
Marvel Stephen Wolf

What will happen when a guy gets reborn in Marvel with a system that grants him the powers of Steppenwolf, who has defeated Darkseid. But how did he got married to the White Queen?

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Professor X's Concerns

The Emma's telepathic prowess rivaled that of her diamond form.

Not content with merely delving into the thoughts and memories of others, she wielded her telepathy to manipulate minds, alter memories, shield psyches, and forge connections between minds, even plunging her victims into a deep, unconscious slumber with but a mental command.

In telepathy, she stood as a peer to Professor X himself, her abilities unmatched by all but the most formidable minds.

When the assassins dared breach her sanctuary, they met their demise at her hands.

With a graceful stretch, she deployed her diamond abilities to swiftly tidy away the remnants of their failed assault, leaving no trace of their intrusion.

She made sure to shield Liam from the truth of her mutant nature for now; after all, in his eyes, she was just his ordinary wife.


Meanwhile, oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, Liam strolled out of a high-end boutique, laden with lavish gifts for his beloved.

It was his routine, his gesture of affection—each purchase a token of his devotion to the Emma.

As he loaded the sleek Bugatti with his latest finds, his thoughts danced with anticipation of her delight.

Liam's heart swelled with admiration for his wife's flawless beauty and graceful charm, envisioning her adorned in the latest styles he had painstakingly chosen.

Unbeknownst to him, his every move had become the subject of whispered fascination among passersby, his unwitting allure captivating countless onlookers.

In the aftermath of Liam's shocking rampage through the building, all of his private details flash across the immense screen at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in bustling New York City.

Standing before the display are Director Nick Fury, Agent Coulson, and the recently returned Captain America, their expressions a mix of concern and contemplation.

"It's hard to believe," Fury muses, his eye fixed on Liam's information. "A mere filmmaker, yet capable of such brutality."

"I thought he was just another producer until I witnessed him decimate that Hydra group in the conference room," Steve admits.

Fury turns to Coulson. "Have you crossed paths with him before?"

Coulson hesitates before responding. "I've encountered him once, during the filming of 'The Expendables 3'," Coulson revealed.

"The Expendables 3 too?" Fury's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. As covert operatives, they're naturally wary of such portrayals in media.

But the eerie resemblance between the film's scenes and their real missions isn't lost on Fury. He wonders aloud why someone like Liam, seemingly ordinary, would attract the attention of Boston's wealthiest.

"I've met the richest man in Boston," Fury reflects, exhaling smoke from his cigarette. "He's a proud man. Liam doesn't strike me as someone who'd catch Emma's eye."

"Director," Coulson interjects, tapping the screen. Images of a hospital room flash across it. "I dug up some intel. Emma was confined to a mental hospital once, rumored to be a mutant."

"A mutant?" Fury's brow furrows. "Could Liam be one too? Is that why they're linked?"

Coulson shrugs. "It's unclear."

"Reach out to them," Fury commands. "Earn their trust. We need to bring them in."

Coulson nods, though he's puzzled by the rush. Typically, S.H.I.E.L.D. would conduct a thorough investigation before recruiting or neutralizing potential threats. But Fury's urgency is palpable, and Coulson knows better than to question his superiors.

He may be just a small agent, but he understands his place. It's not his role to challenge the director's decisions, no matter how unorthodox they may seem.

"Hey Coulson-" Nick Fury interrupted abruptly, fixing him with a serious gaze. "About that Liam, if recruitment doesn't work out, don't push it. There's something about him that feels not right."

"Got it," Coulson acknowledged before making his exit.


Meanwhile Professor X removed his brainwave amplification helmet, leaning in to share a clandestine whisper with Beast. "Found her. She's in Boston."

"Has she been using her powers again?" Beast inquired, drawing in a deep breath. "Should we intervene, Professor?"

"Not yet. It's not the right time," Professor X responded, shaking his head imperceptibly. "There's a significant population of our kind in Boston. Just moments ago, I detected two new ones, only to witness their untimely demise ten minutes later. Their brainwave signatures vanished without a trace."

"Someone targeting our kind?" Beast's muscles tensed with concern. "Is it Magneto?"

"No, it's not him," Professor X clarified. "I suspect it's a newcomer. Someone whose presence eludes my telepathic senses."

"What!?" Beast's astonishment was palpable. "You mean there's someone you can't detect?"

"That individual is incredibly powerful," Professor X muttered gravely. "I fear they may pose a threat akin to Magneto, endangering mutantkind."

"Perhaps we should attempt to make contact. Send Wolverine in?" Beast suggested, stroking his chin in contemplation.

" I'll monitor his brainwaves. If he one of us, I may be able to establish a direct connection," Professor X reassured, donning his brainwave amplifier once more.

The laboratory plunged into semi-darkness, the only illumination emanating from the flickering stars above and the myriad images dancing within Professor X's mind.


In the heart of Boston, as Liam parked his Maserati, a sharp pang pierced his skull.

Furrowing his brow momentarily, he caught sight of the elegant figure of the Emma in the distance. With a dismissive shrug, he trotted toward her.

"Honey, I'm home!" he called out with a grin.