
Marvel: Starting with the creation of Hydra

Guys a good Marvel fan fic, it's a TL, and for entertainment only. Real author: Mr.Mo Real Synopsis: Clark an 8 year old created a shoddy Hydra organisation with his friend in a toilet. "Gabri, it's your turn." A little boy with a strong build and a serious face handed a knife in his hand to a fat boy named Gabri. Gabri hesitated and reached out to take the knife, nervous even with the fat on his face. The flesh is trembling "Clark, do you really want to do this? Can't we just give a high five or shake hands or something?" Gabri slowly moved around his left hand with the knife, gesticulating around it, but in the end he couldn't muster up the courage to cut his finger. Many years later. The vast universe, the end of the starry sky. A desolate aura suddenly spread out, causing ripples in the space, and then he saw a door opening in the dark universe. On the other side of the door, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the edge of the door. The big blue hands had blue veins popping out on the surface. Just a hand stretched out from the door, and the terrifying aura it brought caused the entire universe to tremble, as if the entire universe was afraid of the existence on the other side of the door. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the universe "What's this?" Clark looked at the door in front of him and the big blue hand that appeared from the other side of the door, and tilted his head in confusion. The terrifying aura on the other hand's hand shocked even him. After a while later. He stepped into the door. Appearing again, people have arrived at an extremely towering tree. Behind him was a towering tree of unknown height, and where he came from was just an ordinary fruit on this towering tree. Through this fruit, Clark can even see some scenes happening inside the Marvel world "This is where I came from?!" Clark exclaimed. Then he turned around and looked at another door in the distance. Then he flew towards that direction resolutely!

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51 Chs

Chapter 261-265

Chapter 261

S.H.I.E.L.D., Director's Office.

Nick Fury opened the door and came in. As soon as he closed the door, he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, and then his vision went black, and he didn't know anything anymore.


Looking at Nick Fury who fell to the ground in front of him.

Clark, who had transformed into Mr. Hydera, smiled and grabbed his collar, dragging him and placing him on the chair behind the desk.

"Steve has finished his transformation, now it's your turn."

Looking at the black braised egg in front of him that looked like he was sleeping peacefully, Clark smiled and took out a lump of flesh and blood from the system space, then pinched Nick Fury's face, asked him to open his mouth, and took out the lump of flesh and blood. The thing was thrown in.

After the bloody ball was thrown into the mouth, it immediately squirmed and got under the throat.

Clark stepped back at this time, observing the changes on Nick Fury's body.

A minute later; under Nick Fury's skin The veins in Nick Fury's body began to tighten one by one, making him look a bit ferocious.

Two minutes later, the veins began to subside, and a cold energy began to be born in Nick Fury's body.

Three minutes later, this cold power It reached a certain peak and began to converge towards Nick Fury's blind eye.

Four minutes later; the cold breath reached its peak!

Five minutes later; everything was over and the change was completely completed!

At this time, Clark stretched out his hand He pulled up Nick Fury's eyepatch.

The eye that was originally blinded had completely changed. The white pupil turned blood red, with three commas surrounding a black one in the middle. dots

"this...Isn't this the Sharingan!"

Clark looked surprised.

The stuff he fed to Nick Fury before was called [Fantasy Dumpling]. After eating it, he could randomly awaken an ability that originally only existed in fantasy. It

's just that Clark didn't expect that Nick Fury would awaken a Sharingan!


Just one.

Not a pair!

"Show me what these eyes are capable of."

Clark probed his spiritual power into it. The Sharingan is known as the eye of spiritual reflection. It greatly increases mental power. But facing Clark's spiritual power, a mere three-magatama Sharingan is like a speck of dust. Same as facing the entire universe.

In an instant...

Clark knew the power of Nick Fury's Sharingan

"Genjutsu. Sharingan, has the ability to resist genjutsu, and...Divine power!"

