke while looking through multiple papers on her hands.

" Had…what do you mean 'had' no hope of Awakening?" Nick Fury picking up on that remark immediately started questioning his scientist.

" Well I don't know how to put this, her X-Gene is seemingly being stimulated to awaken and as we speak the X-Gene inside her is being stimulated leading to her cells changing as they already have from her sudden awakening of her cryokinetic powers and if our observations with the latest equipment we have got, she'll awaken her X-Gene power in roughly about 3 weeks sir." Sherline said seemingly in awe at her observations as she subtly started stealing glances at the woman who exuded a chilling aura around her freezing even her clothes inside the other room.

" What of her…state of mind?" Nick Fury asked again never taking his eyes off the girl in question.

" After she awoke she was in a deep state of shock, remorse and regret at what had happened at that building and started crying but with the help of Agent Marilyn we were able to calm her down and get her cooperation in trying to understand her abilities as even she didn't know what to do with them but we've made a lot of discoveries on her powers and have found that they work in tandem with her emotions and as such we have been teaching her simple emotional control and even taught her some mediation tactics which seem to work to suppress her Cryokinetic ability a lot so we can conclude that sedatives will be a way to calm her down if the need arises. " Sherline spoke again.

" Good, now I want you to build a relationship with her and make her feel at home and when you feel she is the most vulnerable or exploitable I want you to recruit her into shield." Nick said gaining a sudden light in his eyes.

" I'm sorry if this question exceeds my place sir…but why?" Sherline asked a bit worried while looking at the girl that had turned 17 not that long ago.

" We might have the avengers on our call but it doesn't hurt having one of our own able to combat the rising Super-Threats that have been arising lately and besides why would we ever let go of someone who was able to kill a hulk….it was weaker then the hulk but a hulk is still a hulk, she can be a great asset Sherline…or she can be a great threat so keep that in mind when interacting with her." Nick said before he turned tail and started walking away seemingly in deep thought.

—MC Pov[Demon Body]

Shaking my head out of the beauty of the book I examined it for a bit before being content with it.

'This'll do great!, Now I will send it through the connection and hope that not much time has passed in that world.' I thought before I thought of something.

' I should probably come back to the hellplane when I get the chance and create a couple of dummy systems to farm soul coins and gain items and maybe even gain access to those world's using the systems…thoughts for later.' i thought before I closed my eyes while holding the System Book on my hand and tugged on my connection with the thought of sending and attaching the book to the soul I was connected to and immediately the book turned into wisps of black energy that then shot to my chest and dissapeared.

Smiling at that i grabbed my laptop laying not that far from me and started looking for ways to gain items and grow stronger faster and the only other way to gain that I found was to go out of the system makers realm and into the true hellplane where all demon's are born and rise and collect the natural treasures in there or by killing demonic monsters for their parts for system creation.

' Well…I was planning on going there anyways and this just made me want to go even more' I thought before I put away my laptop and lay on my bed and thought of connecting with the human body I had and immediately I felt detached from everything before the feeling went away just as quick and I was in my human body again.

Standing up I immediately grabbed my phone and looked at the time.

"What the fuck?" I said out loud with a confused frown etched to my face.

" Not even a minute has passed yet…thats confusing…" I said.

The time between my realm is slower then the time in this world unless this world or my realm would shift in space and time making the time difference of each world and my realm different.

' I can use this to my advantage….' i thought with a green before I felt something latch on to my soul and immediately something unexpected happened.




'What in the name of all that is immoral is this?' i thought with frown while looking at the screen Infront of me as I contemplated what was the best decision I could make and my rational side said to not agree with this but the curiosity inside me grew till I just couldn't help myself.

' well….if it turns out bad I could always create another system…' i thought with a smile before finalising my decision.

" I consent" I said with clear anticipation as I leaned back on my bed pillows.


[Devouring Progress—1%….2%….3%….4%….]

Waiting for 10 minutes and the progress was still at 4% making me groan before I shrugged to myself and decided to go to my workshop.

Getting out of my small room I walked towards the place with a table and some broken parts on the floor and then looked at the side finding a blacksmithing station making me tilt my head a bit.

'when did this get here…' i thought to myself before I looked through this bodies memories and founr that this was something he had built before the whole system thing and this is also why he even bought the sword that gave him the protagonist system in the first place.

'well…. should probably learn how to use that huh?…' I thought as even the previous owner of this body did not know how to blacksmith and only bought the thing because he wanted a new hobby.

Shrugging at that I passed the blacksmithing station and sat Infront of my workshop and took some power equipment and some scrapped tech on the floor this body has been stealing over the last 4 years.

'well…let's waste some time.' I thought with a lazy smile.

[Chapter End]

[Heyyo this is depravity here, so i have a pat-eon and am gonna start uploading advanced chapters of this fic over there so if you have a couple of dollars to spare to support me I would deeply appreciate that.

please support me...i really need it.°v°)

patre on.com/GodOfDepravity (remove the space)]