
marvel super venom

Yang Han woke up and found that he had traveled to the Marvel world and turned into venom. He discovered that it was still an enhanced version of venom. It was able to absorb the genes of any superpower, become its own power, and live in symbiosis with humans, and he could give humans a superhuman appearance—the power of.

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Marvel Super Venom Chapter 38

"I'm sorry to help you, but I have to. You know, it's a necessary security procedure." Dr. Reed said to Joseph and motioned his assistants on both sides to come forward and fasten Joseph's seat belt firmly on the bed.

Because we don't know the danger of this kind of experiment, it's almost a necessary safety item.

"Well, Joseph, have a good rest. Sleep and get up, and you'll find yourself cured. " It's a pity that this empty comfort can't bring any safety to people, which further reflects Reed's, guilty heart.

Joseph was tied up in the hospital bed and did not answer. He now has more fervent hope for the success of the experiment than anyone else. He is still young, and he does not want to stay in bed forever.

Dr. reed left the operating room and closed the door of the operating room. He stood in the monitoring room and watched Joseph change through the camera.

The lizard's genes changed faster than expected. In only 20 minutes, Zod's body began to change and his severed limb began to grow!

Like a silkworm that is weaving cocoons, the broken limbs begin to grow calluses layer by layer, which is actually a state of rapid skin regeneration and rapid aging and death.

"A large number of artificial nutrition supplements for Joseph, to speed up the speed of limb repair." Reed was a little surprised that the serum of Osborne group's experiment if it really succeeds, will change the world.

He also had some expectations, so he increased the nutrition supplement for Joseph. After all, the growth of amputated limbs is a consuming process. In essence, he is consuming the energy and nutrition in his body, so that the growth of amputated limbs can continue.

Emile Bronsky looked at Joseph's fast-growing legs and his serum in his hands. Ten thousand dollars is worth it. Now that I know the results of the experiment, I should go.

Emile Bronsky has gone out, and now he's going to experiment with the super-soldier project.

He will be stronger and younger!

Under reed's command, the nutrient solution that had been slowly injected into Joseph began to speed up the injection speed. A large amount of nutrition supplemented the consumption in Joseph's body, making his amputated limb grow more rapidly.

Facing all the feelings is the clearest Joseph himself, he felt his original incomplete body is growing rapidly.

The growth of the limbs is accompanied by heartbreaking pain, like breaking his bones one by one and then splicing them together one by one.

But he didn't care, because he had experienced more severe pain than this kind of pain. Do you know how painful it is to have a broken spine?

How painful is it to twist your legs into a twist?

The greater pain is the process of waiting for death, which is hopeless.

I don't know how long it took for Joseph to feel like suffering for a century. Instead of feeling the pain of regenerating his limbs, he began to feel new consciousness.

This is the feeling he didn't feel after his broken spine. His arms, fingers, thighs, calves, and even his third leg felt it.

Despite being tied to a hospital bed, he tried to move, reappearing his conscious wrists and thighs.

This feeling is really wonderful, any healthy person can not understand the pain of this disability!

And this process actually takes less than three hours. With Joseph's activities, the calluses that originally wrapped around his newborn limbs began to fall down layer by layer. The two newborn thighs enabled him to stand up again. The skin of the newborn limbs was as smooth as a baby.

"It's incredible! It's a human miracle Joseph sighed. Suddenly, a kind of pain from the deep bone marrow broke Joseph who was just happy to get a new body.

The wild lizard's genes are rapidly replicating and spreading in his body at an irreversible speed, and his gene chain is rapidly destroyed. There are fewer and fewer genes belonging to human parts, but more and more genes belong to lizards!

And the genetic changes also began to appear on the surface of his body, first from the place where the new limbs were born, Joseph's body began to turn green a little bit.

Then he began to attach lizard-like scales, and his body began to expand, and his muscles grew like balloons.

At this time, the machine that delivered the nutrient solution to Joseph was still working seriously. A lot of nutrients were added to Joseph's body, making his changes more dramatic.

His hands have become a pair of huge claws, the original nail has become a deadly weapon, and behind him, there is a three-meter-long tail!

The scarlet eyes are twinkling with bloodthirsty color. Joseph, who has mutated into a monster, has not completely lost his mind now. The result of this mutated adult lizard is not what he wants!

He wants to be a man, not a monster!

He felt that he had no place to vent his anger. Joseph's eyes became more and more red, and his reason became weaker and weaker. The part of the lizard's gene that magnified anger and brutality began to highlight its power.

"I'll make you pay the price!"

Joseph roared, and his huge body rushed to the outside. Whether it was a hawk, or rose, or Emile Bronsky, or the man who injected him with serum, he wanted these people to die!


Emil Bronsky doesn't know what happened because he's now at general Ross's military base.

General Ross looked at Bronsky faintly and asked, "think about it?"

"Of course, I like to fight," Bronsky replied without hesitation.

"Like fighting? A natural warrior? " Rose didn't comment on it. He looked at Bronsky's gloomy face and said, "are you still worried about what happened last time?"

"To be honest, sir." Bronsky sighed and said, "last time, it was the weakest battle I've ever fought in my life."

Some time ago in Brazil, Bronsky led the special forces trained by him to round up Bruce Banner.

Ben thought the task would be no difficulty, although the superior emphasized that the target was extremely dangerous.

But he could see at a glance that Bruce Benner was a weak scholar and had never received any military training. Well, boy scout training is not.

Bronsky surmised to himself that this banner might be a civilian of a terrorist organization, responsible for managing funds, manufacturing weapons, and so on, and also knew a lot of secrets, so the leader asked to catch him alive.

But when the action came, Bronsky found himself wrong. The weak scholar has become an invulnerable green man who can use a forklift as a bowling ball.

Then, the form of fighting is one-sided. All the special combat teams involved in the round-up are destroyed. At present, he is the only one who can stand. The rest are either dead or disabled veterans. He just came out of the hospital for disabled veterans.

And a little bit of good stuff for 10000 dollars.