I thought it was a coincidence before, but after discovering that this Sharingan actually contains divine power, Clark was completely sure that this was Kakashi Hatake's Mangekyō Sharingan! It's just the ability of the Mangekyō, not It can be used casually. Under normal circumstances, it is only the three magatama state.

Of course, Kakashi's Sharingan...

It can't be closed!

No wonder, Nick Fury was obviously in a coma, but this eye opened automatically.

"Even chakra was born. It can directly transform existing energy. It's interesting!"

Clark checked Nick Fury's condition and found that an energy suspected to be chakra was born in his body. Although the amount of this energy was not large, according to the standards of the Naruto world, it was probably the energy of an ordinary jounin.

But considering the continuous depletion of the Sharingan, Clark had to suspect that the fantasy dumpling not only brought Kakashi's Sharingan to Nick Fury, but also gave Kakashi as a gift. Nishi's chakra amount.

But Kakashi's chakra amount....

Forget it, just don't mention it!

Later, Clark checked Nick Fury's brain and determined that there was no memory of any ninjutsu or the like, and then he took back his psychic power.

Looking at the unconscious Nick Fury in front of him, Clark didn't know whether to express his good luck? Or just bad luck?

The ability of a Mangekyō Sharingan is considered a relatively powerful ability in the Marvel world, at least on earth.

But it was Kakashi's Sharingan that he awakened.

Not to mention that it can't be turned off, but the battle continuation ability is still terrible!

It has almost become Kakashi's characteristic to fall into unconsciousness due to chakra exhaustion.

In addition, it is the ability of Kaleidoscope.

Kamui, an ability involving space, is stronger than Kakashi's chakra....

Let it sit once or twice and then it's done! and!

Ordinary kaleidoscopes can cause blindness if used too much.

That's why Clark wonders, is Nick Fury good luck or bad luck?

Moreover, he has not been able to inherit Kakashi's thousands of ninjutsu

"can only say....Please be blessed!"

Clark patted Nick Fury's head, followed by a flash, and disappeared into his office.

It was only then that the various scientific instruments in the office returned to normal operation.

Previous words....

All were stopped by Clark.....

Ten minutes later.

Nick Fury, who fell on the chair, woke up faintly.

He first put a hand on his forehead, and then jumped up from the chair as if he suddenly woke up.

"who is it?!"

He scanned the entire office with his one eye.

But he didn't find anyone there.

"Sky Eye, play back the previous surveillance video!"

Nick Fury ordered with a dark face.

Sky Eye is an artificial intelligence of their SHIELD. As the director, Nick Fury took control of Sky Eye's highest authority after dealing with Pierce.

At this time, the screen in front of him A picture was projected on the screen.

It was an empty office at first, then the door opened and he saw himself walking in.


When the scene reaches this point, it jumps directly to the scene of him lying unconscious on the chair. The ten minutes in between seem to have disappeared.

"Sky Eye, where is the monitoring section in the middle?"

Nick Fury asked with a dark face.

"Sorry, sir! An unknown failure occurred in the program, and the monitoring during that period was missing."

A cold electronic synthesized voice sounded.


Nick Fury punched the table angrilyl.

Chapter 262


Nick Fury looked down in confusion.

Suddenly the pupils in his eyes shrank!

"what happened?"

He saw that there were several cracks on the solid wood desk.

And this seemed to be...

It was caused by the punch he just made!

"How can this be!!!"

Nick Fury's eyes widened.

He knew his own strength very well. Although he is known as the king of agents, he is actually just an ordinary person. He cannot be compared with those mutants with superhuman physiques. At most, he is no better than ordinary people. It's just the best among them.

When will he be able to crack this kind of solid wood table with one punch?

It was impossible for him to do it before!

Could it be that this table is old?

But it shouldn't be!

This table was obviously made half a year ago It was just replaced and made of good materials. How could it possibly deteriorate so quickly?


At this time, Nick Fury also noticed the changes in his body.

He was too focused on being knocked unconscious just now, so he didn't notice it, but when he felt it carefully now, he realized that there was an inexplicable change in his body. There is an extra strange energy

"what is this?"

