
Marvel: Son of Cyttorak

The great Cytorakk sires a son with a human woman. Will this boy of unspoken power find his way or give in to his father's destructive tendencies?

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What comes next.

a week after first taking on Orion as his student Strange came to Shang-chi once again.

" How is the boy progressing?" Strange asked the man.

" Even more so than I believed at first. The boy is a true genius in the art of battle. He's caught on to everything I've taught him in days. He's already mastered his first form of martial arts. Traditional karate." Shang-chi explained to strange.

Strange's eyes widened in shock, and he nearly dropped his tea. " It's only been a week. If that. How did he master it in such short amount of time?" Strange asked

" He catches on quickly. He may have no talent for magic, Strange. But it appears to me he was born to be a fighter." Shang replied.

" Then it seems I've made the right choice. We may be looking at the Thor of tomorrow." Strange joked.

" Maybe. But for now, I think he is still too young to go out into the field. I will continue his training for three more years. Then it'll be up to you to help him from there." Shang-Chi said to Strange before getting out of his seat and walking away.

Outside Orion was still practicing hard on his new form of martial arts Shinken-ryu Chugoku Kenpo/ God fist style Chinese martial arts. Orion's body had changed slightly from when Strange had first found him. The boy's body had been to show signs of muscle growth. He was still fairly slim, but leaner than before.

" Hm! Hm! HAAA!" Orion yelled. He punched the air twice before tucking his left fist towards his right arm and thrusting out with his right. " HAAAH!" Orion stomped on the ground and cracked it below as he assumed his fighting stance.

" Destroy it. Destroy it all." Cyttorak whispered into Orion's mind.

Orion's breathing became erratic, and his anger started rising. But before he could act, he took a deep breath and calmed himself. " No more voices." Orion whispered before continuing his training.

Over the next three years, Orion would continue to grow bigger and stronger. And so would the whispers of Cyttorak. However, thanks to the training he received from both Strange and Shang-Chi, Orion became able to resist the urges to destroy, but even that couldn't last forever.

" Are you sure about this, Strange?" Shang-Chi asked Strange as he listened to the man's proposal.

" I think it is necessary. He's focused on his training too much. He's still a young man. I believe having the chance to grow alongside others his age will be perfect for him." Strange replied to the man as he wiped the sweat forming on his forehead.

" Strange? I may not be the most social person myself. But I'm good at telling what a person is feeling. And all I can feel from you right now is fear. So, what has changed after three years that makes you think this would be a good change for the boy?" Shang-Chi asked calling strange out on his bs.

Strange side-eyed Orion in the yard training his body now firm and muscular like a beast. " Orion asked me to find his father. Something I had been putting off for a long time." Strange replied.

" Is that it? You can't find the boy's father? You believe you failed him and now wish to hide that fact?" Shang-Chi asked the man. Seeing the look on Strange's face Shang knew there was something else. " No. It's more than that isn't it? You did find the boy's father. Didn't you?" Shang-Chi surmised.

" I did." Strange replied.

" And you're afraid." Shang asked.

" Try absolutely terrified." Strange responded.

" Well, who is it?" Shang asked.

" I don't think."

" Strange, you asked me to train the boy. And I did. Now, I am asking you who his father is. And you must tell me." Shang replied.

" His strength, his power, his rage. His tendency for destruction. His ability to adapt in a fight. The boy is nothing less of a monster. And now."

" And now you believe you should have killed him when you had the chance." Shang spoke, finishing Strange's thought for him. " But you have still dodged my question. Who in the universe do you fear so intensely? Who is the boy's father?" Shang-Chi asked.

" He is the son of the demon god of destruction, Cyttorak." Strange answered the man.

" I see. I've since heard of Cyttorak. I believe the one called Juggernaut is one of his avatars, right?" Shang asked.

" Yes, indeed. The Juggernaut does possess a small fraction of Cyttorak's power. But this boy goes beyond being a simple avatar of destruction. By all means he too is a god of destruction. Or a Demi-god anyway." Strange explained. " Which means he possess more of Cyttorak's power than Juggernaut ever has."

" And that is bad. I can see that. But that is why we trained the boy. To guide him away from the purpose he was likely created for. To give up on him now would only further push him towards his father wouldn't you agree?" Shang asked the man.

" You are right. But I still believe this change would be good for him. Allow him to make friends and grow not just as a warrior. But as a person." Strange explained.

" And I agree. I've already taught him everything I could to ensure he could defend himself." Shang replied.

" Very well. Thank you for assisting me all these years Shang-Chi. I've already requested Hank for his admission. I'm sure you'll want to say your goodbyes. I will join you both shortly. I have preparations to make." Strange explained to the man before vanishing.

Moments later.

" So, I'm going back to school? After all this time. Are you sure that's all right?" Orion asked, his deep voice and smooth.

" It's entirely your choice. But I believe this is what you need. To be around people your age who know what you're experiencing." Strange explained to the boy. " This school is meant for people like you. To raise the heroes of the next generation. The next Avengers."

Orion turned and looked out at the rising sun and pondered his decision before speaking again. " I guess I could give it a chance. When do I leave?" Orion asked.

" Right now." Strange replied. He waved his hands and all of Orion's things appeared next to him.