
marvel super venom

Yang Han woke up and found that he had traveled to the Marvel world and turned into venom. He discovered that it was still an enhanced version of venom. It was able to absorb the genes of any superpower, become its own power, and live in symbiosis with humans, and he could give humans a superhuman appearance—the power of.

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Marvel Super Venom Chapter 33

Nick Frey didn't worry about anything. Anyway, these things are not classified.

Even if they hide it, they will know sooner or later.

"So, the Avengers' plan is to speed up the process, about Dr. Benner, the iron man, and the night devil, and contact with them, Natasha." Nick Frey said.

"No problem, but the chief, we should also be able to absorb some mutants and let them join our Avengers alliance. Mutants are not monolithic. For these new mutants, we just need to give them some leadership and infuse them with some personal heroism and young mutants, Maybe it can be the most effective help for us to deal with the threat of mutants. " Natasha said that although she also has her own plan in her heart, this method is also mutually beneficial.

"Well, there's some truth. I'll leave it to you." Nick fry nodded and said.

After a long discussion, due to the presence of outsiders, venom didn't make a sound either, hiding in Natasha's body, slowly digesting the genes copied from the spider.

A few hours later, on a glacier west of Greenland.

An icebreaker comes to a stop at the target, and then a ladder is extended to the left side of the icebreaker for people to walk and carry goods.

A team of agents came down the steps of the icebreaker, carrying a lot of equipment.

The agents of aegis are all dressed in heavy winter suits, and the thick ice under their feet is far enough to bear the weight of these agents.

"Here it is." One of the agents at the front said.

Colson was so excited that he walked ahead. Nick Frey saw Colson's gaffe and laughed. He knew how much Colson adored the captain of the United States. He even felt proud.

Coming to the front, I saw a huge mechanical wreck trapped in the sunken ice and snow. And there's a lot of ice and snow on it.

There are often snowstorms in the Arctic Ocean. At this time, there is more ice and snow on the wreckage of the plane than in the previous photos, which is obviously covered by the snowstorms in recent days.

Natasha is also wearing a thick winter suit. Although her body has been strengthened, she still can't bear the extremely cold temperature in the Arctic.

Looking at a portable theodolite, Nick fry said to Colson, "yes, here it is. Colson, get ready to explore the wreckage. "

Nick Frey's heart was also a little excited. After more than 70 years of absence, he was finally able to meet again.

As a member of the roar commando more than 70 years ago, why didn't Nick Frey know this aircraft?

This is the final battle between Steve Rogers and red skull!

"All right." Colson then directed the other agents who came with him to set up the instruments and prepare to start the exploration.

Today's Aegis agents, basically everyone grew up listening to the story of Captain America. For Captain America, they have a feeling that they are about to meet their idol.

Natasha looked at the wreckage of the Hydra plane trapped in ice and snow. Because a lot of ice and snow-covered the wreckage, only part of the plane could be seen, but the sign of a Hydra skull and octopus claw could still be seen on the exposed wing.

The wreckage is really huge. The main part covered by ice and snow is the trunk, while the damaged wing is still visible. There are more than 100 meters long between the wings of the fuselage. There are countless broken parts on the wings, and some parts are missing.

Obviously, the hydra's aircraft was seriously impacted when it crashed, and its wings were also damaged.

Natasha also came from the World War II. Looking at the hydra's plane, she also had some feelings and feelings.

"My God, this aircraft adopts a very streamlined shooting style. The wing is a bit of the style of the U.S. active b-ghost bomber, but it's much larger. Behind the wing side, there are jet holes. At that time, we were able to make this kind of avant-garde aircraft. Hydra is really not simple. Now think about it. Hydra has such advanced technology that it's not easy for us to win World War II. " After seeing the Hydra World War II aircraft, an agent couldn't help sighing.

"Well, cut the crap and do the rescue work quickly. When you go back, you can browse the information about World War II kept in aegis." Nick Frey said faintly. This information is not so top secret. It's just out of reach of ordinary people.

"Yes, chief." The agents answered and started again.

"Director Nick, the acoustic structure detector is ready. We can scan the wreckage. " After a while, Colson ran over to report.

"All right, get ready to explore the structure of this wreck." Nick nodded.

Then a combined device was moved more than 10 meters closer to the wreckage along the pulley. A disc-shaped sound transmitter with a diameter of 90 cm on the device aimed at the wreckage.

"Calibration complete." A special agent operating the equipment will report after adjusting the detector.

"Let's go." Nick Frey said.

"Yes The agent was quick to operate.

On the disc-shaped sound transmitter aimed at the wreckage, waves of sound are transmitted to the wreckage at a fixed frequency. The acoustic structure detector can effectively detect the internal structure of the target by using acoustic waves.

After 40 seconds, the internal structure of the wreckage being detected began to show on the display at the back of the device. The bearings under the disc-shaped acoustic transmitter are rotating to detect more parts of the aircraft.

Soon, the structure of the wreckage of the plane was detected and it was ready to enter.

"Natasha, Colson, you two lead the team and enter the aircraft to explore." Nick Frey said.

Natasha nodded, and Colson, together with a team of agents, came to the aircraft.

With a burst of electric sparks, Natasha cut a roughly circular incision with a diameter of one meter on the shell of the aircraft.

With the sound of "Dong", the cut aircraft shell fell into the fuselage, and the reverberating sound of metal collision came from the fuselage.

Looking at the cut metal hole, Natasha looked down. There was a lot of ice and snow in it. It was obvious that it was pouring in through some damaged holes under the fuselage.

Several agents quickly tied the cable to the fuselage shell and fixed it. Natasha took the lead in descending along the cable.