Nick Fury subconsciously stretched out his hand to condense the energy in his body into his hand.

In an instant, a blue energy appeared in Nick Fury's hand, 'burning' like a flame.

"This is....Some unknown energy?!"

"So it was it that made me punch the table?"

Nick Fury carefully observed the energy in his hand. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't see the reason, so he could only give up temporarily.

"It seems that what changes is the energy in the body."

As he said that, Nick Fury removed his blindfold, and then took out a mirror from the drawer.


Don't ask why the dignified director of S.H.I.E.L.D. keeps a mirror in his desk at all times, just to organize his appearance!

Looking at his eye that was supposed to be blind in the mirror, it now turned blood red and had a strange eye with three commas. Nick Fury could not help but be stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

He reached up and touched the scar around his eye.

That's right!

The scar is still there, but what about the eyes?...

Suddenly recovered?

And it's become so weird?

"this eye...It seems to be more than just good-looking!"

Nick Fury noticed that if he focused on his left eye, he would find that everything he saw in front of him would become extremely clear, just like a person with thousands of degrees of myopia, suddenly The child returned to the same feeling as normal vision.

Not only that...

And that exaggerated dynamic vision!

He can even clearly see the trajectory of dust floating in the air, and thus determine which direction they will move in the next second, how far they will move, etc.

"What amazing eyes!"

Nick Fury couldn't help but admire.

However, he seemed to have a vague feeling that the ability of his eye was far more than that.

Dynamic vision and ultra-high-definition effects seemed to be very basic abilities, but it had more powerful ability...

He hasn't dug it out yet!

"my body....Who is it?"

Nick Fury put down the mirror and frowned. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what the purpose of the person who knocked him unconscious and then tampered with his body was.

If he wanted to harm him, the other person would It was completely possible to kill him directly.

I believe that at that moment, he had no ability to resist at all!

But the other party did not do so and even gave him this magical power. This made Nick Fury unable to guess. You've revealed the other person's thoughts!

After a while,...

"No matter what, let's test the energy in the body first."

Nick Fury walked around the desk and walked quickly outside the office.....

In the scientific research room of Trident headquarters.

Nick Fury found some technicians under SHIELD and conducted a comprehensive test on his body. He also tested the energy in his body to see if there was any harm.

After a test, it turned out that Nick Fury's body was as strong as a cow.

Not only is there nothing wrong with me, but I am healthier than ever.

As for the energy in his body, no harm has been detected. Of course, no other effects have been detected.

"Finally, there is my eye."

Nick Fury came out of the testing equipment, put on his everlasting black leather trench coat, and then lifted the eyepatch on his left eye, revealing his blood-red eye.


A young researcher passing by saw Nick Fury's left eye and couldn't help but curse.

Nick Fury frowned on the spot and looked at the female researcher in front of him with displeasure.

"Agent Simmons, what do you have against me?"

He asked with an evil look in his eyes.

"No! I don't! Gemma Simmons quickly explained nervously:"I was just too surprised to see your Sharingan, Director.""

"Sharingan? what is that?"

Nick Fury felt as if he had found the crux of the problem and asked quickly.

He did not pursue the issue of Simmons' swearing before.

"It's a kind of pupil technique in comics."Jemma pushed up her glasses and said,"When I take a break, I also watch some movies or anime that have nothing to do with my job. Director, your left eye, as far as I know, is from an anime. There will be eye skills, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan."

After the explanation, Gemma asked curiously

"Director, do you also like to watch Naruto?"

She thought Nick Fury was wearing a kind of eyeglasses.

After all, this is not a particularly unusual thing in the Naruto fan circle.


There are migrant comics like Dead Fire Sea in the Marvel world.

It's like DC Comics also exist.

Clark also knew about it before. It was many years ago. After all, he had just opened Kent Pictures at that time. He also thought about plagiarizing Dead Fire or something, but he found that the original author was already serializing it.

I gave up the idea at that time.

However, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a busy man like Nick Fury has never even read some comics from the United States, let alone comics from a country across the ocean..

It was also because of this that he did not recognize it as a Sharingan on the spot.

Most of the researchers in this laboratory were elderly, and occasionally there were a few young ones who were usually busy researching topics. , how can I have time to read comics? A super genius like Simmons can squeeze the 12 hours of an ordinary genius into less than 4 hours, so he usually has some rest time to read things that have nothing to do with the research topic. thing

"Regarding this Sharingan, Agent Simmons, please explain it in detail."

Nick Fury frowned. He had never heard of what Simmons said about comics, Naruto, Uchiha, etc., but this made him realize that the change that happened to him was very likely. There are traces to follow.

That's why he wanted to find out more about his eye through Simmons.

"Okay, Director."

Simmons nodded. As smart as she was, she gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

Obviously, their director didn't seem to understand Naruto. He didn't even know what a Sharingan was, so it was impossible for him to wear a Sharingan. Color contact lenses. Moreover, when she just passed by, she seemed to have heard that their chief was here to check her body. It seemed that there were some unknown changes in her body. So, could this Sharingan be one of them? that is....

This Sharingan is probably real!!!

Thinking of this, Simmons couldn't help but get excited.

On the one hand, she is a scientist and has a strong curiosity about such unknown things. On the other hand, she is a loyal reader of Naruto comics. She can see things that originally only existed in fantasy appear in reality, which also makes her She was very excited.

In the next half hour, Simmons not only explained to Nick Fury what the Sharingan is and what abilities the Sharingan has, but even some of Naruto's plots, as long as they were related to the Sharingan, she explained everything Read it again.

It wasn't until Nick Fury felt that he understood almost everything that Simmons, who still wanted to continue explaining, stopped.

"Agent Simmons, are you available right now?"

Nick Fury asked

"that...I still have a few jobs on hand that I haven't completed yet....."

"Then leave these tasks to others first!"Nick Fury didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and directly gave the order:"Now, there is a more important thing that requires you. This is an order!"

Hearing this, Simmons nodded.

"that...Director, what's the mission?"

"You don't need to ask this yet, just come with me."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he directly ordered the old researcher next to him to wait for the specific test report of his body to be sent over, and then took Simmons directly out of the laboratory area.

Chapter 263

SHIELD, Trident headquarters building.

Nick Fury's office.

At this time, many of SHIELD's current high-level core members have gathered here.

Including Director Nick Fury, Deputy Director Hill, Revenge Team Leader Hawkeye Barton, Intelligence Department Director Coulson, Operations Department Deputy Director Natasha, and others who were personally brought by Nick Fury and allowed to participate in this meeting

In the brand-new office of Gemma Simmons, a fifth-level agent of the Scientific Research Department , there are some tea sets and coffee tables in the rest area, and there is a small bar next to it.

Usually Nick Fury would come here to have a drink when he was upset at work.

Sometimes a little drink can make his brain calmer.

At this time, everyone was sitting here relatively relaxedly. Only Simmons looked nervous. She had never seen so many big bosses before. She straightened her body and looked straight ahead, for fear of being caught by her superiors. Find something wrong.

Coulson and the others also looked at Agent Simmons curiously.

It can be seen from the people present that this small meeting is mainly an internal meeting of some people who are relatively close to Nick Fury.

For example, Natasha, deputy director of the operations department.

Why not invite the supervisor to a meeting to discuss it together?

It's because the current head of the combat department is completely Nick Fury's person!

For an organization the size of SHIELD, even if the internal Hydra forces are eliminated, their internal situation is still very complicated. SHIELD, which claims to have hundreds of thousands of agents, has only a few internal factions. If so, I would be embarrassed to say it!

After all, the internal structure is complex and there are many factions, which makes the organization perform at a large scale.

Only those small organizations will directly have the leader speak out.

Not to mention, there is still the World Security Council as a sponsor behind S.H.I.E.L.D.

Think about it, the World Security Council has spent so much money, can they not send some people into SHIELD to get first-hand information?

