
marvel super venom

Yang Han woke up and found that he had traveled to the Marvel world and turned into venom. He discovered that it was still an enhanced version of venom. It was able to absorb the genes of any superpower, become its own power, and live in symbiosis with humans, and he could give humans a superhuman appearance—the power of.

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Marvel Super Venom Chapter 46

"General, I have this confidence!" Bronsky had a pair of eyes and looked at Rose sincerely.

"Soldier! You just have to follow orders! It's a soldier's duty to obey orders. Do you want to disobey orders? " General Rose's face sank and he said in a cold voice.

Bronsky was silent, immediately stood at attention, then saluted rose and said in a loud voice, "no, sir!"

"Good." Rose's face softened. He also knew that bronsky was a fighting maniac. He took a faint look at bronsky, patted him on the shoulder and said, "peace of mind, soldier, this time we found his trace, and we are fully prepared. As long as you can help the military catch banner, you can not only have a second injection, but also get a second injection according to Bruce Banner's blood, To develop a new super soldier drug, you are the first choice for injection. "

"No problem, sir!" Bronsky's eyes are hot, and he can't wait to get ready to catch banner.

And then a second injection of super soldier potion, or even the ability of banner.

"Good. I'll see what you do then." General Ross smiles. He doesn't think this guy will survive the second super soldier injection.

As for the super soldier potion made with banner gene, it's even more ridiculous.

Because in Rose's eyes, bronsky, who wants to inject the second super soldier drug, is basically dead.

There is absolutely no reason to survive.

On the other side.

Natasha has come to Virginia, but she's in a bit of trouble now.

For banner, she was not credible, and even doubted whether she had brought these military people.

Now she hesitated whether she could explain her identity to Benner, and then convince him with emotion and reason.

"Well, if I expose you to Benner, it shouldn't matter." Natasha's voice had a hint of inquiry.

"What are your plans?" venom's ferocious face emerged from Natasha's shoulder and asked.

"Didn't you ask me if I wanted to build my own team?" Natasha was relieved that there was room for explanation without a direct refusal.

"Yes, and then?" venom asked.

"I want to join banner. After all, this guy is very strong. Even if he joined the Avengers alliance, he also has a full say. Before you harvest enough genes to show up, we need a full strong man. To cover your tracks. " Said, Natasha.

Natasha also has some selfishness. After all, venom is a very important existence for her. She doesn't allow anyone to touch her.

"You can do as you like. When I encounter irresistible force, I will leave you directly and look for other hosts." venom said casually.

"Leave it to me." Natasha is full of confidence. He knows that venom is just a good talker. The banner is very powerful. If she can be the host of venom, the venom will have a lot of chances to acquire the ability of the powers.

However, he did not leave her but continued to stay in her body, with no intention of changing host.

Natasha naturally knew that if venom left her, she would be a super-agent whose strength, speed, and physical quality surpass human beings, and she would not have any special functions at all. Even climbing the wall, spitting spider silk, and avoiding danger is all the abilities venom gives her.

Although Benner may have come to Virginia, it takes a lot of work to find him.

When Natasha said the question, venom narrowed his eyes and said, "it's easy. I can sense the gene that makes me salivate from a long distance."

According to venom's instructions, Natasha soon found the banner.

"It's you?! Are you from the military? " Benner asked in a deep voice. He doubted it. At first, it was nothing. Later, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. Why didn't these military people come here long ago and wait until he was ready to leave?

Suddenly, the woman who claimed to be his cousin's friend became the object of his suspicion. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

"No, I'm not a member of the military, but I serve in a special department that deals with people like you, and you don't invite me in?" Natasha said with a smile.

"Come in, please." Benner took a look around and knew that it was not a place to talk. He immediately invited Natasha into an unknown inn.

The environment here is not bad, nor is it very good. At most, it's ordinary, just a musty smell.

"People like us? What do you mean Benner frowned. He didn't think anyone could threaten him. He wasn't a vegetarian.

Natasha smiled, black fluid from the neck constantly covered her body, soon a quite familiar figure appeared in front of a banner.

It was the mysterious woman who blocked hawk's fist that day.

"It was you that day!" A banner was a little shocked. He knew the power of hawk best. There was nothing that impressed him when this woman was punched.

"Yes, my name is Natasha. I'm a super agent of aegis. I've contacted you to join the avenger Alliance Program, which brings together all kinds of powers and high-tech developers to fight super crime and defend peace." Natasha said truthfully.

After hearing this, Benner shook his head and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. I don't want to join the Avengers League, because I want to be an ordinary person. I'll solve my own problems. Please leave."

Banner made a gesture of please and gave an order to leave. Natasha had no choice but to leave.

Before leaving, Natasha said, "you can come to me at any time. Sometimes, if you can't change it, try to accept it. Also, be careful with the military. If I can get information from you, so can they. "

Then Natasha left the little house.

"Will he succeed?" Natasha suddenly asked.

"Impossible, impossible with the current technology. Hawk is more like his other consciousness, or personality. The influence of gamma rays has penetrated into the bone marrow. Unless he dies, a hawk will not die, but! It's very difficult for him to die now. It's impossible to kill a hawk. As long as he knows the impact of gamma rays on him, he will come back to you, and he will venom said confidently.

"What else can I do? I can only trust you." Natasha shows off her skills. She knows a lot of things and even has a good strategic vision. But the secret service is mainly to train the skills of killing people, and also has some strategic vision. As for other knowledge, she doesn't know much, so she can only blame venom for following his instructions