
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

[Chapter —17]

Humming to myself as I slowly brushed a thin stroke onto the white metal faceless mask with only eye lens in the colour of black able to cover the entire face revealing nothing but the hair I smiled as I looked at my 67th design.

' i really want to go back to my demon body and create more systems but I need material for that and I'm planning on farming as much as possible in this world.' I thought before I grabbed a designless black faceless mask with purple lens on it and a futuristic look.

'this one …is mine' I thought with a smile.

This was my 17th creation after getting myself accustomed to moulding the metal I then made the other marks the same as mine but in a white shade with some black markings on them to tell them apart.

Smiling at my designs and before I could delve even further I was suddenly stopped by a couple screens that appeared Infront of my face.

[The Protagonist Killer System has devoured foreign system named—The All-Loot System—Rank: Lv-78—D]

[New Functions created and updated the system]

[Status—Shows user his physical makeup on a digital format.

Skills—Shows skills learnt and proficiency in said skill while also increasing the skill gain factor by a large margin.

Abilities—Shows Abilities owned along with their rank and information and it's uses.

Inventory—Allows user to put inside the inventory anything within reasonable 'size' giving the host a nigh-infinite space to store anything except living beings.

Protagonist Search—Allows user to search and find a plethora of locations and information of protagonists the host is able to go against to gain rewards from.

Quests—Gives user quests of which may complete to gain rewards from the system.

Loot Space—By putting anything within the looting space anything inside is pulled apart and devoured and turned into benefitable components of the item put inside.

Evo-Points—Uses material devoured inside the loot space to be turned into Evo points able to evolve and increase the power of any ability points are used on to a higher level.]

' oh that's—?!??' Before I could even finish that thought my body started shaking and looking at my veins which had began showing themselves all over my body I stared in curiosity before pain riddled my body but experiencing the pain I had a sudden thought.

'…this…isn't that bad actually.' i thought as my body stopped responding to me and immediately started spasming on the floor as my skin turned black and my eyes purple before suddenly a pair of medium horns sprouted on my head.

But while this was all happening I had the thought that this wasn't that painful, it only felt like a really mild muscle ache then anything more.

And so I spent 3 hours just laying on the floor as my body started changing on a cellular level and feeling it all I was intrigued at what I may be able to find in my status once this was all over.

And so after another hour my body calmed down but I felt a huge drowsiness overcome my mind and then before i could fall asleep a screen appeared.

[Quest: Kill The Shapeshifter.[Complete]

Description: as the name of the quest says…kill him.


— $100,000: Has been sent to a personal account registered in your name, legit cash: Note-Find card and documents in your inventory.

—Gacha Function: Allows user to roll Gacha Tickets of which he gains from missions and gains anything within the marvel multiverse depending on his luck.

—Upgrade Factor[S+]: Allows user to 'upgrade' any item with users energy and depending on the item upgraded a plethora of functions may be created for said item.]

Immediately after reading the messenger I had drifted off to sleep.

—7 hours later.

Waking up to the uncomfortable feeling of my muscles tightening around myself before it all faded and i was left with a sudden sense of weightlessness it made me frown before with a slight tap I got launched a bit into the air but immediately I got my body under control and flipped Off the air for a second before I landed on the ground with a quiet soft thud and for some reason I didn't even feel anything.

" well I think I just got an upgrade…." i said with a grin before I thought of opening my status screen but before I could a screen appeared, the screen of the completion of the shapeshifter mission I had completed and looking at the rewards I couldn't help but blurt out.

" That's….a little bit much for just a simple mission as that one but rewards are rewards" I said with a smile as I took out my bank card and looked at it with a grin before I put it back to my inventory while making plans to use the money.

" I should get into the dark web to buy some not so legitimate items." I said to myself but to anyone else it would only be a murmur.

Looking at the windows on my warehouse I found that it was in the night at the moment which then prompted me to gain an idea.

" i should probably go find more people to turn but this time…I should be smart about it." I said to myself as I looked around myself and then at the faceless mask I had made and had a stupid grin on my face.

" Time to play the villain…" I said with a grin as I walked towards the mask and then suddenly a screen appeared above the mask.

[Item: Black Mask

Rank: E+

Description: A mask creates after countless others but this one seemingly resonated with the creator allowing it to become the baseline for the others to follow.

Effects: Grants a minor natural obscuring aura around the worn ones face.]

' Huh? So I'm guessing the appraisal ability works…now items have a ranking?…that's new but my mask being an E+ rating should mean something right?, And It even has a somewhat supernatural ability?' I thought with grin as ideas started popping out of my mind.

' i wonder if I could make rings with special powers like the Lord of the rings…or better yet how about making rings like the ones the green lanterns use in DC?…or the other lantern cores…' And as more and more ideas assaulted my creative mind I had to stop myself by shaking my head vigorously as I feared that if I hadn't I would have lost myself into the creation of things.

' Not yet Darius…not yet, I need to do a couple things first…' i thought as I looked at the other masks I had made but these had beautiful markings on them making them unique to one another.

' and i need to create an organisation….I need pawns to do my bidding in this world and take everything of value I can find in here before I go back to the hellplane.' And so with those thoughts I put down my mask and looked around.

' Can't I make some armor too?…not iron man's armor obviously but something just as useful…god damn why am I suddenly getting so many ideas out of?..' I thought with a chuckle before looking at the moon on my high risen windows of the warehouse.

' well…I guess I ain't getting out there today huh?..' I thought.

" But before any of that, Status." I said and only then when I had focused I finally found that my voice became a lot deeper then it was.

[Name: Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Age: 16.

Race: Mutant.


MP: 1,789,000/1,789,000


Strength: 320

Speed: 300

Vitality: 350

Durability: 250

Intelligence: 248

Energy: 1,789

Free Stats–30]

"…..damn." I said not really knowing how to react mostly due to my energy stat and the amount of mana I now had.

' The increase in my physical body is probably due to my blood and the jump in energy is probably from the souls I had used to make make me a soul core able to create and manufacture energy faster for me and it seems that the energy multiplier went from 100 to 1000.' I thought while I tried manipulating the energy inside my body and then at my hand a black translucent energy seeped out softly and before I could lose myself at the beauty of the galaxy like look of my mana a screen appeared in my face.

[Ding! You've Created Skill: Mana Manipulation—Lv-1]

[Ding! Mana Manipulation has leveled up]

[Ding! Mana Manipulation has leveled up]

[Ding! Mana Manipulation has leveled up]

[Ding! Mana Manipulation has leveled up]

[Ding! Mana Manipul…..

And so after a while of the same message getting spammed over my face I suddenly noticed that the need to keep focus in my Manipulation and creation of my mana outside my body became…really…really easy after a couple dozen of the messages eye raping me popped up.

'oh?…well this is interesting, it seems the system grants you benefits as you level up your skills…' I thought with a smile before finally I didn't even need to focus to manipulate the mana inside my body and outside and looking at the last message on my face I knew why.

[Mana Manipulation has Maxed Out]

[Chapter End.]

[Heyyo this is depravity here, so i have a pat-eon and am gonna start uploading advanced chapters of this fic over there so if you have a couple of dollars to spare to support me I would deeply appreciate that.

please support me...i really need it.°v°)

patre on.com/GodOfDepravity (remove the space)]