In fact, to a certain extent, Hill was also sent to SHIELD by them.

Even the best one among them has the high position of deputy director!

But that's Hill's own ability!

Moreover, Hill is not the kind of person who completely obeys the orders of the World Security Council. She only serves the side of justice.

If Nick Fury made a mistake in his decision-making, she would not give him any face, point it out directly, and force him to make corrections.

But if there is a problem with the decision-making of the World Security Council, then she will choose not to obey it.

Nick Fury knew this, so he regarded Hill as his confidant and was willing to tell her some confidential things.

Because he knows that Hill will always be on the side of justice.

And her justice is for the entire human group.

It is not limited to a certain country or a certain group of people!

Therefore, in some aspects, even if some of Nick Fury's decisions will make people like Tony and Captain America criticize and dissatisfied, Hill will not say anything because she knows that Nick Fury's decisions are for the vast majority of people. Humans are good.

No one can do it all!

Nick Fury can't do it, and neither can Hill herself, so she won't use absolute requirements to demand others.

As long as the intention is good, the process does not harm too many people, and the results will bring benefits to the vast majority of people, Hill will not reject it.

In addition to Hill, there are many people sent by the World Security Council within SHIELD. the words of these people....

Nick Fury cannot be fully trusted.

In comparison, their trust level was not even as good as that of Natasha who was judged from the red room.

But this time Nick Fury fell short of his standards.

He thought Natasha was trustworthy enough.

But in fact...

Natasha had betrayed him long ago.

It's just that Natasha hid it well, and Clark never let her make any mistakes that might reveal her identity. Therefore, Natasha has gained more and more trust from Nick Fury over the years, and she has slowly gained from it. Know some secrets that ordinary senior agents cannot know.

Even though her security level is only level seven, her status within SHIELD is actually higher than most level eight agents!

Of course, it can't be compared to Coulson.

Among these people here, it is Nick Fury who is the latest to say.

It has to be Coulson!

Even Nick Fury wants to be his successor.

From this we can see how much he trusts Coulson....

In the office.

Nick Fury took a step late.

When he walked in, he was holding a set of comic books.

He temporarily asked his agents to buy it.

It is the most complete collection of Naruto comics currently available on the market.

Of course, this comic is still being serialized, so there will definitely be more content in the future, but that is for the future.


Nick Fury left these comics on the coffee table

"Take a look."

He said.

Hill and the others immediately picked up a comic on the coffee table.

Even Simmons took a comic in his hand.

At this time....

Nick Fury went to the small bar and poured a glass of wine. After drinking it in one gulp, he came over and sat down, looking at them.

"Director, do you have any special intention in showing these comics to us?"

Natasha flipped through the comic in her hand. She didn't read it carefully. She just glanced at it casually. Then she raised her head and asked.

She is not a person who likes to read comics.

Even those superheroes in the United States.

She has never watched popular comics, such as Justice League. She can watch movies. After all, it is different from comics. It only takes two or three hours to read.

It won't waste too much time!

"Wait until others have finished reading."

Nick Fury said.

Natasha shrugged and continued to read the comic in her hand.

After a while,....

Everyone put down their comic books.

All eyes were directed towards Nick Fury, the Director.

"finish watching?"

He asked.

Several people nodded.

They were all agents, and they all looked at things very quickly, and no one really looked carefully.


Except Simmons!

But that's not called watching, it's called revisiting.

After all, I've seen it before

"Now that you've read it all, let me tell you what you think."

Nick Fury said.

Coulson first said at this time:

"This comic is pretty good, but I still prefer the Captain America series."

No one paid attention to him. They all knew that Coulson was a die-hard fan of Captain America. He was the kind of die-hard fan that would never change. This guy is too affectionate, but the emphasis on feelings is because Nick Fury trusts him. one of the reasons

"Very hot-blooded, but it seems that there is a lot of dark side hidden under the hot-bloodedness."

Hill analyzed.

As an agent who is not specialized in combat, she also has a very keen sense of politics.

Just relying on the beginning and end of the comic in her hand, from the fragmentary content on it, , she saw some of the dark sides of the world in which this comic takes place

"The fighting is cool, but blood seems to be very important in this comic."

Barton expressed his opinion.

"The Uchiha clan is stupid and miserable, the Sharingan is cool, and the chakra is amazing."

Natasha said.

Seeing several people finish expressing their opinions, Nick Fury also nodded.

As for Simmons who didn't speak?

Nick Fury didn't need to know her opinion. The reason why he asked her to come was just because of her. They just know this comic better than these people here!

"Well, I tell you now that I have mastered this energy called Chakra."

Nick Fury said, stretched out his hand to gather the chakra in his body, and suddenly the blue energy burned like a flame.

"This is real?!!"

A few people looked at him in shock.

Nick Fury nodded, put away the chakra in his hand, and said:

"I don't know if that's the case, and it's there."

As he spoke, he lifted his blindfold, revealing the three magatama Sharingan in his left eye.


Are you sure this isn't some cosmetic contact lenses?

Even though they knew that Nick Fury couldn't joke about this kind of thing, the few people in front of him still felt very unbelievable.

Ability in a comic....

How could it come to reality?!

This makes them feel more incredible than any superpower, and even feels like their worldview is shattered.

After all, superpowers are also supernatural powers.

But after all, people still have some scientific basis, which can be analyzed from the genetic level and so on, so as to draw some conclusions.

But this kind of ability has been drawn in comics for a long time, and it is very nonsense no matter how you look at it....

No matter how you think about it, it shouldn't happen in reality!!!

Chakra? The combination of spiritual energy and physical energy?

What the hell is that!

Does that kind of energy really exist?

Anyway, it is difficult for them to understand.

After half an hour...

"Director, your ability...You shouldn't have cultivated it yourself, right?"

Hill asked after thinking for a while. After hearing this, Nick Fury nodded seriously.

Chapter 264

"this is...After I was knocked unconscious, I suddenly had it when I woke up."

Nick Fury said with a calm expression:

"And the location is in this office!"

"Director, what do you mean?...Someone invaded your office, knocked you unconscious, and then gave you this power?!"

Several people looked at him with very strange expressions. Did they want to complain about something or something else?

"Although this sounds very bizarre, it is indeed true."

Nick Fury nodded and said.


This is not only bizarre, it's almost like a joke!

Forget it, just invade the director of SHIELD's office.

It can also be said that the other party has superb infiltration skills and possesses sufficiently high technological means!

But sneaking into the director's office and knocking him unconscious not only did not harm him, but also gave him this magical ability. It is really...

If it weren't for the facts.

They won't believe this is true!

"Although this sounds completely illogical, since it has happened, we can only think about why the other party did this? What benefit does this do to the other party?"

Hill is a very calm woman. She will not let the surprise in her heart affect her thinking.

So she immediately thinks about what kind of benefits the other party can get by doing this.

But when all the information is confused , Under the circumstances, even if Hill thought hard, he couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was.

"The other party's purpose does not need to be considered for the time being."Nick Fury said:"What I need you to help me analyze now is about the ability that appears in me. Can I perform these ninjutsu as described in this comic?"

Before coming here, Nick Fury also read these comics.

Although he didn't read them carefully, he had already mastered some basic information. He knew that the chakra in his body was mainly used to cast a famous... Used for ninjutsu abilities.

Now he wants to know, with chakra, can he really use this ability that only exists in comics?

If possible, he wouldn't mind spending some time on this Above, in order to enhance his own strength.

Nick Fury sees many things very clearly.

Why did he form the revenge team?

It is because he has realized that the current era is undergoing a huge change.

And like Aegis Once an organization like the Bureau fails to keep up with the changes of this era, it is very likely that they will be eliminated by the next era!

He formed a revenge team and even recruited those inhumans and enhanced people.

In order to be able to keep up with this era time, so that SHIELD will not fall behind and suffer!

But these things, to put it bluntly, are external forces.

Only those things that are truly in your own hands belong to you!

Therefore, if you can really become one of those people with super powers As a member of the United States, Nick Fury will not reject it at all. Even if the origin of this ability is very questionable, he will choose to try this power instead of rejecting it because of fear in his heart!

Nick Fury is a very confident man.

He is confident that he can solve all the problems that happen to him.

Maybe he is a pawn in the hands of a certain person or organization at this time, and the target of an experiment.

But this does not stop him from reversing everything in the future.

And Nick Fury also believes that he can do it!

Clark knows Nick Fury.

He also knows how confident he is!

So he unabashedly gave Nick Fury such an ability, because he knew that Nick Fury Rui couldn't refuse, even if he knew there was a problem, he couldn't not use it!

In contrast, if the target were Steve, it would be a different situation.

So, Clark directly Steve became a woman.

This was another way to force her to understand and use her power.

After all, no man with normal orientation would want to live in this world as a woman in the future. In the world.

Guys who may find it funny for a while, or even sleazy, may snicker.

But if it never changes,....

That's another situation!

Steve and Nick Fury are people with two different personalities, and Clark used two different methods.

But in the final analysis, he just wanted them to use the power he had given them.

As long as they are used, there are two.

It's just like women's clothing, only zero and countless times.

There is no in between!....

Nick Fury and his confidants are discussing how to use this power in him.

At the same time,

Steve, who had been a woman for a few days, also stayed in Tony's villa and never went out.

Mainly because she didn't want to see the eyes of the men outside looking at her.

But she gradually discovered that living in Tony's villa was not particularly convenient.

There were even times when she felt like Tony was secretly watching her from behind.

This gave Steve a creepy feeling!

Every night when she went to bed, she would use something to block the door. After all, this was Tony's villa. Even if the door was locked, he would still be able to open it. Steve was afraid that Tony would be confused and do something stupid, so he naturally had to take precautions.

In fact, Steve was completely overthinking this.

Tony did peek at him, but it was just curiosity about a man turning into a woman.

As for the fact that Steve used things to block the door every night after taking a break, Tony also found out from Jarvis. Not to mention how ugly his expression was at that time. If Steve hadn't been in front of him at the time, he would have even wanted to curse. She is too pretentious! who is he?

Tony Stark!

A world-famous super genius and super rich man!

What kind of beauty has he not seen before?

What kind of beauty have I never touched?

As for being so defensive about him?

Who do you think Tony Stark is?!!

Tony's nose was really angry.

You even wanted to drive Steve away at one point. Since you are so worried, just get out of here, I am still waiting for you!

Chapter 265

Malibu Harbor, Coast Villa.

On this day, Clark rarely drove here.

In the past, he teleported directly here, but considering that Tony still had a female family member living in his house, it was not convenient, so he used another method.

It just so happened that he was taking Wanda and the others on vacation in Los Angeles these days.

I just took the time to stop by and have a look.

"Welcome, Mr. Kent!"


The door of the villa opened directly.

Clark walked in from the door while chatting with Jarvis

"Is Tony at home? If not, take out his precious wines first."

"Mr. Kent, Mr. Stark are in the underground laboratory."

"That's it, forget it."

Clark just said casually. He was not the kind of drunkard who was addicted to alcohol. He was just teasing Tony.

At this time, Tony in the laboratory also learned the news of Clark's arrival.

"Why is this guy here?"

Putting down the tools in his hands, Tony picked up the towel on the side and wiped his hands, then walked out of the laboratory.

In the living room on the first floor.

Clark met our beautiful woman Steve


Clark said hello with a smile.

Steve, who was sitting and reading some news content on his tablet, looked at Clark who walked in with some surprise. After subconsciously saying hello, he couldn't help but ask

"that...Are you Mr. Super?"

At this time, Clark had already walked to Tony's personal wine cabinet, found a bottle of champagne and opened it.

Hearing Steve's inquiry, he smiled and said:

"If there is no second Superman in this world, that one should be me."

Steve didn't pay attention to Clark's humor.

She was embarrassed now because she didn't know how to talk to Clark. Fortunately,

Tony came up from the basement at this time. As soon as he came up, he saw Clark drinking his treasured drink. Bottle of champagne, he rolled his eyes angrily. For some reason, he was not surprised at all. Maybe he was used to it.

"Why do you have time to come to my place?"

Tony took a wine glass, poured himself a glass of champagne, and asked casually

"Nothing, I happened to be here on vacation, so I stopped by to see you. Clark said,"How about it? The Mark 3 was developed successfully?""

"It's not that fast! Tony shook his head, took a sip of champagne and said,"It's too fast. It can be completed in two months at most!""

Talking about his Mark model mecha, Ni was very proud.

It was his masterpiece just yesterday.

A few months ago, his Mark II function was developed.

But the Mark II is just a copy of the Mark I. The overall change of the improved model is actually not big, and the size of the machine is only increased from 6.66 meters to 7.77 meters.

Tony seems to be stuck with this overlapping number.

As far as Clark knows, the machine he is developing The body size of the Mark 3 reached 12.22 meters, a very large number!

It suddenly jumped from 7.77 meters to 12.22 meters. It can be seen that the span between the Mark 3 and the Mark 2 is huge. How big!

No wonder it took so long and failed to succeed.

"Have you got the new elements?"

Clark asked.

Clark had already helped him solve the time bomb on Tony's chest, so there is no such thing as palladium poisoning.

But the energy that palladium element can provide for the first-generation Ark reactor is really limited. , after all, the size is there.

Even the Mark II has more than thirty installed on it.

And don't replace it too fast. Basically, when you go out for a fight, you have to replace less than half when you come back.

The consumption of this mecha Yes, it's really scary.

Not to mention the larger Mark 3. If we still use the first-generation Ark reactor, we may have to hit hundreds of them at once, and after one fight, it is estimated that Most of them have to be replaced, which is too expensive!

Even if Tony is so rich, he can't afford it.

Therefore, while studying the Mark 3 during this period, Tony is also studying new elements.

I hope to find a more reliable one. Good energy to replace the original Ark reactor

"It's not that simple, that's a new element!"

Tony shook his head with a grimace.

Even though he was already a genius, it was still too difficult to create a new element out of thin air!

Seeing Tony's bitter look, Clark also smiled.

Decided not to tease him anymore, and directly told him the information about the new element left by his father Howard.


Tony's eyes widened in surprise when he heard that his dead old father had left such a thing for him. After all, in his memory, Howard, a father, had never cared much about his son. He never expected that There will be such a great gift left for him!

"You heard it right, that is the gift your father Howard left for you."

Clark patted Tony on the shoulder.

"Tony, your father loves you more than you think, but he is not very good at expressing fatherly love."

Tony was silent, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond to this sudden surprise. At this time, Steve, who was sitting over there and seemed to have been forgotten by the two of them, also heard them talking about Howard and couldn't help but curious. Came over

"Tony, did Howard leave you anything?"

Steve asked.

Tony glanced at her and didn't want to talk to this guy.

Ever since he knew that this guy was so wary of her, Tony became more and more displeased with Steve.

Even though she was a very good-looking girl on the surface. She is beautiful, a beauty that fits Tony's taste perfectly, but it still doesn't stop Tony from hating this guy!

"By the way, I have been wanting to ask just now, who is this lady? Clark asked knowingly

"Tony, could this be your new girlfriend? Broke up with Pepper?"

"How can it be!!!"

As soon as Tony heard this, he was furious.

"How could this guy be my girlfriend!"Tony glared at Steve angrily, making Steve look innocent.

I didn't say what I said, why are you staring at me?

Just stare at him!

But Tony just stared at Steve.

"Yes, I'm not Tony's girlfriend, in fact I don't like men!"

Steve also emphasized at this time.